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Posts posted by ridejewel

  1. I asked the Consulate what their policy on using co-sponsors is. This is their response:

    Technically, there are no provisions under the law for a "joint sponsor" for the I-134, but there is no prohibition either, which is why our policy is to accept joint sponsors under certain circumstances. Since the joint sponsor who submits an I-134 has no legal obligation to fulfill the terms of the affidavit, the officer CAN take into consideration the credibility of that affidavit of support. So, a petitioner for the K-1/K-3 case can find a joint-sponsor if his/her income is insufficient, and our consular officer will make a determination on his/her particular case.

    This subject hit me bloody hard. I had only made 9 grand the year prior to my wife's interview, I had my parent's co-sponsor. The reason I made so little was that I had moved to Viet Nam with her, I didn't work most the year. I have a lot of friends in Saigon; One, American friend, who taught English was dating one of the CO's. I told him of my problem when a service in HCM told me that I had no chance with a co-sponsor. He set up a double date with the CO, him and my wife and I. We had dinner somewhere. Anyways, she told me, very directly, that she had stacks, stacks of denied applications on her desk which had co-sponsors. She told me, only under very, very odd considerations would they accept one and that my fiancee and I were not one of those cases. Also, my cousin's old law partner Steve Brault just happened to be the Chief CO in HCM at the time. I emailed him asking him about my situation, he told me the same thing. I found a way around it, and my wife passed just fine. Let me know if you need advise. Message me. Good Luck!

  2. They are all right you have to file for the K1 and it is not easy. Also you need to get to work NOW. No matter that you have a baby together they will not let you bring them over here if you can not prove that you can support them. You can get a co signer but I would make sure that you can afford them. Read the posts in this forum it will help, and good luck HCMC is not a good place to file for a K1 visa but just pray and it should all work out for you.


    US Consulate in HCMC does not accept SPONSORS for K1 or K3 visas. Everything else is correct. Find a job ASAP. It is not going to be fast.

    Click the GUIDES link at the top of the page, and and look at the K1 flowchart and process. GOOD LUCK

    Very true. They do not accept sponsors...Even if your lawyer says they do.

  3. Well, you could also try the CR1 visa, or whatever it's called. The main worry I would be thinking of is that the consulate in Ho Chi Minh wont take co-sponsors, so you're going to have to be above the poverty line by the end of this year, and possibly next year as well. Good luck.

  4. if you are past the point of no return, screw her man. you have to stay two steps ahead of her. seems like you have been two steps behind her. i don't mean to kick you when you are down, but dam. you have to protect yourself, do what is best for you, then make her life misarable. screw her. screw up her life. i'm sure there are some before and after pics of her surgery hanging around. send them to vn, show the neighbors, pass them around. That would cause huge damage to her and her family. i'm sure you can think of other things to mess with her, do them. Make it hard for her man.

    I respectfully but strongly disagree with this suggestion for a number of reasons. Reason number one: There is a child involved. Or children. I don't know how many you have. If you do wind up divorcing, both of you owe it to them to be adult enough so that they don't become totally screwed up themselves when they become adults.

    Reason number two: Revenge is so sweet--or is it? Yeah, it feels good for a while, I'll admit. But how will you feel two years later? Five years later? Twenty years later? I speak from experience--not so good. A lot of energy is wasted on revenge, energy that could otherwise be used for positive things.

    Reason number three: Purposefully making trouble for your soon-to-be-ex-spouse winds up costing you a hell of a lot more money than not purposefully making trouble for her. Period.

    Alls I'm sayin' is it's OK to be firm. It's OK to stand up for yourself. It's OK to say, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more." Just remember to be as civil and polite as you can force yourself to be. It ain't easy, I know.

    And lastly, I really hope you guys can work it out in the end, and not have to follow (or ignore) ANY of my advice. Good luck to you.

    Well said. Emotions need to be thought out. Your kid is the most important thing, he/she needs a mom and dad.

  5. Well, I think it depends on whether or not you want her to stay. You can either divorce her now and she can file her I-715 as separated, (which she'll probably do on her own.) Or, if she doesn't know any better, she can stay married to you and you can tell USCIS how communist she is and hopefully, most likely, without a final divorce, she will get denied. But, if she has a divorce decree, she will be able to file alone and stay.

  6. Yeah, check out, http://www.languagecorps.com/. It's a very easy process to start teaching there, especially in HCMC. Ideally, and legally, you need a 4 year degree, a US criminal background check and have completed the TEFL course. Though, I found that 95% of the schools there will hire you with just the TEFL, (or even without it,) but once the head honchos find out you're not legit, they will fire you. But, the good thing is that it usually takes a few months before they find out and it's super easy to walk a couple blocks to the next school and get hired that day. If you have anymore questions feel free to email me. Xzele@msn.com...I don't usually use VJ, so that's your best bet. Good luck.

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