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Rodrigo B.

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Posts posted by Rodrigo B.

  1. Ok, but remember that my barred time was over when I applied for ESTA and  I answered that I have another citizenship I wrote my passaport number of the citizenship I had the problem and I answer yes on the question: Do you had your entrance denied in the US?  So if the system consider not elegible for an ESTA who answered yes in that question Wy my was approved? 


  2. Do I need a waiver for violation of Section 212  (a ) (7) (A) (i) (I) after the 5  years I was barred from returning to US?  The  5 years are over and Ihave double citizenship and I applied for the Visa Waiver Program on my Chilean passaport and my permission to travel was authorized.  Can I travel to US with the permission ESTA  or I need to get the Visa And the waiver?  Please if you know how to fix my situation let me know! Thanks a lot! 

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