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Posts posted by clacknark

  1. On 7/9/2018 at 10:49 AM, USC4SPOUSE said:

    Here's another data point. This couple filed 09-27-17 and were just scheduled for interview on 08-01-18. I guess there is no rhyme or reason to how they select cases. 


    We just returned from our interview at the MSP office. Arrived at 12:50 PM, interview scheduled for 1:30PM. We were called in at 2:10PM. Officer was very friendly, Asked me some basic questions, Confirming my personal information. Since we filed our AOS we had purchased a home and now have an 8 month old daughter. we handed over updated financials, Home Deed, Taxes and our daughters birth certificate. He then asked my wife for her personal information and the proceeded to ask the " are you a communist or terrorist" questions. after that was done he said everything looks good, However, He cannot give an answer today since he just received our case this morning. Once he goes through everything we will either receive a letter of approval or if he needs anything we would receive an RFE. Total interview time was a little less than 20 minutes. 




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