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Posts posted by Rachellenativ

  1. On 8/27/2018 at 2:33 AM, IndigoPhantom said:

    Forgot to add that my lawyer was an absolute expert when it came to compiling evidence for proof of hardship. He really made the case for me. 

    Thank u so much for that! I am now waiting for the final decision.They asked for RFE coz I guess we didnt have enough evidence? Just wondering, how long will it take for them to make the final decision after I have submitted my RFE? Thanks! 

  2. On 5/19/2018 at 7:25 AM, Franco007 said:

    After March 23, 2018 approval, i got the letter in the mail about a week after and the waited for embassy. Embassy reached out April 03, 2018 requesting new medical and police report and to also resubmit another DS260 form online. All done now and second interview done but they requested an updated AOS during second interview which was not included in their original email. AOS has been filled and sent to embassy with passport, now just waiting on embassy to advice on when to come pick passport with visa stamped.

    Quick question. So I checked on their website and my status changed from received to Request for additional evidence is Mailed. Once I get to submit the additional evidence to them, how long do I have to wait for the final decision to be made? Will it take a long time to process that again? Hope to hear from you! Thank you! 

  3. 5 hours ago, Franco007 said:

    It all depends on the immigration officer and what is submitted as the hardship/s........ As long as you meet the criteria it will be approved or an RFE will be requested to clarify any unclear issues. You should be fine.  

    Oh alright. My  lawyer right now is very unresponsive regarding my case. No updates. Nothing. So Im really not sure how they did the waiver or what hardship they have showed to support my case. When you found out your waiver was granted, what was your next step? Did you just wait for the embassy to get in contact with you? 

  4. 18 hours ago, Davidg74 said:

    Hi I have i601 filed as well Jan 2017. It's been 16 months since they have it. With the new system they no longer give u updates like what month year they working on. Now it's averaged month which for mine is 14 to 18 months with date of inquiry Dec 2016. So as far I can tell I'm in the range of the processing time but they don't give u what month or year. From what I read I do not have to restart the process just wait to be approved and finish my interview at the embassy. I've been away from my wife and kids for 8 years now.

    From what I see on their website, theyre priority date as of today is on Dec. 2016. Hopefully you get yours very soon! Just a quick question tho, after we get our waiver approved, what do we do next? If you said we dont need to start from the beginning, will the embassy contact us regarding our interview? Do you have any idea? Thank you! 

  5. On 5/10/2018 at 10:15 PM, Franco007 said:

    They are working in timeframes now because each individual case is different from the other and they realize that the former processing times posting makes people flood their lines or offices with questions. I think the reason behind the November date is to put out a date they have at least concluded 90% of cases submitted on that date and that will reduce the influx of calls and inquiries. That does not mean it is where they are presently.


    They also stated it takes 13.5 to 18months to process hence that date gives each applicant at least 13.5 months before they can start inquiring of their case. Mine was approved before the new system of 13.5 to 18months was implemented. During the time mine got approved the calculations i did then was that you may get a response within 2-3months after they post your submission date which worked in my case. At the time i got approved the procession time was December 31, 2016. But the new processing has changed all and moved dates back.

    Oh alright. Do u think mine will get approved based on my case? In your opinion, will they will take my son being a US citizen into consideration in approving my waiver? 

  6. On 4/19/2018 at 7:53 AM, Franco007 said:

    I received approval letter on March 30, 2018 which was approved on March 23, 2018........ Now in the process of getting a new passport because passport is expiring in less than 6months and embassy requested it to be valid for at least 6months at the time of interview. Once that is done with the medicals and police report, visa issuance will be next. Hopefully will have visa on hand by first or second week in May due to delay in passport processing and another 2weeks after that for medicals.

    when did u apply for ur waiver again?? Glad to hear ur approved and finally on ur way to America! Pls do let me know how your visa process went. Thanks! And Congrats! 😊


  7. On March 21, 2018 at 1:07 AM, Franco007 said:

    it was 6months at one point and has been growing longer and longer each year...... The trend now is 14-16months but that may as well anytime as well.

