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Posts posted by dish123

  1. Ok, my name is Larry Dishman II, I am 27 years old, from San Antonio, Texas. In my younger years I made some bad decisions in life that cost me my freedom, a clean record, trust from loved ones, and so much more. However now that I am 27 years old with my first child and fiance, Ive turned everything around(with the help my from my family). I now am living life the life intended for me to live, abiding by the laws of the land, working, and handling my business as a man(supporting my child and fiance). The only thing I am missing, is my child and fiance! My fiance is from the Netherlands, born and raised. I met her while she was here visiting her family on the ESTA visa waiver program. During her stay we both fell in love and that's just that. I could give you the whole run down on how it happened but then I'd be writing a whole book and not just a brief summary. Any who, my fiance, Gabriela, had to return to her country because of the visa waiver only enables a person to stay 90 days at a time. So she went back to the Netherlands and I waited for her return. By this time i was very acquainted with her family, and we were all excited that she was coming back Stateside. In a way her mom loved me so much because I was the reason her daughter was considering on moving the States, and she always wanted her daughter here. So finally, on December 1st 2014 there i was at JFK International Airport picking up my European girlfriend, butterflies filled my stomach as i waited. We reunited and started off right back where we had left off: being young, and in love. I know it sounds like something from a movie, and it felt like it too. That's what made it even more intense. So now a month goes by and it is now my 24th birthday and Gabriela is feeling sick, feeling symptoms of being with child. I figured, no way, she's just being young and dramatic.." Boy was i wrong, turns out Gabriela was indeed pregnant! I didn't know how to take the news. I always wanted a child, I mean, what man doesn't want a boy to teach and raise up. But at the same time, I didn't believe it, even after seeing 2 pregnancy test. Then I realized, oh sh**, she's really pregnant. So i called my father back home for advice. At this time I had outstanding warrants back home in Texas, and my father convinced me that I should get those taken care of so i can be a good, supporting father, and husband to Gabriela. Because how i was raised, if you start a family with a woman, you stay with that woman, you love that woman, and you demonstrate your appreciation for that woman, simply because she is the one who carries your seed into this world. So it wasn't a hard thing for me to grasp mentally once i accepted the fact she's really pregnant. Now, here's the twist. February approached and Gabriela is coming to her 90 day visitation limit. I had a decision to make, A. keep my pregnant girlfriend here illegally, or B. send her back to the Netherlands and have faith in the system. My father, being the retired US Army Veteran he is, has faith in the system, not just because he is American, but because he was on the front line in the war zone, fighting for the system. So he gave me sound advice and i chose to do things the right way. Gabriela departed again to the Netherlands, and it was such a hard thing to do, let my pregnant girlfriend go across the Atlantic Ocean. Now, I go straight back to Texas. As soon as i arrive my father lines me up with a job making $10 an hour washing dishes. I saved every penny. Eventually the time came to turn myself in and I had money saved for my attorney. I become an inmate in May 2015 and was released on bond(with an ankle monitor) in July. Now, during my first week in jail, Gabriela was supposed to return on the ESTA visa waiver however, she was turned around by customs because they seen she was pregnant, and they determined that she was coming with the intentions on living in America. So everyday im stressing in jail about my pregnant girlfriend who was so far away. We corresponded through my family's email. She would email them a letter for me, they'd print it out, then send it to me in jail. Talk about using your resources! So July comes, I get released, go back to work, knowing that I will still have to go back in to do my time. The whole reason for bonding out was because we had to start the K1 visa process, something that i'd never heard of a day in my life. So we hired an immigration lawyer with the help from my father and we got everything in motion. Time goes by, and Gabriela is now as big as a house, carrying my extremely healthy son. Before we all knew it, the boy was ready to make his depute on Earth. On September 25 2015 my son Larry Edward Mojica(his last name isn't Dishman yet because the laws in the Netherlands require the child to get mothers name if the father isn't present to