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Posts posted by Anasino

  1. 4 minutes ago, WeGuyGal said:

    Don't need prayer dude, just need a bona fide relationship

    It is a bona fide relationship, i will not deny the fact that many Moroccans do through Visa only to get into the USA, but for me it's different, i even did ENglish lessons to know how to communicate with my gf !

  2. 4 minutes ago, WeGuyGal said:

    Americans love other nationalities too..


    But facts are facts. If it's hard to obtain a b2 or K1 from a particular country, there's usually a reason. 

    I know it's very difficult, but we're gonna figure it out dude,

  3. 3 hours ago, TNJ17 said:

    From what other people have said on this website, you’re gonna need a lot of visits before you start the process seeing as Morocco is a high fraud country. 

    Americans love Moroccans, don't get too personal; period

  4. 38 minutes ago, TNJ17 said:

    Zero chance. You have no ties to your home country, which if it were an easy country for tourist visas you’d still get flagged and most likely denied, but considering it’s Morocco, you got no chance at all. Have her come visit you, if spending time together is what you want, or meet at a third country. If you were ever to try and apply for a tourist visa, the minute you open your mouth about having a girlfriend in the states, you’d get denied ASAP. Even if you didn’t mention having a girlfriend, you’d have to enter her address as your place of stay in the US, no hotels, you’d be turned back immediately because they think you’re trying to immigrate on a tourist visa. Go on a vacation somewhere but forget the US. 

    Thanks, i will see about it :) i appreciate your attention ! we also thought of marriage after her first vist here, i think it's much better :)

  5. 13 minutes ago, adil-rafa said:

    answer is no

    extremely hard to get a tourist visa from Morocco

    we could not even get one for my husband's mother who owns a house and apartment but has no job / house left to her when parents died and my husband is buying the apartment

    she can visit you

    but waste of money for you  to try tourist visa (my opinion) but look at the USCIS pages to see how many tourist visas are issued in Morocco

    IF and i say If you were lucky to get one (as you may have traveled to Europe several times and returned to Morocco as planned), at the POE when you entereed the USA you would be turned back the moment they asked who you would visit and you said "my gf"

    get her to come to Morocco and meet you / i have been 6 times with no problems

    to get any other visa such as K1 (financee) she needs to meet you and in Casa embassy they will ask if your family approves of her especially your mom

    so, good luck but forget tourist visa 

    she can not put money in a bank for you or show you have a job or own property

    this sounds harsh so sorry but is the truth

    Yey but at the end the truth is the truth 3chiri. We also planned about her visiting me part as a precaution if i cannot get this tourist visa. Thanks a lot brother, i really appreciate your reply :) , i will have to get more info from concerning the K1 VIsa? is there any other way we can communicate ? 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Amit&Julie said:

    You need to apply for a tourist visa completely on your own merits and prove you have very strong ties to Morocco. There is nothing your girlfriend can do to improve your chances of getting a B2 visa; in fact, her "sponsoring" you can work against you. 

    Yuup, that's exactly what i thought.Thanks  lot, you really hve been helpful :)

  7. Hello guys, hope you're doing just great, Happy new year :) ! i was just wondering if i can get some help about the tourism Visa. My girlfriend lives in centerville pennsylvania, lately we were discussing about how am i goint to get into the States just for a temporary visit. I did some digging on this Visa, but according to my status, i am just a student in the university of Marrakesh here in MOrocco, i found that i cannot apply for it since i don't have a job, or a bank account. My gf asked me if there's anyway she can help with financially sponsoring me and guarrantee my safety and resident during the time i will be there with her. 

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Hello guys, i am so greatfull to be joining you here. I was wondering if someone can help me with some information on how can a person who lives in the USA send you things or an express delivery. Is there anybody who can help me with useful information ? 

    Thanks in advance guys.

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