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Posts posted by SoManyCats!

  1. You seem to have quite a bit of good evidence there. I probably wouldn't bother with the 1200 pages of texts, unless you've already printed them out. If you have, then by all means bring them and offer them up if the officer asks what else you've got. When I had my interview, I did bring along copies of money transfer receipts but the officer didn't really need them. There's no harm in including them as long as the transfers go both ways. If they only show the immigrant spouse sending funds to the US citizen, it might look like they're payments for a scam marriage! Lol


    You might need to include some more "official" type evidence - joint bank accounts, utility bills showing both your names, car insurance papers showing both names, life/retirement/disability documents showing spouse as beneficiary, health insurance documents, etc. 


    Good luck. 

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