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Posts posted by RickyRick

  1. 8 hours ago, JE57 said:


    Right. I forgot to mention that the officer had to cancel my tourist visa before I was put back on a plane to Mexico. 

    I am not sure if my visa was revoked or cancelled. I read about a withdrawal of application in this site: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/22/41.122

    It specifically talks about visa revocations. In MY visa, however, the officer wrote "Cancelled Pursuant to 22CFR 41.122(e)3."

    He said that I wasn't barred from entering the US for any number of years. He said I could apply for a new visa as soon as I wanted to. 

    Thanks again!

  2. A year and a half ago, I was hired to work at a summer camp for 4 days in LA. I was getting paid $400 in total. I was honest to the officer at the port of entry about this. I had a tourist visa, and didn't know it was illegal (I was 20 at the time). I think he believed it was all an honest mistake. I, however, had to withdraw my application for admission. I am planning to go to China, Vietnam, Thailand, and/or Cambodia with my parents soon.


    1. Is it likely that any of these countries denies me a tourist visa because of my incident in the US?

    2. Is it likely that I will EVER get another US tourist visa? I've been scared, so I haven't applied for one yet.

    3. Did I commit a crime?

    More info:

    - I'm Mexican, and currently at university.

    - I'm in the process of getting Portuguese citizenship because I'm jewish (Portuguese Jewish Law of Return). Could this help me get a US visa?

    - I applied for a Canadian eTA a year ago, and did explain what happened at the US. Canada, however, didn't mind. They granted me the eTA.

    - I have gone to France and Costa Rica after this incident. Neither country questioned me about this.

    - I have no criminal records (unless this is one).

    Thanks in advance!

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