    Hi. Did you hear any news from your status? Any update? My mother in law called the USCIS toll free and asked for an update regarding my case and a recording answered saying I should've received an I-797 form notice of action? I haven't gotten anything yet and its funny coz online it still says my application has been received. It doesn't say anything about an I-797 form. Any idea what that form is for? And which one is legit? the toll free or the website? Would highly appreciate your reply! Thanks so much! 

  8. On 3/18/2018 at 11:45 PM, Franco007 said:

    Yes it updated to December 16, 2016 but mine is 29th...... But some people who submitted in November 2016 have still not gotten a response too and there is also another VJ member how has been waiting for a response now for 1yr and 6months.... So i think the dates just show where they at on the submissions but not all who submitted on those dates will get a reply until they are done with that persons particular application.

    omg a year and six months?! i heard it only takes 12-14 months. 

  9. On 2/9/2018 at 11:11 PM, Franco007 said:

    Yeah it is all case by case basis and when lawyers send these documents in they know what to write in the statements that goes with these documents and what laws to quote and all to get it approved.

    But me and you off the streets do not know those terms and all, that is why some of us keeps getting denied.

    Also it is discretionary too by the officer involved, they may be having a bad day the day they checked our expeditious applications and so on.....


    Good luck the wait will be over before you know it.  

    Hi! Any news on your waiver? 

  10. 18 hours ago, Franco007 said:

    You can try again......


    This time add  these documents if you have them and hopefully it helps......

    -Updated doctors notes of your past and current medical issues.

    -Unemployment documents from unemployment office

    -Eviction notices

    -collection notices 

    -Other paperwork to show that your USC children are suffering due to their father not been here in the US (Medical and Financial)


    A USCIS employee told one of a similar situation like yours and only got expedited approval after proving she was loosing her apartment and car due to financial hardship and if spouse is not allowed to come help she will be on the streets with her USC children homeless.


    Wish you good luck.

    Do you think me reasoning out that our son who's a USC is living here in the Philippines with me right now because he's only 2 and I can't really let him just go to the US without me because one, my husband can't take care of him by himself because he works, and 2, I'm the mother, like my son basically needs me. And with that being said, our son is basically living his first 2 years without knowing his father due to all this.  Do u think that will make an approval for an expedite? Thanks! 

  11. On 1/18/2018 at 4:10 AM, Franco007 said:

    In your case you do not have to worry about filing all over because you were denied during your first interview and you are filing the waiver now. 


    In my spouse case, she was not denied visa at her first interview. She was asked to bring more supporting document to our claim and when we submitted more they kept asking for more and we were tired and just asked them deny her the visa so we can start next stage which is waiver. if they do not deny her the visa and it gets to one year from first visa interview then we will have to start the whole process all over. But thank God they denied her few months to the one year anniversary after much emails back and forth.

    Oh I see. Well I'm sure you're almost there! So no matter how long the processing of my waiver, I wouldn't need to start all over with my whole petition? Maybe they'll just ask for an updated documents then right? I really hope we'll get some answers real soon! 

  12. 15 hours ago, Franco007 said:

    I am filing the waiver myself without any lawyers help.


    I used a lawyer earlier, while trying to get the embassy to deny my spouse the immigrant visa quickly so i can file the waiver because the embassy just kept asking for documents we do not have and stalling to deny the visa trying to prolong the case to go over the one year make from first interview so that we will have to start all over again. But the lawyer was too slow in acting and did not really do anything, so i had to reach out to the embassy multiple times myself via email to get them to ban my spouse before the one year anniversary of the first interview. Hence i am filing and completing the remaining process myself. 


    You can reach out to your lawyer and ask if he/she can help file an expedite request. I was quoted $3,000 by a lawyer to file an expedited request but opted to filing it myself because i know it is not a guaranteed approval. 


    Yes all I-601 waivers are sent to Nebraska to the best of my knowledge. 



