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Posts posted by jmm462001

  1. Please I want someone who have similar experience to make there contribution and to advice us on what to do..I appreciate those who have contributed to our last post especially when my husband was denied the CR1 visa on the basis of relationship meant for immigration purpose..On September 8,2009 the USCIS updated our case and stated that its been re-affirmed without contacting us or getting any notice or something and shipped to DOS for further visa processing..On September 14 the same petition was returned back to USCIS again asking for request to review our case again..I am worried and after been happy for 6 days checking online again and discovered that it is no longer approved.My question is what do we do now,attorneys said they cannot help,my senator could not get the reason why we were denied,they told him that what we saw on the website was a mistake.The embassy in Lagos is not helping us at all...I will really appreciate whoever that could give us a good advice on what to do.Thanks


    If your petition has been sent back to the USCIS, I would continue bugging the consulate to find out if they did indeed give a denial before sending it back. If they did, you may as well reapply because that petition will be dead by the time it resurfaces. I'm sorry and I can sympathize with you.

  2. We were put in AR in June and have heard nothing thus far. They said they have no info at this end as it is all being done in Lagos. Lagos said that due to conditions in the country and lack of staff, it could take even longer than 6 months. They also said they did not want any more info or e-mails from us and they would contact him when they were ready. It will be 6 months in Dec. I am being very patient. He is a bit more antsy. I was fortunate to visit in Oct. I guess all we can do is wait.

  3. hello ,

    sorry about last post , I am very discourage and angry right now. my question was can age difference stop my soon to husband from getting his visa approved? I have just got engaged this past July and we plan on getting married next June 2008 in Morocco where he lives, I have talked to laywers and they told me that my age will play a big part in his visa getting approved or not. Has any one heard of this or had the same problem? I even had one guy ask me if I looked like Demi Moore, because that was the only way I would be able to keep my love, I replied back to him , not every one has to look like a super model or a movie star, so many people place looks as everything, i don't feel that way . true love is from the heart not the looks and if that is what you based it on than you will fail. Can any one help me with my question? i would apprecaite all the help i can get, thank you , please pray for us. My loves name is Hassan Salhi. thank you Mony

    Age will make NO difference providing everything else is in order. Most important is you Aff of Support and proof of relationship

  4. Your case is very complicated. The only thing I can add is that lying on any visa application is misrepresentation and normally requires a waiver. The waiver requires proof of extreme hardship with evidence from the USC.

    It's hard to tell if that's what they are ultimately going to require. I would consult with a qualified immigration attorney.


    Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visas

    C) Misrepresentation.-

    (i) In general.-Any alien who, by fraud or willfully misrepresenting a material fact, seeks to procure (or has sought to procure or has procured) a visa, other documentation, or admission into the United States or other benefit provided under this Act is inadmissible.

    I have read the law regarding waivers, but will they accept hardship from a fiance, or must it be a spouse; if you know! Thanks

  5. :star::dance: :dance: :thumbs: Got a call at 4:50 AM. Visa is approved and can be picked up next Thursday. I never did a timeline, but I petitioned in mid November and his initial interview was May 21st. We went through the California center and it took about 6 months from beginning to end. We are very excited!!!! I posted details for everyone on the embassy reviews. Thanks for this site which guided us alot through the process!!!!
  6. I'm 53 in Sept. (had to figure it out!!) and he is 40. High fraud country, children of great importance, etc. Had interview with no mention of ages. Has to return with medical as it was not ready, but no other requests so far!! Perhaps our over 5 year relationship and my 8 trips there helps also!

  7. I quit 9 years ago after smoking 2 packs a day all my life. I used nicorette gum and still use it because the first time I quit I started again a couple years later when alot of stress came along! I also gained lots of weight (food tastes so much better doesn't it?) and still have issues with it. I also had back, feet, problems, etc. That motivated me to lose (pain) but not soon enough. I have spinal disease and need a huge surgery one day in order to stop all the pain. I am not saying the weight caused it totally, but I know it pushed it along alot faster.

