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Status Updates posted by Detty2809

  1. Hey girl.. heard about your Dad.. I'm really sorry *hugs*. But your sweety is right by your side now, so that's good =). I haven't been on VJ for a while.. thought I'd check how sweet Angela is doin. Later!

  2. Oi oi.. congrats yah =)

    Sorry ngga banyak bantu soal tiket pesawatnya.... i think it'll be better for you to consult local travel agents or..ya i hope zuji replied you back..if not, maybe you can give them a call?

    Good luck!!

  3. Hehehe.. tanya aja ngga pa pa :D Thx doanya ya! Jadi ngga sabar nih pengen cepet ketemu hwehehe... Daaah!

  4. Medikaloka ajah!!! Professional dan cepet banget. Yang laennya itu laboratorium ama klinik periksanya beda tempat jadi ribet!

  5. Makasih~~. Iya nih... jadi gugup hehehe.... sukses buat kamu juga deh :)

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