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Posts posted by S20181314

  1. 5 hours ago, MsKayC said:

    Wow, I usually get a call back from them. I think this is the 2nd I didn't. Try calling in the morning 

    lucky you! for my case, USCIS if the toughest step, coz the representative do not know anything but read the same info which I can see on their website! They should have hire well educated people, who has no attitude! 

    It will get better after case transferred to NVC. lol....

    god bless America! 

  2. 2 hours ago, MsKayC said:

    Thanks.. it's now 6:16 ESt no call back as yet. I'll call them first thing in the morning 

    To be honest with you, I called many times, tier 2 never pick up my calls, and I scheduled many call backs, never receive any calls from them. It is really ridiculous! sometimes the representative tell me to call on Thursday blablabla, I have tried! still nothing!!

  3. 1 hour ago, Ming said:



    "Applicants may bring photocopies and scanned versions of signed Forms I-864 and associated documents. " This statement is from above link.


    Don't worry. It going to work out! :D My wife first interview visa was deny but we didn't give up. We got a second interview and pass. Now we have 3 sons, 7 yrs old, 4 yrs old and 22 months!!



    Awesome! Thank you very much! I will never give up on my marriage, we met in high school, I liked him almost 7 years before he became my boyfriend. To me, he is like a personal drug!

    lol, I guess I was just over thinking since my lawyer fail to send all the docs to my husband. Pregnant woman is crazy and having unstable thoughts. It takes 10 months for USCIS to approve my case, what the hell, and I called them every day, every time the representative who picks up the phone do not know anything, transfer me to Tier 2 level officer and no one ever pick up the damn phone, never receive scheduled call backs! 

    Do you mind telling me after your first denial, how long did it take to re-apply? and did you go through the appeal step! If they denied my case I will definitely appeal it after our baby is delivered! 


  4. 3 hours ago, Ming said:

    You don't need a lawyer. Where are the birthday cards? Or maybe you went back to China when it was his birthday that why there no birthday card. Did you include your husband in your tax return?  Are there any copy of emails between you guys?


    Good Lucks. Congratulate on your pregnancy!

    We never write birthday card, it sounds like an old fashion. lol. I only get to visit my husband on my school vacations in the past two years since I was a full time student.

    You are right, I should not hire a lawyer, he put some wrong dates on my application and forms. The only reason that I hired him is because I thought they are more professional and I was too busy with my school work and job. 

    my major question is that is the scanned version of I-864 going to be a problem? Will it become the possibility for the CO to deny his visa? I used to be so confident, but eventually got pissed off by the lawyer.

    I cannot get good sleep these days, so concerned!

     thank you very much for your response. 




  5. my husband's interview is on the 26th. however, my lawyer just informed me that the documents that he send to China cannot arrive on time. Lawyer sent my husband all the scanned version to my husband and my husband printed them out. The only problem that I concern is the I-864 form, does it has to be original copy? I saw the NVC news states that since 12/28/2016, Ink signature no longer required on affidavits of support. It says Starting Jan 1,2017, the NVC will accept photo copies and scanned version of signed forms I-864 and associated documents. Please note that he form must still be signed; typed names and electronic signature will not be accepted. 


    There is nothing I can do about it, but madness. I trusted my lawyer, before I hire him, he said that as long as I provide him what he is asking for, I got a high chance to get the visa. My husband had twice tourist interview refusal, before the lawyer said that is no problem. and now he is saying that since we got married soon after those visa interview refusal, it is possible to affect my case. To be honest, I feel I was cheated by the lawyer, first of all, I had sent him everything he ask 25 days before the interview. I cannot believe 2 days from my husband's interview date he told me the package cannot arrive on time. My husband and I had nothing to hide, I am 7 month pregnant now, I just worry about if his visa got rejected just because the I-864.


    the list below is what we have as original docs.

    1.My husband has all the original civil documents, includes my birth certificate, marriage certificate, his birth certificate, police certificate. 

    2. hundreds of pictures, includes wedding pictures.

    3. hundreds of our train ticket in the past

    4. 2 of the 2X2 passport size pictures. 

    5. medical exam result 

    the below list is what we have as a scanned version

    1. interview letter

    2. DS-260 confirmation page

    3. My naturalization certificate

    4. court paper for name change (i changed my last name to my husband's last name)

    5. my baby ultra sound image

    6. the letter that I wrote to the CO

    7. My tax return (tax transcript)

    8. my doctor's note stated baby's due date.

    9. copies and my passport to prove my entries to China. (5 times I visited my husband in the past 2 years)

    10. I- 864

    11. employer letter.

