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Posts posted by zimmy33

  1. I already had to get over my missing things when I moved from Montreal to Vancouver. I have been missing decent poutine and bagels and smoked meat and pizza and roast chicken for 11 years, so no adjustment to make moving to the USA!

    However, Vancouver does have a decent Jewish bakery, so though the bagels aren't quite to Montreal standards, they are still a fix. And the rest of the baked goods are good. So this is going to be my number one thing... the lack of a jewish bakery. That is going to kill me.

    As for the shoe thing, I also find it weird that people walk in with their boots and sneakers on, but I am not as big on the removing shoes thing as most Canadians. In fact, I complain about it a lot here! Especially if I have dressed up for a party or dinner... I hate being asked to remove my heels and walk around in stocking feet. Sorry, you should never expect that of a guest! A wipe yes, but not all outfits are ok without shoes. Also, sometimes it is too cold to take your shoes off!

    Any special places in Montreal that make good bagels? I'll be going back for the IR1 interview sometime soon. Did find a place last time... but when I came back home, found out half the bag of sesame bagels were burnt! :crying:

    The smoked meat and pizza and roast chicken recommendations would also be appreciated. :D Have a husband crazy over pizza.. and a mother crazy over roast chicken. Would make a nice present from returning from Montreal. :yes:

  2. -amazing ethnic cuisine in California. Just recently found this amazing Indian restaurant there. :yes:

    On this topic, I miss my California burritos. I am an addict. Will you have one for me?


    No problem. Any special place you recommend? :) I will diligently make sure I go there and eat one just for you! :D

  3. :yes: shopping!!!! :yes: Anne Taylor. Lord and Taylor. :):dance:

    In Massachusetts, clothing has 0% tax!!!! After 15% tax in Ontario, this is AMAZING. AND, everytime you go into the store, they ALWAYS have something on sale!!!! Upto the minute fashion, and amazing sales.

    Massachusetts has this 0% tax day every year called black Wednesdays (?) (I think). Anyhow, last year, my hubby and I went into the stores thinking we could get 0% tax on our clothes we bought that day. I was wondering why there not hordes of line ups at the clothing counters cause this was better than boxing day in Canada ever could be. I didn't realize why, until the following week when I bought some item of clothing and noted that I had 0% tax on my clothes (and it wasn't black Wednesday) :lol:

    Unfortunately, California doesn't have Lord and Taylor :crying: And the sale racks seem to be a bit more depleted than massachusetts.... and... the taxes are higher. :crying:

    Ah but I guess the sunshine :dance: makes up for it.... perhaps they won't notice me wearing summer clothes all year round? ;)

    Also other plus factors:

    -amazing food choices in grocery stores. Why doesn't canada have that?

    -amazing waiter service in Boston. no attitidue

    -amazing hot bread rolls in Boston

    -amazing ethnic cuisine in California. Just recently found this amazing Indian restaurant there. :yes:

  4. Being extremely fatigued sure helps you not be nervous. :D;)

    I don't recommend it... but for me.. that did the trick. Was so exhausted, and fatigued that I had trouble not dozing off while waiting in the chairs for my number to be called.

  5. Hello,

    we just got back from montreal.

    1. good places to eat: not too sure. But do NOT eat a place called VARGAS restaurant (recommended by our hotel concierge). Their food sucked. And the waitress asked us what we wanted for drinks, and I said water. She said "bottled?, and we just let it slide assuming it would be like perrier. Instead, she brought us this 1 litre bottled water for both of us, (that was already partially used), and then charged us $6.00 for the water!!!! :angry: Plus the food was not good either.. and they charge a fortune. It's a tourist trap.

    2. POE. I dont' think so... but not too sure

    3. good things to know:

    -leave as much as possible at the hotel that you do not need... given tight security

    -leave keys at hotel

    -leave automatic car door opener attached to key chain at hotel

    -leave purse at hotel if possible, and carry wallet only

    -make sure you have $100 USD cash

    -if you are missing copies, they do make copies for you .. but you SHOULD make sure you have copies of EVERYTHING

    -there is no bank in Toronto Canada that is open on Sundays to exchange Canadian cash into American cash.

    -royal bank apparently has some instant teller machines that let you withdraw your canadian cash for USD

    -but you can save yourself the pain and hardship ;) by making sure you have 100 USD cash BEFORE the weekend starts

    -for the express post envelope, you do not need to fill in the part that says "FROM", as they have a stamp that they use for that portion

    -they will give back the originals of some stuff (ie. marriage certificate)...

