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Posts posted by Tommy&Dawny

  1. Odd.

    I went in with Dawn last Thursday for her interview. I was never asked to leave, nor was any ordeal made about me being there at all. As a matter of fact, I went up with her and her daughter for the actual interview part, AND was asked a couple questions.

    I guess they aren't really enforcing such new rules that strictly.

  2. And here we are, on business day #5, overall day #7, and we're still getting the "Eligible for an interview date, but one has not been assigned yet" mess. I'll be glad to fly on over, look at the calendar myself, find an open date, and make it happen!!

    Frustrating it is to get this far, and wait on the simplest thing...

  3. Updated on the spreadsheet as well. Also made a few changes so that upcoming/pending interviews are at the top. The recent graduates are down on the bottom now.

    Congrats on the interview date!

    Dawny - any news?

    Dawny is at work all day, and anticipating me calling the DoS in just a bit to find out the latest. I'm still baffled as to how you can be "looking for an interview date" for 4 days in a row now...how long does it really take?

  4. I'm still amazed at how much it costs to call a UK cell phone, maybe because I'm only well experienced with US based cell phones, where there is no difference in price.

    When I first started talking to Dawn, I got a Vonage phone line with unlimited calls to parts of Europe. That worked out quite well.

  5. Paracetamol with codeine, as you can't get codeine over the counter in the US (or at least you couldn't when I left the States waaaaaay back in 1995). I'm stocking up already!!!

    I'll reiterate the teabag point -- a good supply is an absolute must. American "tea" is utter garbage. Every time I go over to see my parents I bring the HUGEST box of PG Tips I can find, not only for myself but now that I have re-educated them in the ways of true tea they crave it too. :lol: Whatever you do, stay away from Lipton Tea over there -- it tastes like a**e. :dead:

    No, codeine is still not an OTC drug here in the states. Still prescription required.

    As for tea bags, I keep trying to tell Dawn that she NEEDS to bring the mahusive box of PG Tips with her, because our choices aren't exactly stellar!!

  6. doh :( I hope your kids are better now. mine had a battle with stomach flu last week, evil kid germs!

    You've reminded me of my last appointment with my ob/gyn, he said, "So dear, what are you and your husband using for contraception?" and I said "the Atlantic Ocean" he laughed so hard, even called a nurse in to tell her what I'd said - apparently in 35 years, he'd never had that response.

    At any rate, welcome to anti-cranky, yet sexually deprived (or depraved take your pick!) thread :P Someone throw me a Mint Aero pretty please, it's been too long!

    Oh my, me too!! Its tough eating Mint Aeros anytime I want while I'm in the UK seeing Dawny, then coming back to American chocolate


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