    Ohh. Wow. Why do they do that? Like stall and make everything even more complicated than it already is. But anyway, 3k is a lot of money for an expedite case. I'm not sure either if they'll approve me with the expedite request if i was only to reason out my son being a USC. Maybe I'll try and just prolong my patience and just wait it out. 


    Btw, u said something about after the first anniversary of the initial interview, you'd have to start all over again? So that means in my case, Ima have to restart everything again? Even if it's not totally our fault and we obviously have no control on why this is taking this long? Coz my initial interview was last December 2016. 

  13. 22 hours ago, Franco007 said:

    Sure i will post an update here as soon as i get my approval notice......


    Since you have a son who is a USC and leaving apart from his father, i think you should have your spouse get a lawyer that can help you expedite your waiver. I have tried to expedite my case twice but got denied saying i do not financial, medical or personal issues that needs immediate attention.


    If your letter states Phoenix Arizona, than your case might be at the Arizona office. To the best of my knowledge Phoenix Arizona is a field office and not a service center, so they receive applications and forward the applications to the service center in charge of each case.


    The best way to find out is to call USCIS and ask. 

    We do have a lawyer And he was the one who filed for my waiver. But he didn't mention anything about expediting my waiver. How much did it cost you to expedite your waiver? I was actually thinking of talking to my husband about that but I'm just not sure how it works. 


    Arent all i601 waivers get sent to the Nebraska service center? Or does it depends on the case itself? It's just difficult for me to contact uscis since I live abroad. But thank you again for your time and all the infos! 

  14. 14 hours ago, Franco007 said:




    I have a similar case like yours for my spouse who i am filing for and have been apart from her since 2011 when she voluntarily returned home so we can follow the law and file the I-601. But while she was overseas the last administration approved the I-601a in 2013 which is same thing as I-601 but now you do not have to leave the United States to file.... But to cut the long story short, we were approved to file the I-601 waiver in September 2016 and sent the documents in December 2016. The main issue why it takes longer now is the I-601a filers who did not leave like you and my spouse who did the right thing and left to file from home country. So since 2014/2015 when USCIS started receiving a lot of I-601a applications they tend to work on those quicker since they are already here so they do not get deported, which to me should not be the case as they are already here in the United States. I think they should help those who are apart quicker to come together as a family.


    Below is also how you track your case specific date to know how close they are getting to your case date. which is the date they received your waiver application. Use this explanation below and follow the link to check processing times.....


    Hope this helps make you understand the processing updates a little better.


    Bottom Right Date:- Means the last date they updated the website on all cases (January 5, 2018).

    Top Processing Date:- Means the last date they got this update from for all cases (October 31, 2017).

    Case Specific Date:- Means the date the cases were submitted to that office for processing (October 12, 2016 for I-601 cases).


    All this means is that as of close of business on October 31, 2017 they were working on I-601 cases that were submitted on October 12, 2016. 

    Which means that from the previous update as of September 30, 2017 they were working on cases submitted on October 1, 2016 they only moved 11 days by the time it was October 31, 2017.


    This has happened three time last year when they moved just a week or two instead of their usual monthly case movements.


    I called USCIS earlier this year to know what happened and this was the explanation they gave me:

    -They get behind in some months due to number of cases submitted in a given day or month they are working on (High or Low Volume of case submitted)

    -They also go back to work on cases reviewed and kept on ice due to they requested the applicant to submit additional documents and when they receive the additional documents, they put on hold new applications to work on that passed case with new documents submitted.

    -The verification process of the documents are tedious especially documents created outside of the United States.

    -Lastly they are short staffed. 


    Keep the hope alive and be patient it will all end one day...... I have been waiting for my case approval since December 2016 and hope i get an answer in February or March as it is not taking about 14-15months now to process. I know someone on one of the forums that i follow here who submitted on November 20, 2016 and still no reply as of today...... i am using that person as my guide, so when she post her approval date i know mine is getting closer. 

