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Posts posted by visajourney1

  1. Hello, 


    I have a immigration visa category IR1. 


    I have a job interview scheduled and I’ll be travelling to the US for this interview specifically. 


    I have not entered the US on my new visa yet. 


    Is there any reason for the immigration agents to refuse to stamp my I-551 in my passport becuase I was seeking employment before I officially have the “green card”. 


    Just dont want to be surprised when they ask what are you doing here, and I say to activate my green card and for a job interview, then they pull me to one side and deny me entry! 


    I can’t see how this would be an issue but wanted to make sure. 

  2. Thank you all for your replies. 



    If you mean is she domiciled in the US?  Yes


    When we initially applied for the visa, we were able to prove she has maintained her domicile in the US, even whilst she was temporarily living with me in the UK. She is still in the UK. 


    When she entered recently, it was to visit family. But also to meet with her new employer (which never ended up happening). 


    I very specifically asked the Immigration officer if “my wife is required to be with me, or required to be in the US at the time” they said no. I did not mention domicile or us both living in the UK however. I did mention that this would be my first entry into the US on this visa. 


    By defualt the visa requires your partner to be either domiciled in the US, or have a supporting US citizen to form part of the afradavid of support such as her family. 


    Since my my wife is also the afradavid of support, becuase she has proven domicile in the US, I would imagine I’m not technically going AHEAD of the US petitioner as she technically never “left” the US in the eyes of the government. 



  3. So it doesn't matter that she was in the US yesterday (she flew back to the UK today). She has to physically be in the US at the time of my entry! ? 


    So if we got her a cheap flight somewhere to the US that would be ok? 




    for some reason I was under the impression I could no longer get a ESTA if I have I-551 in my passport! 

  4. Hi,


    So I (alien from UK) am travelling next week to the US to activate my I-551 and for a interview. I will be leaving the US 48hrs later and return to the UK. My wife (US petitioner) will not be with me at the time I enter the US for the first time with this new visa. I only just noticed this very troubling note on the UK-US embassy website. 


    "You may not enter the United States to take up residence ahead of the U.S. Citizen petitioner"



    What does this mean????????



    My wife is still currently in the UK but has already began the process to relocate to the US. She has a job offer in the US. We were also able to convince the US Embassy that she had maintained her domicile in the US even though she was living in the UK.



    Can I enter the US with my I-551 for the first time without my wife??????????


    I only want to come to the US for the interview! 



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