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Posts posted by amorcito

  1. I need help, she recently changed her mind and told me to not send in the forms.....now she is worried about so many things about this precedure. She is saying she will have a hard time adapting in the US. Also, she is saying that marriage is risky, a lot of pressure, and a lot of committment. She is wondering if we can even get along once married or will we have problems because of cultural differences and such. Another problem is she is very shy and very to herself (wants to have everything her way), sometimes she has a hard time to express herself. She wants to split up and doesn't feel like getting married. Her parents and relatives all want her to be with me, but what to do? :crying:

    I'll give her time to cool off.....she thinks sometimes I don't understand her.

    Anything I can do? :help:

    I am no Dr. Phil, Dr Ruth, and not even an expert in the matter that you seek BUT, love her with no conditions; Set her free. If she comes back to you and embraces all the odds, then she's yours to keep. Remember the good old cliche'.

  2. So, my baby's comin home tomorrow... after 15 months of being apart it just doesn't feel real. It's been so hard on him, saying his goodbyes and not knowing when he'll return to France. To think that this time tomorrow we'll have been together again for a few hours is just... whoa! What does he need to have on the plane with him again? The brown do not open envelope... isn't there something else?

    It's funny, the 15 months we were apart flew by so fast... but now the reality of it is kicking in. The memories we have together are from 2005 - and now it's 2007. It seems (and is) so long ago... I don't remember what his hug feels like anymore... I don't even remember what it feels like to stand there and look up into his eyes. And that all finally ends tomorrow... wow... it's just so many combinations of feelings. Excited and relieved... worried about finances... sad for him having to leave his friends and family... on edge because of all the fighting we've done lately (15 months apart will do that to ya)... burned out because of a few bad weeks in work... combine them all together and I actually sort of feel numb. I don't know which one to feel first lol. I think I'm scheduling us for two back massages this weekend.

    Eh, I'm just rambling. It just doesn't feel real that our K1 journey is ending, and then the AOS journey will begin. I guess, after 15 months of reading on the K1 forum, I just got used to being a "preparing to file K1" person. So it really, really doesn't feel real that he'll be flying in on his K1 tomorrow!

    Did any of that actually make sense?

    Good day to all of you on this thread: My Yana will be coming home tomorrow too (from Ukraine) here in San Diego at around 1159pm. It is five months four days when we said goodbye, and yes I know exactly how it feels.

    All of your experiences and predicaments are very accurate and the truth of the matter is, like any long distance relationships, we have special degrees of stress levels, frustrations and the holidays and our birthdays fall under this timeframe of K1 process.

    We also have phone fights, let me take it back......disagreements when I open up cans of worms about previous relationships and it better not be at special time of the months. But after things have been said, she will be meek and gentle like a kitten and I will be like a boy in the candy store.

    Funny, but Yes, she kept my unwashed shirt and she tucked in my luggage her pair of Victoria's Secrets (Ukrainian version of course). Love and relationships are very strange and varies at times, but our behaviour as loving couples mirror image one another.

    My best to all and goodluck to yet another adventure to come.

  3. Exactly a week from her Interview, My Yana got her VISA today ;-) I hurriedly made a few airline phone calls and she will be with me here in San Diego this Friday, (Did I hear champagne, strawberries......).

    Actually, I have this certain feelings because I haven't slept and awakened with someone by my side..in a long while. I know in my heart that I would like her to be the last person I see before sleeping and the first one to see in my waking hours....unconditionally.

    For all of those on queue headed upstream to NOA2, Interview, Visa on Hand, Fiance/Fiance'e coming home; it was such a culmination of hardwork going through these processes and there is no way going around it. Believe you me, it was thrilling and I would do it in aheart beat if it meant the person I cared most.

  4. Well it's all finally over, Myrna and I are officially no more.

    The person I met and fell in love with was not the real Myrna, what turned out to be the real person was a deceitful, unfaithful woman who is and has been on a self desctructive path virtually her whole adult life (her words, not mine).

    Now comes the hard part of mending my broken heart and rebuilding my life.

    I would like to thank everyone on this site for their help in the past and their kind words of support during all the uncertainty over the past few weeks

    Best wishes to all those on the journey, one which I will no longer be taking.

    Good luck and God Bless


    I hope you understand that life is an adventurous journey. There will always be woundings and rocks along the way and the more woundings you get, the stronger there is to both body and soul. No wound will forever bleed because almighty Time is your best Healer. For sure you will have anger, bitterness and sadness at this point, and rightly so.

