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Posts posted by w8ed4mytico

  1. I have not seen the movie yet but would like to. I have a friend who is into films and said it received bad reviews. :( I guess the woman who played Mary (the same young gal in whale rider) did a "flat" job where as Joseph did a great job.

    I still want to go for myself because many of movies have been described as bad but yet I still liked it. o

  2. I havent been on here for quite a while but just recently had to fill out my husbands lifting of conditions and wanted to stop by. Hopefully I sent enough in the packet to prove our relationship (Im still waiting for an officer to come to our house. I know it will never happen but they are MORE than welcomed to see if we are really married. I can show them exactly where he drops his dirty laundry everyday, where he puts his dirty glass and how he always forgets to put the lid on the toothpaste on after he uses it).

    We went back home (Costa Rica) this past summer to visit since Rob arrived here over two years ago. It was hard at first for him, seeing everyone but then on the plane ride home he said how he realized Costa Rica is not his home anymore.

    I think he has done an AMAZING job of becoming "American" and although the language has been difficult (thanks to me, we mostly still speak Spanish :( We (He) have overcome more than we could have imagined in such a short time.

    Well just wanted to stop by. I hope everyone is doing well! It was great to see some familiar faces/screen names.

  3. Neil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully your picture is still the same as I saw the saturn and knew right away it was neil!

    How exciting to see your picture up here! And even more exciting that you are meeting up with other VJ members! I have not posted since the beginning of the year but since my husbands removal of conditions came up (wow time passes by so quickly!) I stopped by to make sure I did everything correctly.

    Sorry to see the responses you received.

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