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Posts posted by Tolkyn

  1. I had my interview  on Dec 6, 2017 for B1. Its on administrative processing and there was no update ever since. I am originally from Kazakhstan, but study in South Korea. Every single time i send them email, they reply with the same text saying 'all you can do is to wait'. It's quite annoying cause im not even sure should i reapply again. What should i do? is there any point of reapplying? how convince them that i simply wanna go to the States as a tourist? 

  2. Hey guys.

    I am originally from Kazakhstan, now studying in South Korea. I applied for B2 visa last year, in October, but it was denied. Then right after I reapplied and they gave me ds5535, it was December 5. I emailed them few times, but the answer always the same: your case is currently under AP. Last update was on december 6, since nothing new. I tried to email them again 2-3 weeks ago, but got the same answer. 

    Dont know what to do, is there any possibility? Desperate. 


  3. Hello!

    Im originally from Kazakhstan, but currently in South Korea. Applied for B2, denied, then reapplied and got Ds-3555. My interview was December 6th, sent form  December 7th. About 2 weeks my status was "your passport is still with us embassy", but 2 weeks ago my status was changed and now got nothing. Is there any hope to wait? 

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