sign birth certificate). He was 8lbs 14oz came out active as ever. 100% perfect, healthy kid. His mother did a great job. So here i am, a father for the first time, and cant even hold my child because of mistakes i made in my past, which prevented me from getting a passport and traveling internationally. Talk about life lessons.. So i video chat with Gabby and Larry daily and bond as best as i can. All this time im working and saving money, knowing that my day was coming. Then sure enough, I was sentenced and ended up doing 14 months being "rehabilitated" by TDCJ. During my incarceration, we got horrible news, Gabriela's visa got denied because of some petty theft she did when she was a teenage girl, shoplifting.. Im like, are you kidding me?? We bringing in all types of terrorist related people in through this "great refugee" program and my fiance gets denied over some pants that cost not even 30 euros. wow! just my luck, luck of the Irish as my old man says. So now, next step, applying for the I601 waiver which i realized is just another way for the government to get your hard earned money. So we went through the whole waiver journey, stayed in compliance, did everything that they asked of us. Crossed all of our T's and dotted all of our I's, just knowing that the waiver would be approved. Sure enough, it got approved! We were ecstatic at this moment! All this patience and loyalty finally was paying off. My family will be with me soon where they belong! So then, back to waiting on her interview with the consulate in the Netherlands. During this time I was bless with a job that i didn't deserve(according to my criminal background) making 50k a year with benefits. I am doing superb at my job, not taking anything for granted. Sending Gabriela money every week. When I got paid, she got paid, just how it should be. So we are thinking that things were falling into a place and the end of this journey was among us. NOPE. January 30 came around and the immigration officer decides to not only deny my fiances visa, but also disrespect her in the process. He said things like, "why would you want to be in a relationship with a criminal," and "how could yall possibly still be in a relatonshp after 3 years." WOW! Really? Hmm, being that he is a diplomatic worker i'd figured he'd seen people separated from their families and still making it work. You just dont give up because your loved one is temporarily gone. I seen it my entire childhood with my father being deployed, first Desert Storm(was in my mothers womb), then Korea in 1994, then small deployments here and there. Then 9/11 happened and he was in Iraq more then he was at home! So believe me, i seen first hand how to keep a grasp on you woman and household from across the Atlantic Ocean. But this character, whom some how got the title of immigration officer has the audacity to say these things to my fiance. She had all evidence present. Pictures, money transfer recepts, screenshots of 3 years worth of messages between me, her, her family, and mine as well. She had my son's American Passport, CRBA, avidvt stating I am taking care of them and so on and son. You name it, we had it, with extra copies to go with it. Talk about  a smack in the face. The one time i decide to put my trust in the system and this is the outcome.. But i don't stuck there like the simple minded would. I keep pressing. My immigration attorneys filed formal complaints, I have sent several emails, my father, and Gabby has as well. We are staying proactive because we all know that this character had no legitimate reason to deny it. And then he didn't give her instructions to follow up on(which is customary when you get a denial). He was unprofessional, and out of line. Denied my fiance based off of my criminal history.. I'm an American! My past shouldn't have been used against me in this situation. Literally. The laws are made to keep people away from their loved ones. So now this poor excuse of an American diplomat and his poor judgement has inflicted pain, struggle, and heartache upon 3 Americans. Myself, but I'll accept that, Im just a criminal right. 2nd, my son, but ok, I guess he has to deal with the sins of his father, right? 3rd, my father, SFC Larry Dishman who retired after 26 years of serving this country that this character poorly represents. Retired with a Bronze Star too by the way. Wow, what a award he got for serving and staying solid during times of war. But he didnt do it for an award, he did it because he was a solider. Period. But damn, let the man get to see his son(whom everyone counted out) raise and his grandson and carry on the Dishman name proudly. Well, we shall contunue our wait, and I put my trust in JESUS CHRIST MY LORD that this will all work together for our good. Gabriela and I are srong. Head up, chest out, fully focused. That's all i have for now. God Bless.

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