    -walk/drive/taxi to the consulate the night before to get an idea of where it is

    Enjoy your trip to Montreal.

  6. I am sorry you are going through all of this. It is clear that your marrige is hitting some rough spots. All I can say is that perhaps you should seek some advice in real life, rather then on the net. We are just faceless, nameless people... whose motives you do not know.

    I would suggest a good church of some sort (ie. baptist or alliance or presbyterian church in your area). They provide FREE marital counselling for couples. The whole voodoo thing is rather creepy if you ask me.. but that is my own personal perspective on faith. The voodoo thing seems to have upset you, as you keep mentioning it in your posts over and over again ... and I don't blame you. All the more reason to perhaps seek out advice/prayer/counselling in a good church.

    As well, just some reminders for you:

    1. the US government has a maximum limit on the number of times you can sponser someone for a spousal greencard (if your plan is to divorce, and then find another person overseas). I believe it is 3 times maximum

    2. At the age of 40 years... the child bearing years may be a little past. If you guys are serious about fixing your marriage, and also committed to having children, you will both probably need to see a fertility specialist to increase your chances of bearing children and starting a family.

    3. you can receive prayer in a church for the voodoo spells... God is always much superior than any power the voodoo witch doctors rely on.

    4. it's a good motto to never let the sun go down on your anger. Trying to at least forgive each other (even if you don't resolve the problem) is a good place to start

    5. like many posters have suggested already... got get some counselling. If you love your wife, as you said you did... counselling should be done before the whole divorce thing is addressed

    good luck

  7. Hello,

    I think it must be very arbitrary, depending on the border guard you get.

    Just last month I went to the US, and was questioned at the airport. For some reason, the guard asked me whether or not my husband and I had started the process for the visa (never been asked that before).

    I truthfully answered, "yes". Up to that point, I could tell he was simply going to let me cross without any issues. As soon as I answered "yes", I could see the wheels turning in his head, and potentially being denied entrance.

    So then, I quickly added, "but I have my greencard interview next month in Montreal". To be honest with you, I had mixed up the greencard and K-3 visa processes at that time and really DID think it was a greencard interview. It was actually my K-3 interview. :)

    Anyways, that seemed to satisfy him, and he basically stamped all my stuff, and wished me well. Easy peasy. :)

    I usually carry all info showing intent to return back to Canada... but never carry any info on me regarding my applications to immigrate to the US.

  8. You guys are great! :thumbs: I wish I had found out about this website sooner. Just googled K-3 interviews AFTER my K-3 interview. :)

    I guess I'll show up a few hours earlier than planned. Reassuring to know that everyone gets a brown envelope. The thought of saving $ on DHL by sending the envelope with me is funny. :lol:

    I'll try not to be too nervous. Everytime I've crossed the border since I've gotten married, I've always been a bit worried they wouldn't let me cross over. :unsure: Thankfully that has never happened, but I did have a rough time once at the Rainbow bridge in Niagara Falls (and because of that I'm flying into the US now).

    Thankful to know that I shouldn't panic if they pull me aside. Whew. I probably would have thought something is amiss... had I not been forewarned by you guys. :D

  9. Thanks for answering that question. I was panicking for a while there :o , thinking something must be wrong with my application/K-3 Visa if I have to carry this envelope with me to the POE.

    It's actually quite a large brown envelope. I haven't opened it... thankfully. Thanks for letting me know that I would have go back to the consulate should I have. Don't want to do that trip over again. Definitely not. :no:

    I'm going to be entering from Pearson Airport in Toronto, Canada in a few days, via plane to go to the US. Does anyone know if that is a good place to enter the US with a brand new K-3 visa? Not that I will really have a choice, cause we've booked my plane ticket already.

    Does anyone know how long it will take to do the processing? Do I need to answer any questions? I have no clue what my application says as my husband filled everything out. :unsure:

  10. Not sure, exactly, but I got two copies of my medical at the time of the medical appointment. They only gave me one set of x-rays and emphasized that I shouldn't take them to the K-3 interview, only the CR-1. It might be worth finding out whether you'll get a set of x-rays as part of the $50 certified copy.

    Thanks for the reply. Never got such info from the MD at the time of the exam. ONly had one copy of the x-ray, but when I took it to the K-3 visa interview, they didn't look at it. So thankfully, I still have it for the IR-1 interview.

