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Posts posted by A_C

  1. Just checking in again ... congratulations to all the new approvals!!!

    I haven't gotten my card yet, but I am hoping it will arrive some time this week.

    This morning (@10.30am ET) I got another email from CRIS stating the following:


    Current Status: Approval notice sent.

    On April 7, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this CRI89 PETITION TO REMOVE CONDITIONS OF PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS RECEIVED. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

    Didn't see anyone else posting sth like that, but it looks like nothing to worry and they just seem overly communicative lately ;)

    My last touch was also changed to Apr 08 - kinda weird they are still 'working' on the case after they ordered the card. They better not be changing their mind about it :devil:

  2. Uaaaaah - I GOT APPROVED!!! No, it is NOT a joke!!! I kept checking my account yesterday, nothing was there. Just got in the office though and saw an email saying card production has been ordered. My last touch is dated April 1sth, however the card was apparently ordered on March 31st. The email was sent out at 9:29am today - so just about an hour ago.

    I'm HAPPY now :)

    Good luck to all you fellow TCS losers - it seems that somebody finally got a hold of that pile and the approvals will be pouring in!! :thumbs:

  3. Congratulations! :thumbs:

    While I am glad to see that at least some of the transferees are getting approved - it really makes me wonder HOW, if at all, they are sorting their applications to at least pretend there is any fairness ...

    I am definitely NOT applying for citizenship - I refuse to feed this inefficiency with even a cent ... I just hope I get this over with soon so I can at least have a 10 year break from this #######!

  4. Still no news here, it's been exactly a month now since the last touch.

    As someone mentioned above .. so far, the whole procedure did not affect me at all - except for being impatient and just wanting to get it over with ;) That's why I haven't been too bothered hearing of people getting approved left and right who filed months after I did, as long as I had reasonable hope that I would get my docs before my GC runs out.

    HOWEVER, I am quickly approaching the end of my extension notice and now I AM starting to get pissed off big time that I have to make arrangements to go to some stinky office again to fix something that should not have happened in the first place. I have a job and ALL my family is overseas, so I cannot and do not want to go without valid documents for any day (murphy's law, ya know ...). On top of that, I just found out that apparently I have to go to Louisville, KY for Infopass. Can I pick the office myself??? My fingerprints were done in Cinci, OH - the drive would be the same, with the advantage that I would hit up the newly opened IKEA in Cinci, which would make me much happier :devil: Anyone know how it goes with the local office?? Can I call somewhere to get an app at a different office than the suggested one??

  5. Well, I just got off the phone with USCIS :wacko: I told them I'm outside the processing window and havent heard anything and dont know what is going :whistle: Surprisingly, the girl didnt try to argue that I was still within their window (like it was during last calls), but took all my information and put in another service request, including notes that my extension is about to expire and that I had no response for my previous service request (which is not quite true, but I considered the answers useless so that equals "havent received information" for me :innocent: ).

    Now it's the usual ... in 30 to 45 days I should receive a response to my service request, bla bla. Asked her what I am supposed to do if GC expires before I hear anything --> go to local office and get a stamp for another year. Good thing it's 'only' an hour away and an IKEA opened up there today, so I can at least get some use out of the trip.

    I didnt bother asking any other questions of what is going on, since by now I KNOW they dont know anything ... My only hope is that, maybe, but only maybe, they will have to go look for the file to fulfill the service request and then will just throw it on top of the piles on sb's desk, instead of putting it back in the bottomless box :devil:

    I'll keep you posted if I hear anything new.

  6. ANYWAY . . . would somebody stalk A_C so we get the word as soon as she is approved? She's also actually the only one outside the posted VSC processing time.

    Wow, did I reach such a celebrity status that I am being stalked now :help:

    Well, unfortunately no news from my side, last touch was still Feb 25. I am thinking about calling in, but then again I am not past the "30 days" to really be outside the processing window (I assume I should use VCS times now). And also I had heard from them during the last 60 days. So I think I will spare myself the useless call and wait a little longer. I AM starting to get a bit worried though because I am running out of time end of April. Does anyone know what I am supposed to do?? Will I be considered 'illegal' ?? :whistle: I have a job and would like to be able to travel, so I need sth to have in hands to show my legal status.

    Thanks for any info and I'll keep you posted if I finally get some news, no worries ;)

  7. Hm, still no updates from here ... I'm not even gonna bother trying to figure out what is going on, but just want to get prepared for 'worst case' scenario. My extension is expiring end of April - does anyone know how to go about getting this extended?? Do I need to set up an infopass app at the local office and can get a stamp easily? I highly doubt I will get the card in time, so I think I need to start thinking of alternatives - what a ridiculous game this is ... :ranting::protest:

  8. Adding Pici0274

    Given the touching pattern, I wonder if we've been sorted through and handed out among adjudicators. Where's A_C? He should be the first indication that we're either being actively processed or in a box in the back corner of a closet somewhere.