    12. register for courier service


    however, as he sent all the documents to my husband and my husband forward it to me, I checked everything, he put my husband's birth date wrong, and I fixed it. this is the only thing that I was glad of. because what kind of wife does not remember her husband's birth date!! 

    Let me know your suggestions. 

    i appreciate any positive or negative factors. 


  6. My lawyer did not send proof of relationship evidence to USCIS, I did not know it was necessary until my friend told me. and I asked my lawyer, he said that once our application get approved, it is not a problem. However, lawyer told me to write that letter to visa officer, I ask him several times about the letter, he said that it is better for me to write a letter. 

    thanks for your response

  7. my husband finally got his interview date. However, still feel nervous about the interview, but my lawyer said that my case is simple and there should not be any problem. But I still wanna hear more comments and suggestion from people who has experience. 

    My husband and I met in high school before I immigrate to the US with my family. and I liked him for years. Since 2015 we decided to be together I went back to visit him 5 times, which is every time on my school break and I stayed there for a month every time. I got pregnant in Jan, and I have wrote letter to the Visa officer to explain our relationship. And we prepared hundred of pictures, our wedding pictures and video, I also let my doctor wrote a letter which stated my due date, we have a lots of train ticket for traveling, my lawyer had also help to authorized my passports to prove that I went back to visit him 5 time in the past two years. however, I my doctor do not suggest me to take a long flight to go to interview with my husband. 

    I just wanna know are there anything else for me to do. my lawyer said that i need more rest and try not concerning too much, lol..

    any suggestion will be appreciated!

  8. 3 hours ago, Bleek Emmanuel Ja said:

    I want to thank every one that as giving me good encouragement and instructions how to prepare for my cr1. My interview was held early this morning and it was successful.  I really thank God. 

    Congratulations! My case just got approved. Do you mind share your interview conversation ?

  9. 19 hours ago, Souma said:

    Hello everyone 

    my fiancée visa was denied last year, so we decided to get married and apply for cr1 spouse visa. My husband got everything done forms and money check but he have old photos of me from the first application (2 passeport photos) 

    is that a problem? 

     Pls I need a answer quickly 

    I believe you need a phone that is took with 6 months. But I'm not sure. But for sure. Do not try to used the one which you have used for the first application.  

  10. Just now, Bleek Emmanuel Ja said:


    He is in China. And i just got back from China. I file my I130 in April. And I still did not receive approval letter. I wish my husband can care bout our case just like you care about yours. I mean he does care. But He knows nothing about immigration. I went to China 5 time in 2 years. Since i am s student. And i know how hard it is to live separate from spouse. It affects me a lot. Every time i came back from China. I will book my next flight immediately. I can't image if I were you, 6 years. It's a long time and I hope CO can understand it too. I really want to ask them how many 6 year does someone have in life. 


    Best wishes for you

    Do your part and God will does the rest. 

  11. ya. my lawyer told me that it is very important for your wife to submit sufficient evidence. to be honest, I also worry about my husband's future interview. Lol. Even our relationship is valid...





    best wishes for you! try to let your wife write another letter to the CO. and bring it to the interview...


  12. Just now, Bleek Emmanuel Ja said:


    No, what I meant to say is that my lawyer told me before you go to interview your wife will have to write a letter to them and explain how did you guy met or some details. My lawyer said that the answer your provided during the interview has to match the letter that your wife wrote to them. I knew how it feels a true love got rejected. It is so crazy that someone else has the authority to make you guys live separately. And my lawyer also said that the consular is more likely to look at your recent email because they have to make sure your relationship is current. So just put the very recent emails on the top. And talk to your wife if she remembers she had wrote a letter to them or not. I am not sure if the letter is required or not. But My lawyer said in my case, as long as my words march my husband's answers to the CO. I will get the visa for sure.  

    I hope it helps.






    Best wishes. 

  13. 38 minutes ago, Bleek Emmanuel Ja said:

    Hi,  our relationship is valid,  very strong and sweet relationship uptill now we are still strong in love with each other and we will be husband and wife forever because I love my wife so much.  Me and my wife talk every single day in every minute so how valid do you mean @boiler. 


    I am okay with what I have got here and I hope to share my positive testimony  here soon. 

    then, I suggest you to bring all of your email and letters. my relative got reject for her first interview. and she appealed.

    and she got her visa for the second interview..she told me she print out 2000 emails..........

    the consular was shocked and my lawyer also told me that it is very important that your answer and your wife's explaination letter about your relation match perfectly during the interview...so, just mind that!

    throw all then evidence to CO...


    best wishes for you! 

    true love will last forever!