    They did take the entire medical package from me. So apparently the MD can make me a "certified copy" for an additional fee of course. But I do not need another set of passport pictures... :huh:

    I guess they will just photocopy their photocopy of what they have on file, and say certified???

    So confused. Wish I had asked for a 2nd copy of the medical exam from the onset.

    When you did your medical exam, how many passport pictures did you take in?

  11. Maybe this is a silly question.... but I just got my K-3 visa today by express post. Along with it, I got a sealed large brown envelope that says "do not open, give to border offical" (or something along those lines). :huh:

    Is this normal? What does the brown envelope contain??? Does everyone who gets their K-3 visa approved also get a brown package that is sealed to take to the customs official when they cross the border?

    As well, when I go to the airport, I am assuming I should stand in the "canadian" line rather than "US permanent residents" line???

    So confused. Any help and answers to questions would be appreciated.

  12. Hi Lyric,

    Sorry, I thought you guys were married. there are 6 pages, and I read the 1st 2 and the last 2 pages.

    When you visit Canada again, or maybe by phone, you need to speak to an immigration lawyer in Canada (if your plans are to stay in Canada).

    What situation would help you stay and reside in Canada faster and easier? Being married or not being married? If being married expediates it, then should the ceremony be in Canada or the USA? I have a feeling that being a married spouse would carry more weight. And probably it is easier if you get married in Canada.

    Also, from a health care perspective, remember that by being married, you have more authority to be involved in his health care, as well as have acces to his health care information.

    He needs to speak to a social worker ASAP though. They can help with housing, finances, and drug plan coverage. It's something he can do in Canada (without you being present). With a diagnosis like cancer, he can also probably get homecare assistance and perhaps even a visiting RN to see him at home. All these services are covered by the government.

    So--- let him look into social assistance. You can look into the best way to get yourself over to Canada, and what your legal options are. Getting married via civil ceremony in Canada may be something you'll have to consider.

    Sorry about your situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care.

  13. Hi Lyric,

    I am a health care professional that practices in the Hospital system in Toronto, Canada. First of all, if you or your husband do not have health care insurance in the USA, then it is prudent to have his cancer care done in Canda. Depending on the Province you are in, the care will vary. However, 100% of his hospital care will be covered by the government health care system in Canada.

    2nd of all, if he doesn't have any income or monies or assets, then he can see a social worker in the hospital system (even if he is not yet hospitalized). Every hospital will have a social worker that is either associated with an outpatient clinic (in his case the Oncology unit) or an inpatient ward.

    Because he is now officially diagnosed with cancer, he will qualify for government income and drug plan coverage. As well, because he is seriously ill, the social worker can make an application on his behalf/ help him expedite his application for subsidized housing.

    So his illness, to some degree, will increase the stability of his personal housing situation, as well as his income situation.

    If I were you, as an American, can you get some time off, and come over as a visitor? I don't know the legalities of staying beyond 6 months between Canada and the USA... but perhaps your congressman can speak to the Premier of the Province your husband is in, and request a special stay or expedited process for you to work and live in Canada, given the extrenuating circumstances.

    You may also want to see an immigration lawyer in Canada, given your husband's care is covered here, and hence he is tethered to Canada (so to speak until his cancer is in "remission").

    If you have the money, or the insurance, then cancer care in the USA is probably superior. However, if you do not have health care coverage, then he is probably better off being in Canada for now.

    Also remember, that with cancer, there is surgery, hospitalization, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Furthermore, post surgery, he will probably need physiotherapy and other types of care and education, depending on his surgery.

    You guys are in for a long haul of living in Canada for his cancer therapy. Furthermore, even if his cancer does go into remission, he will need regular check ups with the oncologist to ensure his cancer remains in remission.

    Canada's social system is adequate. I do not know what the US system is like.

    If the US system will provide him with immediate government covered health plan coverage, as well as some income subsidy, then perhaps bringing to the states is an option. But I can tell you now, for sure, for sure, the social network is in place in Canada... such that his hospitalizations, and all drugs and care while in hospital will be covered. Some provinces also cover dental and drug care, but in Ontario, you need to be disabled (in his case) to get such coverage.

    Good luck.

  14. Hello,

    I just got my K-3 visa approved a few days ago. :)

    But at the K-3 visa interview, they took the one and only medical exam package envelope and all it's contents. So I then called the place where I got the 1st medical exam, and they tell me they can give me a "certified copy" of the medical exam for $50.

    Does anyone know if the "certified copy" is good enough for the medical exam report for the greencard interview???


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