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Posts posted by jjr

  1. On 8/3/2018 at 8:19 AM, JenMynorGutierrez said:

    Yay we got our email confirmation of appointment this morning! So excited to know we have an appointment September 10th @ 9 a.m.

    Now i can start buying plane tickets, book medical, all the fun stuff 😃.


    Yay!!!Congrats. Im happy to say I got approved and I’m back home. Thank God! I hope everything goes well with you and wish the best of luck. Let me know if you have any questions. Oh Don’t forget to get your antecedentes penales and policiacos you’ll need those for the interview.

  2. On 7/15/2018 at 8:10 AM, Eve & Sisco said:

    Yeah, I hear there aren't any direct flights. I booked mine with American Airlines and it's an 8 HR flight with one layover in Miami. Did you do a one way ticket? And don't worry you'll gather everything you need in time and before you know it you'll be back, so enjoy it. And yes please let me know. As always, good luck! 🍀

    We did round trip tickets for August 14th that’s about 2 weeks after my interview so hopefully I have my passport with visa back by then🤞How about you? How long are you staying? We’re also flying American Airlines I should be in Guatemala Thursday night. Thank you so much and good luck to you too☘️ 

  3. 11 hours ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    Yeah, I've heard that your children & spouse can go with you. I've also heard that when you go alone one of the first questions is why the person that is petitioning you is not there with you. I don't think it's required but I think it looks better if they're there. We know 2 couples who just went through it and that's what they were asked first, just make sure to take multiple copies of the email with your interview appointment. I am going with my husband and also staying part of that time with family who I haven't seen in 20 years, but I am so anxious to see them. 

    That’s good news! I guess I’ll be taking them with me then. I also haven’t been there in like 20 years. Booking flights has been a nightmare, couldn’t find a direct flight and the layovers for most of them were crazy long (16hrs+) so  we had to change our plan and now leave on Thursday. I only have a few days to gather everything and pack. I’m exhausted but I’m also excited to see the fam. and to get it over with. Once I’m there I’ll let you know how things go

  4. 6 hours ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    I think you'll be fine, don't worry.I called yesterday to book my appointment and I got it for August 13. When I called the receptionist told me they recommend doing the medical exam 2 weeks in advance to be on the safe side that results don't get backed up. Don't forget to fill out the cargo express form that you'll need before your interview so they know there to send your passport afterwards because I heard many people aren't aware of this until they're standing outside the embassy. I am personally staying at a hotel in Zone 10 where everything is located to get everything done. From what I hear that is the better part of the capital so yeah we'll see. Is your husband going with you?

    Yes he is flying in a few days later and I was thinking about taking him to the interview but I’ve heard they don’t ppl without appt go in. I guess we’ll see. I’ll be staying with my aunt (never met before)and she’s offered to take me to all these places. I called the dr today and they schedule me for the 24th she said that I should have all the results that same week. Thank you I’ll make sure to do the cargo express. Are you going alone?

  5. On 7/11/2018 at 9:06 AM, Eve & Sisco said:

    Yay! good for you. That is a bit scary since it's right around the corner, but you'll be fine! Good luck.

    I am planning on being there 2 weeks in advance. People that I know have also left 2 to 1 1/2 weeks ahead of their interview date to be safe since I know some have had to wait on labs from the medical.

    Really!? I’m taking my 2 boys and I just don’t know how I’ll be able to handle everything I hope and pray I can get everything done within a week. Right now I’m just trying to gather all the paperwork needed so any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

  6. 3 hours ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    OMG! I finally got my interview! So excited! I got mine for August 28 at 7am. How about you guys? @jjr @JenMynorGutierrez


    OMG congrats! me too!!!i just checked my email and there it was.  But for August 1st  at 8 am that’s in like 3 weeks. I’m freaking out you guys!! I was not expecting it to be so soon.  I’m having a hard time deciding  when to leave.. do you think a week before the interview  is good? 

  7. 7 hours ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    Yeah I thought about that too because just like you I know of people who got their appointments exactly a month after their cc. Maybe by tomorrow 🤞🏻. Am so relieved to hear you're almost exactly where I am. Hopefully we get them on the same day so we can help eachother out.

