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Posts posted by HannaAlu

  1. Oh goodness no! She had a fair bit on that made her face look glossy. I'm someone who never wears makeup so my tattoos stand out alot compared to previous photos done. I should've stated heavy makeup is not allowed in my previous post since there are certain rules to makeup and government photos like no lip gloss, no shiny lipstick, simple eyeliner (no wings, ect.), no contouring, no eyeshadow and such. Natural makeup is allowed but generally makeup is kept to a minimum. I was always told to avoid wearing any to passport and license so officials didn't have to question what I looked like with/without makeup in photos.

  2. During my last passport photos in Canada, the photographer made a girl take off her make up since it was "too heavy" and would be denied if she sent those photos in. Depends on the amount of make up. My mother on the other hand had to put foundation on to make her skin less shiny in the photos. At the USCIS office we went to in Atlanta, a woman was asked to remove her make up. Excessive make up is actually not allowed and there are cases where photos were denied for it.

  3. Early next year I can start the process to remove my conditions on my green card while being stationed in Germany. After my green card came in, I went to Korea with my mother and ended up laser removing a mole from my face, cosmetic eyeliner tattoo, as well as eyebrow tattoos done. I'm curious if I should send documentation of such work being done? My passport style photos are going to look like I'm wearing makeup and show the scar where the mole used to be. Or should I just send the packet without an explaintion to the permanent facial changes?

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