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Huyen Tong

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Posts posted by Huyen Tong

  1. On 2/25/2018 at 9:54 AM, Phuong Ly said:

    I did, they said since the maximum time for the packet to arrive is 30 days, it is still "normal" because it is not 30 days yet. I can send the slowest mail possible and it still can reach the Embassy in a week. I don't know what they are doing now. 

    Hi Ly,

    I already got ds 160 confirmation page and paid interview fee. My case was shown ready but I havent received Packet 3 yet. I wrote an inquiry to Consulate, hopefully get it soon to be able to get the interview in Mar. 

    hope everything go smooth for you



  2. 6 hours ago, Phuong Ly said:

    So exciting to see lots of pp are getting their visa approved. And guys, can I ask a question. Is it silly to make any interview appointment and medical exam now that I haven't receive the packet 3 ? It was shown on NVC website that it was sent on the 5th Feb to my country but until this day I haven't receive it. A thing to consider is our country just has a really big holiday in which everywhere was close for 10 days. 

    Last time I check the appointment schedule, they only have a few slot left for March and nothing for April so I am really worry that if I don't make the appointment now. I will lose the slot and wont be able to have the interview until who knows when. 

    Any words of wisdom ? 

    Hi Ly, my case is shown that it is In transit to Viet Nam as well. It is sent on 12Feb2017 to Vietnam. Can you please tell me how you you checked appointment slots? Also did you fill DS160 form already? Thanks a lot in advance

  3. 1 hour ago, Phuong Ly said:

    Well, I dont know who you heard that from, but pp in the North has nothing against anyone. American, French,... we welcome all of you to our country. And look at me as I am from Hanoi, the capital in the North and I am on my way to be with my American guy. Therefore, if you have a chance to visit Vietnam again, please come to the North, there are also many historical places you can visit.

    hi Phuong Ly, I am happy to see one person in this thread from Vietnam. We are June30 filler. Nice to meet you and would like to share our journey together!

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