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Vanessa Slattery

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Posts posted by Vanessa Slattery

  1. Hello ! I had my interview back in November 7 2018 and on Uscis my acccount says that the estimated completion time for my case is March 2019 . 

    I saw that there is this message : Case was submitted for quality review based on approval recommendation .

    should I be worried that it will be March in less than 2 weeks and they didn’t make any decision on my case ? Can do they still deny my  citzenship? 

    I am very worried 😟 

    thank you !

  2. well I have my taxes up to 2016 I dint work in 2017 and I am not currently working now.

    I tried the IRS webpage but for some reason they don't recognize me on their system maybe because I used h&block and Jackson Hewitt. they might have another system or misspelled something .

    I am just missing the one that my husband filled with me on the takes which is last year 2017.

    at this point I am just hoping for the best.


    thanks for your help.

  3. Good Morning ! my inter view on the next November 7 at 08:00 am here in Virginia Beach . I filled as I am living in the US for more than 5 years and not based on marriage .

    I have my appointment letter that says that I must bring this :

    The appointment letter

    My registration card ( green Card)

    Any evidence of selective service registration



    my doubt is : why when we look on other websites it says that we must bring tax papers ?

    Should I bring my taxes papers , w2s? I can't find mine from last year because my husband filled because we got married in 2017 . He took this last tax returns to work and he is deployed now . Am I going to get in trouble if I don't show this last year tax paper ? do I have to bring all my taxes papers with me ?



    I am beyond worried .


  4. 3 minutes ago, MiraW said:

    So this might depend on each applicant's case. 

    I applied under the rule of 3 year marriage to an USC, the IO didn't ask me any personal questions. 

    He kinda chit-chatted with me about my history, not sure if this is his way of confirming my story. He asked when I came to the states and which university I went to (I came here for my master's degree). 

    And he looked at all of my previous addresses, and asked which city I liked most? (I answered Boston of course lol)

    Then, he asked about my husband's occupation. My husband works for a pretty well-known company, so he and I talked a bit on this topic. 

    The whole process was quite simple, the IO didn't make me feel like he was "interrogating" me, it's more like we were having a normal conversation.


    I'm sure everything will go smoothly for you! Don't be like me, I felt like I was having a panic attack when the IO called my name lol.

    You had a pretty smooth experience. 

    I am nervous already , I just to everything to go faster and well And I hope I get a nice IO as yours !

    thank so much for all your help and directions ! 

  5. 11 minutes ago, MiraW said:

    Btw, the civic test is very easy, as long as you spend some time studying the questions. They don't ask you random questions, don't worry. The civic questions are from 100 questions they have in their booklet.

    You can see these 100 questions here, https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Office of Citizenship/Citizenship Resource Center Site/Publications/100q.pdf

    That's the official study material from USCIS. 

    During the interview, you will need to answer 6 questions correctly, you get 10 chances. If you answer 6 correctly, the IO will move on to the nest phase and won't ask you the next 4.

    I answered 2 wrong, and it's not a problem.

    Do they ask any personal questions ?

  6. 31 minutes ago, MiraW said:

    You can check progress reports on VJ and the timeline varies by each field office. Search for your field office and you'll have a better idea.

    From biometrics to citizenship interview can take a LOOOONG time, a lot of people have to wait for 4-7 months to be scheduled. 

    However, I'm a Boston MA filer (online), and I filed in OCT 2017, did my bio in NOV 2017, and had my interview on JAN 2018. Just received my oath notice, and it's in Feb 2018. 

    The original estimated timeline shown on my online account said it'd be completed in April 2018, so I don't think that timeline is accurate.


    Good luck! 

    Btw, for the civic tests, there's really no need to start studying so early, when you get your interview letter you'll still have about a month to study. 

    This is the website I used, the reason I like it is because it's not in multiple choice format. When you do your interview, you need to answer the questions not "choosing" the right answer.


    Thanks so much for your answer !

    very helpful !


  7. Hello ! 

    I have my biometrics appointment scheduled for 02/07/18 here in WA State . 

    I was wondering how long after the biometrics appointment they will schedule my interview and test . 

    I submitted my application and documents on 01/15/18 and took them less than a full week for them to let me me know about my appointment date which I was very surprised. 

    What are your experiences with your naturalization process ? 


    Thanks !


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