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Posts posted by OscaN

  1. 1 hour ago, fcotoram said:

    Hola! Sabeis si vuestro last case updated cambió antes de recibir el packet3 o 4 en el case status tracker? El mío cambió hoy como última actualización del caso y espero que eso signifique que voy a recibir el packet3 en esta semana, al menos ... ojalá!

    Hola, si cambio y al otro día recibimos las instrucciones vía email. Te debe estar al llegar. Suerte!! 

  2. 5 minutes ago, fcotoram said:



    Alguna noticia? Yo sigo sin el packet 3. Les contactaré la semana que viene a ver q tal.

    Hola, enviales in email. Nosotros seguimos esperando por el paquete 4 justo hace una semana que enviamos la informacion requerida en el 3. Ayer envie un email y hoy me contestaron que no han procesado todavia que en cuanto lo hagan me envian la autorizacion para fijar la entrevista. Saludos

  3. 1 hour ago, fcotoram said:

    Hey! Yo estoy esperando el P3 ... no sé qué hacer, les mandé un email pero me dijeron que tengo que esperar a que procesen mi caso y me enviarán instrucciones. Meh


    a ver lo que tardan ... recibieron mi caso hace una semana


    1 hour ago, fcotoram said:

    Hey! Yo estoy esperando el P3 ... no sé qué hacer, les mandé un email pero me dijeron que tengo que esperar a que procesen mi caso y me enviarán instrucciones. Meh


    a ver lo que tardan ... recibieron mi caso hace una semana

    Hola, con nosotros tardaron 21 dias. A la semana yo escribi preguntando y me respondieron asi mismo que tenia que esperar a que procesaran mi caso y me avisarían. Mi fiance les escribio en Ingles el lunes y contestaron ayer miércoles un email con las instrucciones del paquete 3. Lo imprimí y ayer mismo lo envié. Suerte!

  4. 1 minute ago, Alvy91 said:

    You will get an email confirmation. I had the Madrid embassy corroborate it for me:


    "Recibirá la autorización a través de correo electrónico, espere a recibirla para poder fijar su fecha de entrevista.


    Un saludo.


    IV Unit Madrid."

    MRW acaba de enviarme un texto de que lo acaba de entregar. Espero recibir la confirmacion del consulado  por email. Se necesita eso para poder hacer la cita y tambien el examen medico.

  5. 1 hour ago, Alvy91 said:

    Hi. I waited for packet 3 for a very long time (over a month) and I never got it in the mail. Then I decided to email the embassy in Madrid and they told me I didn't need to wait for packet 3 to send them all the documents listed in the checklist. They also attached a digital copy of packet 3 so I could fill out the last page. Hope to hear soon about packet 4!


    1 hour ago, Alvy91 said:

    Hi. I waited for packet 3 for a very long time (over a month) and I never got it in the mail. Then I decided to email the embassy in Madrid and they told me I didn't need to wait for packet 3 to send them all the documents listed in the checklist. They also attached a digital copy of packet 3 so I could fill out the last page. Hope to hear soon about packet 4!

    Hello, how long have you been waiting for packet 4? 

  6. On 2/7/2018 at 12:07 PM, SONIA AND MICHAEL said:

    Hola a todos, mi nombre es Sonia, y estoy en pleno proceso de espera de mi NOA2, ahora voy por casi 4 meses de espera, y bueno, realmente imagino que tengo que esperar unos dos meses mas aproximadamente. Mientras espero, voy a preparar los documentos que si todo va bien , debo llevar a la entrevista en la embajada.... una duda que tengo (bueno tengo muchas,.... lol), es el tema de la apostilla o legalización de los documentos, he leído de todo, que debo llevar todos los certificados  legalizados y también he leído que solo el Certificado de penales.....  alguien puede hablarme de esto, según vuestras experiencias?. 

    Gracias y un saludo!!!


