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Posts posted by seville

  1.  Hello everyone.

      I have graduated from a Turkish University's faculty of law in Turkey.  This year me and my American fiancé have applied for K-1 visa(Nonimmigrant Visa for a Fiancé) and currently we are waiting for the process to complete. We are looking forward to marry with each other. If everything goes well and I start to live with her in U.S., what can I do with this Turkish Law Diploma in terms of education or career? To be honest I'm pessimist about the matter, because my education was about Turkish Law and I'm not sure how this diploma would be useful in U.S. Maybe there is a career option that I don't know, or I can make this diploma useful by combining it with a master degree that I'm going to take in U.S.?


     I'm open to any kind of suggestions, career suggestions or education suggestions like; "You can do a master degree on a specific subject and make your diploma useful."


     Thank you for your time.


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