    Good Luck to you!!!!




    Select Nebraska as service center and click service center processing date then scroll to I-601 to see the current date they are working on.

    Wow! So as of November 2016, they're still processing it? So it's true that now, it takes a little longer than 12months for the waivers to be processed unlike before which only took 4-6 months?


    I check their website all the time. But I just wasn't sure on how to check their processing time page. I got a letter before from the USCIS and the address it had was from Phoenix Arizona. Doesn't that mean that mine is being processed there?  How do you know where to check like which service center? That's where I get really lost. 


    Atleast yours is almost there! Hoping mine will be too! My son is a US citizen and he's still staying here in the Philippines with me. I'm afraid I'm going to end up paying for some fee soon since he's a US citizen. And he's been longing for his father! Which is making this whole waiting game even harder for me. 😔


    Thank you so much for all these informations! I greatly appreciate all the help! If you could update me with your status? I'll make you as my somewhat timeframe also. Thank you! 



  15. 56 minutes ago, LoveMyTico said:

    The excuse they use is further security checks...our I130 took 11 months. The last5 months they gave us the additional security check excuse. I had the senators office checking once a week the last 6 weeks. 

    The state dept only took 30 days because I followed the guide on this site. The waiver only took 4 months..I got sick of these people and asked for an expedite. It was approved. So it went fast from there..


    I was told that all processing has been slowed down recently since the new administration took over. My friend now works in the state dept processing passports .

    Nobody knows when it will pick up ... 


    Oh I see. Btw, when did you apply for your i601 waiver? And since you applied for an expedite for your i601 waiver, it got approved faster? Would you happen to know if I'll be able to apply for an expedite on mine too? And how much extra did it cost you? Thank you so much for your time and your replies! I greatly appreciated all the infos! 😊 

  16. 17 hours ago, LoveMyTico said:

    I'd say the administration has slowed processing down on everything. I read something online about it. Sorry I can't Remember where.. Just the other day actually.  Depending on what the DACA deal turns out to be and the chain migration decision.  

    I think I read it on www.dmldaily.com ..you'll have to search through the articles.

    Thank you so much for this info! Do u know by any chance if performing additional reviews for them is normal? Because according to them that is the reason why the processing of my waiver is taking a while. I'm so nervous and it's been such a long wait! 😔

  17. Hello. I am new here and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help me out with my current problem. I am Married to a US citizen for more than 2 years now. We have a 2 year old son who was born here in the Philippines but is a US citizen through CRBA. But my son lives with me here in the Philippines while my husband now resides in California. We have been separated for almost 2 years now. 😔 This is due to my visa being denied last December 2016 because of my inadmissibility to acquire a US visa. 


    Just a quick history about me. I was born here in the Philippines but my family decided to go to the US with a tourist visa when I was only 10 years old. Wanting to give us a better future, my parents decided to overstay and I stayed there for 9 years. I was already 19 years old when I got back last 2009 which gave me the 10 year ban. 


    When I had my interview last December 2016, they didnt approve me with my US visa and was told to get a i601 waiver due to my overstaying. We were able to apply the waiver and was received by the USCIS last April 2017. The waiver was done by our lawyer. So I'm not really sure how he applied for it. But as I was doing my research, some says that it takes about 4-6 months to be processed. Some say it takes longer than 10 months, some say a year. It's been almost 9 months and the case status still says received everytime I check it online. I also inquire about it on their website and I was given an email back saying that my case is still pending adjudication however have had to perform additional reviews which has caused a longer processing time.


    What does that supposed to mean? Is that a good sign or a bad sign? Is it normal for it to take this long to be processed? Also, since it's been more than a year now since my last interview, does that mean we have to restart all over with the whole visa processing? Or how does that affect my visa case? 


    If anyone could help me out or any information would be greatly appreciated! My son has been longing for my husband and my husband has been longing for us. Being apart from him has now made our life very complicated and I'm hoping I can get some answer real soon. Thank you so much for your time! 

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