    Me too..I was feeling so discouraged thinking I was the only one who was left out of July and August interviews because of problems with my paperwork or something but I’m so relieved to have found you. I hope we get the same interview date that’d would be awesome!

  8. 41 minutes ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    Hmmm I am also doing it with a lawyer and I feel that because she's got so much going on my case took a lot longer than it needed to since she didn't have time for it. Wonder if you could call someone to see if they even received it. I called NVC a couple months ago to see how it was going and they said they hadn't received anything, not even the online application, so I called my lawyer asking what was going on. Of course she said everything was done, but then not long after I talked to her, NVC received my stuff. Coincidence I think not.

    I decided to part ways with my lawyer because she did almost the same thing and more. If it wasn’t for all of her mistakes this whole process would’ve been over by now I’m sure.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    @jjr I see that many people waiting on interviews from other embassies got their appointment emails today. Why is Guatemala taking so long?!!! This wait sucks. Hopefully it's us next.

    Really!!? I hope so!  I think it had to do with the Fuego volcano that slowed things down at the embassy. I know of two people who got their interviews exactly 30 days after cc and another one who had the interview in two weeks. All these of course happened before the eruption. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Judy2017 said:

    Wow! Only God knows why are case is taking longer than usual, it’s been 7 months and we haven’t received a response about our I601A.

    You’re right. Only God knows why some of us have to wait longer than others. I do believe there’s always a reason as to why things happen the way do. Hang in there hopefully you’ll get the approval soon.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Eve & Sisco said:

    Awesome! Someone in the same boat as me. I got cc'd on May 29th (but got the offial email on June 5th). I also called on Friday and nothing, but hopefully we get ours soon. Fingers crossed out embassy isn't that busy. Please let me know as soon as you hear something

    I will!  Who knows.. we might even get the same interview date. Good luck to us 🤞☘️

  12. On 7/2/2018 at 6:27 AM, Eve & Sisco said:

    Hey anyone else still waiting on Guatemala appointment?

    I am! I got my CC email on May 28th I called NVC June 30th and was told that it all depends on my embassy and how busy they are but to call back again at the end of this month because that’s when they schedule interviews for the following month. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Yesenia1215 said:

    Hi everyone! I would like to share our experience. My husband had his appointment 01/23/2018 with embassy. He left to Guatemala 01/10/2018. I didnt go. I stayed wirh the kiddos. He had his medical exam 01/11/2018. Everything went smooth BUT dont waste your time getting vaccines, bloodwork done. They completly ignore it. I work at a Clinic so my DR did me the favor of doing blood titers to see what he was not immune to. He just needed series of Hep B. My husband also did a Quat gold for TB. all for nothing but no big deal because it was all done at my job for free. He paid $375 US dollars  for his physical exam in Guatemala. He stayed at his mom whom lived 4  hrs away while he waited for appoinment. The day before he rented a hotel in front of embassy. On the day of the appointment he said there were a few people who got rejected because they were missing documents. He said dont show thay you are scared or nervous because then start asking you more questions. They only asked him how and when we met. The DOB of our 2 boys. what school and grade my 5 yr was in. He showed them pictures. They asked him when he entered the USA. when dis we marry and the dates. That it. he said the interview was literally like 3  mins long. But he said MAKE sure you know everyone  involved DOB. I dont want to scare ppl because it depends on the agent you see. But just practice all your info and respond with a firm tone. If anyone has any question please let me know

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience!  I cannot stop thinking about the interview but I feel so much better now. I’m still waiting for my appointment letter but I want to be prepared just in case. I don’t know what to say when if they ask when we met.. I don’t remember the day just the month (lol)

  14. On 1/4/2018 at 8:36 PM, SarahNRolando said:

    Our lawyer didn’t know about it either and she called the NVC. It came up with another one of her Guatemala clients that were processing the same time we were as well. Regarding shots, Don’t worry about getting them here. You will get everything you need down there. My husband took his record of one of the shots and he said they just ignored it. Yes, they should give you a receipt and it should have the DPI number on it. 