    You must remember that it is in FORGIVENESS to yourself and to Myrna of course, that you will find your inner peace, and only then you will pick up fragments of your broken heart.

    I think you can close this chapter in your life story book so that so can start another one, and this time...with happy endings.

    The others and I will be here for a while on this journey and get back soon.

  5. Reading the post in some topics, i decided to ask for help. I met my Fiancee 6 months ago on the internet. She was wanting badly to come to the USA. I was very lonely and looking for romance and companionship but i am 62, she 41. With that said, i met her in Russia for 4 days in 11/06. We hit it off. I met her again in 02/07. We talked, i gave her $1,000 in cash for expenses. She later asked some questionable questions & said she wanted a marriage agreement. I went to bed, she slept on sofa. I am laying in bed thinking this is our 1st sex & because i am a diabetic & don't perform very good, she is unhappy, plus i didn't buy her a $1,200 dress she wanted so she is unhappy, plus i am a diabetic, etc. I decided i should ask for the $1,000 back until i was more sure about her. So i got out of bed & got my money back. The next morning she left 2 days early so i asked for my ring back but she wouldn't give it. When i got home, i emailed & apologized, she accepted, but has been very cool since. Currently, i am needing a copy of her divorce papers for RFE1 but she hasn't faxed a copy to me in 3 days. In your opinions, was i wrong for asking for my money back when she wouldn't come to bed? Should i continue to try to make this work when i am wondering if she cares?

    Signed, sad & worried

    You are for sure blinded by your feelings for this woman of 20 some years your junior. I felt sad that you have not recognized the RED Flags. I dont believe any woman of Easter European decent with good character, values, moral and tradition will ask you for such and many more such.

    I think that you need to reflect and charge all of these experiences to learning as we have learned from yours. And yes indeed you have a big heart.

    On the funny side of relationship, "No matter hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades; and there had better be a lot of money to take its place". Something for us to laugh about.

  6. My Yana had her VISA Interview this morning at the US Embassy in KYIV....She passed the interview with flying colors.

    Yana said that it was a five minutes question and answer and the staff in Kyiv are very professional and friendly.

    The actual visa will be delivered through their local courier (Fedex???) in a day or two maybe....I hope. At this point in time, I am making arrangements for her flight from Donetsk to San Diego and I would certainly welcome any comments as far as travel agencies and or flight tickets are concerned.

    One of the most important lessons I learned from this journey so far is that:

    -a week after you get your NOA2-email your respective embassy and inquire about your approved petition

    -Do not wait for packet 3 and 4 (they can get lost in the mail).......Download them from the embassy site.....Ask your embassy if you can email the appointment letter/Interview date request (KEV1 for Ukraine) on behalf of your fiance'e/fiance because you are absolutely sure that she/he has all the documents.

    -Police certificate is good for 12 months from date of issuance (Ukraine) which I think is the only time sensitive document (next to approved petition timeframe).

    Good Luck to everyone on queue!!!!!!!!!

  7. Good Day to everyone

    I would like everyone to know that we got our NOA2. It took us 78 days ( NO touches No RFEs) and Captain CRIS sent me 8 emails today. For those of you who are still on Queue, good luck and persevere.

    Time could be our worst enemy, yet time does its best when it is meant to be.

    My best to all.


  8. I felt that hiring for a legal counsel is a personal preference and a question of comfort level in going through the documentations and time spent on the subject K-1. I think that if one can follow simple instructions and research through someone else's priceless journey, it will be worth putting your best effort and then again save some $$$. Indeed this web site has so much informations, and it is the moral support such as the virtue of waiting and patience that help the waiters on USCIS queing line.

    Again, if time is an issue of doing the paperworks and personal comfort level will be better with a lawyer then go for it, but I can tell you that you can do it yourself with all the help you can get from this site. Good luck. Maligayang Pasko.

  9. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. As I have said, my fiance hired a lawyer and it is really expensive but we cant back out anymore because he hired their service already before I saw this kind of helpful site. As for my experience, I know my interview date already, but they havent send notice yet to my fiance about it. I told my man not to hire another lawyer or retain our lawyer's service when filling for AOS, but I dont know if he will do it. I have gained lots of information here already and able to share my knowledge to those who will start their case.

    We thought our case was complicated because it is our first time to file this kind of case and heard about here in my country how hard to get a visa for US.

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