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Posts posted by jennac13

  1. Hey :)

    So sorry if this has been asked but I cannot find it anywhere. Got my biometrics appointment letter in the mail.. all good. However, they want me to bring photo ID. I have plenty of photo ID in my maiden name, however my AOS and EAD applications are in my new married name. I will bring my photo ID plus a marriage certificate plus my Social Security card with my new name on it.. I am just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if it will be ok. I don't have a state ID coz apprently in Texas you cannot get that until you have your EAD.. same with drivers license!

    I live an hour away and since I am not allowed to drive I have to put other people out to get me there so I am just hoping it wont be a wasted trip!


  2. Hey all!

    Well I made it safely to the USA and am so happy to be back with my beautiful Zach :)

    I am feeling some what depressed right now though as I feel like the US government is trying to keep me from doing anything in the next few months :(

    I just went to the Texas DMV to enquire about getting a drivers licence and I was informed that I cannot even take the written test until I have a greencard! I didn't have a full licence in my home country. Has nayone else come across this and is there another way to get around it? It is bad enough that I cannot work for awhile, let alone go anywhere!

    Thanks in advance for any help :)


  3. Oh my gosh that is AWFUL :angry:

    I had a RFE and on that letter, they gave me a date which I needed to get everything to them. I think it was 3 months.... Firstly I think you should contact the service center you are using and explain about that stupid lawyer and what they did to you, then go from there... but pester the service center. DON"T GIVE IN.. it must have been so long since you have been together :(

    Also, from my experience and a lot of other people's on here, I really think a lawyer is a waste of money and unnecessary... now that you have found this website you wouldn't miss a thing doing it without a lawyer. Everyone here is willing to ask any question, no matter how silly and if you look up at the top of the page, there are guides to help you, plus embassy info for your fiance's country...!

    I hope that things work out. From my experience, as soon as they had the RFE the whole process moved along very fast!

    GOODLUCK xox :thumbs:

  4. Hey all!

    I would just like to let you know that this morning I received my visa and "brown envelope" fro the NZ Consulate! They were so great to me and were aware that I had a flight out of here next Tuesday so they got to work and made sure my visa was ready before I left! Thank god for caring people... :) :) :)

    During my interview, the lady that was going through all my paperwork began talking to me basicaly about the next 3 years of my life... she gave me some great advice that although could already be on this forum.. I haven't seen it yet. When you arrive at POE and they take your brown envelope from you.. ASK THEM WHERE THEY ARE GOING TO SEND IT! The reason for this is because when you apply for your AOS, you need to send all of that paperwork to the same place as where your brown envelope goes!

    For all those out there who are just getting their NOA2... it has just gone a month since I got mine and I am going to be back with my babe in just a few days so stay positive.. you are on the fast track now! :thumbs:


  5. On the front page it says that a notorary or person who can administer oaths can sign off on this form but every notary I have taken the form to has told me they can't sign it. Is that true or do they just not know? I have went to several banks and even made a trip to the court house to get a judge to do the oath but was told that is not possible. What do I need to do to get this paper completed? :help:

    My fiance just took it to the bank where a Notary worked, and got it signed fine... maybe show them the instructions where it says to get a notary to sign it. I don't know why they wouldn't be comfortable doing it? :blink:

  6. Hey all ~

    My fiance has filled out the I-134 and he is earning WELL over the poverty guidelines.. however he only just started this job two weeks ago. We have gotten a letter from his employer and he will send pay stubs as soon as he gets them. I was wondering though, is it wise to have his parents co-sponser. I am only asking this because I saw a post from someone who's sponser was in the same situation, and at the interview the beneficiary had to come back another day with a co-sponser.

    We lived together last year and earnt just over the guidelines with our combined income.. but only by a scratch. I have bank statements but not anything official from the bank as they are taking too long. My fiance has aso sent me last years tax forms...

    Thanks in advance!

  7. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL.... at a time when you would think that people are slowing down for Christmas.. we are all getting approved and things are going faster than ever!!

    I received and sent off Packet three yesterday and made a medical appointment. The earliest they had was Jan 8th :( I was sad because a long time ago when I was naive about this whole process, I booked tickets to return to the US on Jan 16th. But today I get a call from the medical center and they had a cancellation! And they CALLED me! Wow :) :) So I am going today for my medical and will hopefully get an interview date SOON! :dance:

    Plus the Consulate in NZ have made a special note that I would like to leave the country by Jan 16th so they are going to see that when they book my interview and I may get there on time!

    It is so good to hear that things are moving along for everyone else now... I know we all can't wait to be back with the love of our life and I think this new years is going to bring A LOT of happiness for a lot of people on this forum. :thumbs:

  8. Just got an email from NVC saying they have sent my case on to the US Embassy or US Consulate :dance: Wohoo!

    I do have a question though... I had emailed them because my US fiancee has just gone back and started a new job, and I was changing his mailing address. They said that the case I was inquiring about has already been forwarded to New Zealand and to change the address with them. My question is, will Zach get mail from NVC or the US Consulate in New Zealand? I isn't too much of a stress because the old address is his parents, but we were just wondering if he is to expect anything?

    The only reason I emailed to change it and not him (for those of you wondering) is because he is working long hours and is very busy, while I sit here on my bum waiting waiting waiting!

    Thanks everyone!

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