    Hola, para el NOA 2 son como unos 6 meses aproximadamente. De los papeles que vas a necesitar para enviar a la embajada de los Estados Unidos en Madrid son:

    DS-160 (que aplicas cuando ya estas esperando el paquete 3),

    Certificado de nacimiento (original y copia),

    antecedentes penales (de todos los paises donde has vivido mas de 6 meses)(original),

    fotocopia de la hoja de biografía del pasaporte, divorcios(si aplica)(original y copia),

    1  foto 5x5,

    afidavit que hace tu fiance en los Estados Unidos lo firma y te lo envía (la planilla se baja de la pagina de USCIS no cuesta nada el lo llena lo firma y te lo envía junto con el ultimo incometax, w2, y si quieres carta del banco con el saldo actual.)

    Todo eso lo vas a enviar al consulado junto al paquete 3 que ellos te envian o por correo o por email. 

    buena suerte!!

  7. 3 hours ago, Ire said:

    Hey! I will have the same problem in the future cause one letter in my address is missing . I am from Vigo, October filer. Mmm, maybe e-mail them again...??? Who isn't accepting calls? Even this number 911238866?

    Hi, I got an email today with instructions packet 3. To communicate with the US embassy is only by email. 

  8. Hello,

    I still waiting for packet# 3 from the US embassy in Madrid. We just realized that we missed a number in the adress when we were filling the I-129F. In the NVC website said: READY. They are not accepting phone calls, so I emailed them 2 days ago and no answer yet. I don't know what to do. Any advice will be appreciate. Thanks

  9. On ‎1‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 11:48 AM, annelle said:

    I'm confused...do where does it say you have an expiration date for the interview?

    Hi, I'm from Spain and I have been waiting for packet 3 since march 19. My fiancé is in Miami and when she called NVC they told her that we have to wait for the embassy to contact us. I am desperate since we already plan our wedding to be on June 9. We emailed the embassy today lets see what they say about the status of our case. Please how long it took your fiancé between NVC approved and the embassy mailed  packet 3?

    Thank you


  10. 40 minutes ago, kris&me said:

    Are they still sending packets?

    for our interview all the informaiton  plus letter to take to embassy was in an email

    Yes, in Spain you need to wait until they sent you the packet 3 to sent them back all the documents and after one more week they sent you packet 4 that authorize you to pay de visa fee and schedule the interview.

  11. 5 hours ago, Kari & Atti said:

    My fiancée said that once he pays the visa he gets the letter to schedule the interview. Did you pay for your visa already?


    5 hours ago, Kari & Atti said:

    My fiancée said that once he pays the visa he gets the letter to schedule the interview. Did you pay for your visa already?

    No, we can not pay until they authorize you to do it. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Kari & Atti said:



    Try this link. This is how we did it. Let me know if it works for you please. 

    Hi,  I tried but it is not working for me. In order to select a date for the interview you must have received the letter from the embassy with the autorization to do so (Packet 4).

    The only way to contact the embassy is via email. I will email them tomorrow. Thank you

  13. 2 minutes ago, AL-MJD said:

    Oooo, the website said Ready!


    So here is my experience, when I called NVC for my case number, the officer told me that my case number was assigned and my case was in transit to my home-country's U.S. consulate.


    He also mentioned that from here on out, if there are any questions or if I don't receive my packet 3, I should direct my enquiries to the embassy. He added that I will have to include my case number in my inquiry.


    Fortunately, I never needed to follow those instructions, maybe you should? Seeing as the online status is ready for so long.

    Thank You! I will email them on Monday.

  14. Hello , I have been waiting for packet # 3 for 18 days. The NVC sent them to the embassy in Madrid since March 19. At the website said : READY. Does anyone knows how long it can takes until they mail the packet? I already apply for DS-160, and I have all the paperwork ready. Should I email the embassy or just wait?. Appreciate any advice.


  15. Hello , I have been waiting for packet # 3 for 18 days. The NVC sent them to the embassy in Madrid since March 19. At the website said : READY. Does anyone knows how long it can takes until they mail the packet? I already apply for DS-160, and I have all the paperwork ready. Should I email the embassy or just wait?. Appreciate any advice. Thanks


  16. 7 minutes ago, payxibka said:

    Have you looked at the Embassy website for next step instructions?  That is always the best place to look now that the petition is heading to Madrid

    Yes, DS-160 online and print confirmation page, passport, divorce, police record, medical, affidavit, 2 pictures, and evidence of relationship.

    The only thing that i did not understand is if I have to wait until package #1 arrive or I can complete form DS-160 and make an appointment for medical? 

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