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Posts posted by mcfrl

  1. Let me share my story with you... I married back in April 2015, and we dated 4 years before that. I am Colombian and We had a looong distance relationship for the 4 years we dated, but we were friends for a long time before that, I met him through a family Friend, he used to come to Colombia every year for about a month, his dad was married to a Colombian woman as well. anyway, I also used to come here to Texas for vacation and stuff during the time we dated, I was getting my bachelor degree back home. Once I was close to get my degree he proposed and we married. I moved here and went through the process to get my green card.


    I got a job when I was able to work, and he start doing pretty good at his. we bought a house in 2016 and things were very good, he was and still is a very good friend to me, we know each other very good. He had always tell me he doesn't want kids, and I was fine with it for a while (we met and marry young) , but lately I have this feeling inside me that I cannot give up that part, I want to become a mom, so since last year we had issues because I couldn't bring it up, we would always end up in a fight, I kept telling myself I could work this out, but I couldn't it was drowning me, we were arguing for everything, we had a fight in September last year but we agreed on make our marriage work out. 


    My window to file for removing of conditions opened in early February, we sent the paperwork and filed jointly at the begging of February. We were planing our vacation to Colombia and we bought tickets to visit my family in April, late March one night he came home and we were kind of talking about everything, he straight out told me he didn't love me anymore and that he had met someone at work and was having feelings for her. My world broke down to pieces, I cried, I argued , but you cannot force somebody to love you, so I took the trip to see my family alone, talk to my mom about everything that was going on, sometimes that time away helps you think things right. when I came back middle of April, I moved out, we didn't ended up in a bad way, we are still friends and we love each other, just not in the same way as we both used to. I couldn't keep the mortgage of the house we owned and I wanted to move closer to my job, that is why I decided to move out.  


    He filed for divorce May 15th, I was trying to wait as long as possible, but he didn't wanted to stay married to me. After that I contacted a lawyer not for divorce but for immigration because I do not want to lose my residency in this country, I have a life here now. And we never used a lawyer for our case before. the lawyer was awesome and give me peace of mind and hope, she told me not to do anything right now but to wait until the divorce is final and we will move from there. it is going to cost me a lot of money for what I can afford now with my own salary but I guess it is the best way to do it.


    Divorce will be final mid July, and I will update.

  2. 29 minutes ago, -Shana- said:

    You make a good point, so I've decided not to use them. I think I have enough evidence: trips taken together, photos, bank statements, joint address proof, health insurance, car insurance + 8 going on 9 years of a relationship that I can prove in an instant. Thanks for your input! 


    I didn't use affidavits either, I remember on my interview when I adjusted my status they guy who interview us was very friendly joking around and stuff, he didn't even look at our affidavits. this time I didn't sent joint health insurance, we used to have the policy together and I used to be the beneficiary but last year his company changed their health insurance company and it was too expensive to be together in the same policy, so I took my company's health insurance,  and my husband stayed with his. we are saving about $250 a month doing it this way (it helps paying our bills)... I hope it is not issue. other than that I sent our bank statements, the title for our new house and mortgage, joint address proof, car insurance, and photos of our vacations together and with family. 

  3. Hi Everyone!


    We just mailed our I751 package today, I am so nervous spent the last two weeks making sure I had everything. I only sent our tax returns from 2015 and 2016, we bought a house late 2016 and moved on January 2017, also my husband got a promotion last year, so now for the taxes of 2017 we won't get any return and we have to pay more than we expected, so, we will wait until the first week of April to file our 2017 Taxes, which would've been too late to file for our I 751. ( I hope this is not an issue in our case). 

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