    Here I am :whistle: Btw, I'm not a "He" but a "She" - just for clarification :devil:

    Well, I didn't receive any emails from USCIS, BUT I just logged in to check on my file and, indeed, last touch was Feb 25!! I'll try to keep an eye on it more often to keep you all informed, after all, I am the leader of the loser list :dance:

  9. My status hasn't been updated since Feb 04 - and after reading that a lot of you have received sth on 14th I started to freak out. 'Glad' to hear though there are some others that have not heard anything since the "Transferred" notice :unsure:

    Btw, I feel special to be leading the list of the TCS aka VSC loosers now :thumbs::crying:

    All hail A_C, King of the TSC-VSC Losers®!

    But since you haven't been touched since 2/4, I have no idea what the significance is of you and others not getting the 2/14 notice that the petition was received by VSC. Obviously not a chronological thing.

    Maybe there were two pickup trucks from TSC, and the one carrying your petition broke down somewhere in Kentucky.

    I think sb from the USCIS is lurking around in this forum - just as I posted that I haven't received anything, a few hours later I got the same email that some of you were lucky enough to receive a week ago :thumbs: So my last 'touch' is stated to be Feb 22 with Status: "This case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred". The email was dated today @9:45am.

    Not like this is much good news, but now I at least feel a little less of a loser - after all they didn't leave me behind :blush:

  10. So is TSC still transferingto CSC?

    I'm sending out my packet this week :P

    Actually, TSC recently started transfering to VSC instead. I don't know why because VSC has been taking 6 months or so, while CSC was knocking them out in 2-3 months from NOA1.

    I just got an email (almost fell off my couch to see an email from USCIS) saying that my case was transferred to Vermont! :angry: ####### ????!!!!! Their processing times are even longer than TCS :angry: Looking on the bright side of life, at least the case got a chance to get dusted :wacko: Has anyone else been dumped to Vermont or knows what this is all about??

  11. Here is the reply to my service request that I received a few weeks ago.

    Request was put in on Sept 25, reply is dated Oct 23.

    The status of this service request is:

    Based on your request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 month of this letter, please call customer service at the number provided below.


    6 months from the date it was sent is EXACTLY when my 1 year extension of the GC is expiring :unsure:

    "additional review" ... hm, that doesn't sound good. I think I'll start gathering info and contact a senator to look into it after the holidays. :help:

  12. @James: thanks for the warm welcome to the round of losers - I feel right at home :dance:

    Well, here is my recent encounter with the USCIS:

    Bursting with enthusiasm after waking up too early this morning I decided to start my day by talking to the always friendly and informative people at the USCIS.... "if your case is outside the processing window please press 9, then 1, then 2, clap your hands the number of months you've been waiting for a reply and voila - we are right here at your service" - wow, that was easy, I actually got to speak to a real person (although a machine might have been smarter in this case, but oh well .. it's the thought that counts :thumbs: ).

    Stating my concerns that it has been over 7 months since my NOA and I have not seen any activity on my application, I find myself trying to understand that "6 months" can mean soo many different things. Since it doesn't have a date for cases that are currently being processed, it is impossible to tell what "6 months" means and could be from any date, so I am told :blink: Well, I sure hope it isn't from Easter of 05 ... :bonk: Oh, and while we are one on one, I am also told the breaking news that apparently the different departments don't communicate very well and don't know what's going on. Duh, you think - I didn't know that yet, so I thought I better share that with you all! :secret:

    Well, after wasting some more time discussing what "6 month" could actually refer to, I finally received a ~20 digit confirmation number for my inquiry that I am supposed to recite in a month if I have not heard anything by then ... :ranting: arrrrrgh

  13. I've been pretty lucky so far with K1, AOS ... but now I finally get to experience the inefficiency of USCIS :angry:

    You can add me to the list of TCS list of losers...

    filed: some time in February

    NOA1: Feb 21 2007

    Biometrics: some time in march

    Last updated (=touched?): March 19 2007

    Since I am past the 6 month + 30 days, I'll try calling some time this week (not like I expect them to do much else than read the case status which I can access online :bonk: ).

    My conditional GC expires in April 08 with the 1 year extension, so I am not too worried yet. What difference does another piece of paper make when I already have to travel with a whole filing cabinet ... :wacko:

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