  14. 2 hours ago, Bleek Emmanuel Ja said:

    We have being dating for 6 years now and we got married when we were 5 years. 

    have you try to hire a lawyer though?

    I mean, have many time did you guys meet each other during the 6 years period.

    and my question is that how can you proof your relationship? 

    when your first interview was rejected, did you hire a lawyer?

    it is a bit difficult if you did not appeal. 

    however, how did you meet her, and where? online?

    there is too much detail you have to consider!

    better to fire a lawyer!



    this is just my personal opinion, coz one of my family member went through the same thing! 


  15. thanks for the response...

    I got another receiving letter which tells me they have upgraded my status....it is so weird, i submit my certificate in Augest.....

    I hope mine will come soon.... good luck to both of us....


    12 hours ago, Colorado2016 said:

    Yes,  i agree and that's what i did back to October 2017. 




    Sorry to hear that, hope my timeline can give you a better idea.

    I went through the same thing as you are dealing with right now.  I filed the petition for my spouse back to December 19, 2016 ( F2A) and  upgraded the petition from F2A to IR1 at August 25, 2017. 

    Our case was approved at November 28, 2017 and NVC received our case from USCIS California Service Center at January 10, 2018.  now i am waiting for the case number.







  16. good morning everyone!

    I received an email from USCIS after I submit a case inquiry.

    In the inquiry I put I believe my case is outside of normal processing time. because My case was received on April 17, and till today, nothing change.

    I first file my application as Permanent resident and last year Sep. 3 I sent my naturalization certification to USCIS.

    However, I called the USCIS numerous time and did not find out any clue about my case.

    Dec. 18 they send me an email saying that they did updated my status and my case is been processed! 

    I am so confused by "my case is been processed". 

    what do they mean? they have not approve my case yet....and now, they said my case is been processed!! 

    so confused, it is a response which makes me wanna ask more questions

  17. 3 hours ago, Miguel y Elsa said:

    Hi everyone how many people for Nebraska center has received NOA2?

    We have been waiting for 280 days now and nothing I called them and all they said is just keep waiting you are on regular processing time!! Really!! is this normal processing time? how does USCIS think this is normal!! to keep families apart for so long and this is just the first step and they haven't even get to it yet I know they might never read this but I would like an explanation from someone at USCIS why takes them so long.  How? one of the greatest nations on earth capable of sending the Hubble telescope and explore the universe, spending billions of dollars on war and hi tech missile and aircraft How?? they can't process an application to keep a family together this is a health issue of your citizens do you really care about your citizens? to me looks like you don't care at all lets say the US has better priorities than his people and there is no money to spend on keeping a family together how hard will be to let us know hey people we have a lack of personal to process your applications so we have to raise the fees 100% but that will cut your waiting time in half I'll be more than happy to pay $1070 fee and even more if necessary and get them here in 6 months I spend more money on plane tickets and travel expenses visiting my wife, so is not about money either so what is it? That's what I want to know are you punishing us because we felt in love with a foreign citizen? 

    I know everyone here has a different story to tell some harder than others but on my story I don't know if anyone here share the same frustration waking up every morning and put your self together hoping that that day will be the day you find something online or when you come home you will find that letter and nothing!!  the world needs to know what is happening here all I need is a yes or no if you said NO I'll just move out the country and start from scratch at least I'll be next to my wife and son and we call it done because if you move and have no income in the US you can't bring no one here unless you find some to sign an affidavit of support good luck with that! and on top of that if your love one is on I 130 process they can't get a tourist visa because you might apply for adjustment of status?? I have look every option either way we are trap. I'm a proud US citizen but what America is becoming to is a shame when is time to kill and destroy the US  is always number 1 but when it comes to families and their people they go at the end of the hole and sent you to Nebraska "service" center.          

    I truly feel you. I filed in April and is pending at CSC. I am willing to spend more money for a faster service. I Just got back to the U.S. and again apart from my husband. It Is not only about immigration. But my life. Life is too short. I only get to see him every 6 months. Since I m still in college. I will always remember how we both felt every time saying goodbye at the airport. It feels hopeless. Nothing is under our control. Sad. And we Did our part and still ..........

  18. 1 hour ago, Skys said:

    As you can see from my timeline I am now waiting for interview.

    What really!! I cant believe you are still waiting so sorry to hear that.  Oh wow just when I thought they took long to approve my case and here you are still waiting. Please hang in there and don't lose hope. All the best.

    Ya. And I just visited my husband. And I check it everyday and it still saying case was received on april 17th. I called 50 times. And the only answer is to wait. Those representatives have no clue about what is going on. It is wasting of time to call them

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