    Hi! Just wanted to give you guys an update. Guess what? My lawyer never sent  the bc from renap and I got an email from NVC requesting the new one today. It took 3 weeks to get the “checklist” email from the time I sent my ds 260 and affidavit of support so today I’ve decided to no longer work with my lawyer and I’m going to take it from here,  so please I ask you all of you to help me in anyway you can. I called NVC today and was told my case will not be reviewed  again and as soon they get my new bc my case should close within a couple weeks but he also said that it could  take up to 11 weeks but that’s rare. I guess will see. I need help with gathering the documents I’ll need to bring to my interview I have an idea of what they’ll ask but I’d appreciate any suggestions/ tips. Thanks!!

  15. On 1/22/2018 at 12:38 PM, Judy2017 said:

    Good morning.


    So I just printed my husbands new BC, the updated version with his picture on it. I’m just sharing this in case some of you need this now. It was really easy. Just paid $19 and that’s it!! You have to register first, oh of course have the DPI number. The page you go to www.renap.gob.gt 

    then you click on solicitud de certificación vía electrónica, then click on ingresar al portal, under eportal ciudadano, then click menu and click ciudadanos, you then register using the DPI number. Any questions just ask,  maybe someone knows how to pass this info. I know a lot of us were worrying about how to get the new updated version for BC!!

    Thanks for the info. I still don’t have my DPI but I should be getting one soon (I hope)

  16. 39 minutes ago, Judy2017 said:

    Well God willing it works with the BC that you have. Trust in God. We have faith that my husbands package won’t have any delays. We just send the I601at the end of November. We did the biometrics too. Let’s just have faith. 

    Thank you and hope you get the approval very soon! I agree let's have faith and hope for the best. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, SarahNRolando said:

    Hopefully you can get your DPI fairly quickly. Totally understand about the consulate being so far away. We drove from St Louis to Houston and back in one weekend just to get that crazy thing because at the time it was our closest option (the other one was in California) that did that service. But it is necessary to have. Hopefully your hubby will be able to get some answers when he calls! Let me know if I can help with anything else 😊

    I know! My lawyer should know all of these things.  It's been frustrating trying to figure out things without her help. I called the consulate this past monday and was told to bring proof I need the DPI fairly quickly and they should issue a DPI number number in the mean time and I could use that to get what I need in Guatemala.  Thank you! oh one more question did your hubby get his shots here in the states? I've heard not to bother because they won't take vaccination records.

  18. 59 minutes ago, SarahNRolando said:


    We sent our docs and unfortunately encountered a significant delay because of the old birth certificate format. As many on here will also tell you, it DOES matter which birth certificate you submit. If the birth certificate has the pictures from the DPI then that should be the correct one. We sent the older format and it added an extra 6 weeks onto our case because we  had to resubmit which pushed us back to the beginning of the review process. I just want to be completely honest and tell you that you may want to have someone from Guatemala send a correct birth certificate to you so you can send it in rather than receive a letter stating that you need it. My brother in law was able to get my husband’s using only his DPI number. Hopefully this helps! 

    Best wishes to you!

     Thank you so much for your quick reply I appreciate it! Oh man! I definitely don't want to add more time to this never ending nightmare and hope I can resolve it sooner. I have the Renap BC but without the pictures because I don't have my DPI yet so I hope that doesn't cause an issue. I was planning on getting it sometime this month my nearest consulate is 8+ hours away and it wasn't until recently that I learned I would need it to get police record and what not. Husband will call tomorrow to find out more.

  19. Hi! I hope someone can help me!  Last week I submitted my DS 260 and sent all the financial and civil documents, however someone told me they had their case delayed because they sent the old birth certificate not the new one from RENAP and that's exactly my case. I sent a copy of the old one along with a translated copy. I do have the BC from renap and I called my lawyer and she laughed at me saying it doesn't matter as long is a valid BC it shouldn't matter which one.  I don't know what to do, I thought about calling NVC and ask but what if they don't know what I'm talking about since they probably haven't receive the docs. I'd really appreciate any advice.

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