    Losing weight is never easy, and you are right in saying you have to get the "mindset". It definiety will not work unti that happens. I am waiting to get that again at the moment to lose 20 pounds gained in the past couple months due to stress and steroids for the back (increases the appetite immensely!)

    Wait for that mindset and then do what works for you!! Weight Watchers has a great program. I am like you in that I eat really healthy, just too much!! WW has a program that allows you to eat as much as you want to be satisfied and not stuffed of certain foods. I am heading there soon. The weekly weigh in helps too and the motivations from others!

    Good luck to you and keep in mind, you might want to get an MRI on that back now to see what kind of damage has been done. And, when tempted to eat something bad, remember that the pain just gets worse until you can not walk some days and you can no longer have the quaity of life you deserve!! Congrats on quitting smoking and don't ever be tempted to go back!! It's the best thing you have ever done in your life!!

  8. CR 1 applicants have to endure AP as well and my husband was in AP for 5 months from the time of his interivew, had a field investigation and it is normal for this to happen at our particular consulate/embassy. All you can do is provide the information and be paitent and may you be rewarded soon with your visa. Remember too that as a CR 1 applicant you do not have to do AOS stateside and can work almost immediately.


    What exactly is a field investigation? Is it because they suspect the validity of the relationship or job, etc, and proof supplied or what? (If you know)

  9. After an interview the consulate is required to do 1 of 2 things. Approve the visa or deny the visa. Since they didn't have the medical results there then they have no option but deny. Keep in mind, this is a temporary denial, and once the medical is received they will complete processing, and more than likely approve the visa.

    Good luck.

    Oh, I so much hope you are right. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hi!

    I am sending the I-130 for my husband tomorrow to the Vermont Service Center. I have read so much I think I'm going blind. Could anyone please tell me if my package seems complete????


    I met my husband online in 2004. I went to see him a few times in Nigeria since then. We had a baby in May 2006. My divorce was final in January 2007 (the ex dragged it out as long as possible) and we got married almost two weeks ago (yay!). I have two other children but I meet the requirements for the Affidavit of Support. I have been agonizing over sending the package for fear that something is missing.

    The package includes:

    *Cover letter detailing what is enclosed

    *Filing fee

    *I-130 Application

    *Copy of my birth certificate (front and back) and all the pages of my passport (showing the visas from my entry and departure to Nigeria)

    *Marriage Certificate (copy)

    *Divorce Decree (copy) from my first marriage

    *Birth Certificate (copy) and some pages of the US Passport (copy) for our son to show the bona fide marriage

    *G-325A for me w/ passport style photo in plastic bag attached to paper behind my G-325A

    *G-325A for him w/ passport style photo attached in same manner

    *Marriage certificate (copy) from my first marriage showing my name change from birth to that marriage (the divorce decree and marriage certificate to my husband shows the other changes)

    I assembled it in that order with numbered tabs separating the documents so they can find what they need easier based on the cover letter.

    Do I need to include the affidavit of support? or is that for sometime later in the process (i mean after his interview at the embassy). I haven't looked ahead beyond his interview. My nerves are shot just trying to accomplish one task at a time.

    Please offer suggestions or opinions!!

    Thanks in advance!

    If it is simiar to K1, I think you will need proof of meeting; pictures, boarding passes, e-mails, etc

  11. Just never return via Ohio from Nigeria. They put me through the ringer, tired as I was and sent me to the DHS officers where they emptied my bags, opened every item I was carrying and read all my cards, etc. Examined my empty suitcase thoroughly, x-rayed it twice, and questioned me endlessly about what I was doing in Nigeria and all about my fiance'. I felt totally violated and my luggage never made it on the plane to my final destination and I barely did! I will be sure my fiance' does not travel through Ohio!!

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