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Posts posted by Sausage

  1. Thank you so much, I'd rather honesty so I know how to proceed realistically!

    I felt i got quite a grilling from boarder control arriving to, and strangely leaving, the States! I'll be sure to come prepared on my visits.


    So, on my wife's forms, she will have to state that i'll be applying for my immigrant visa at the US Embassy in London (I assume London is the closest, i Live near Bristol).

    We were confused on that part, as I planned to be with her in the States whilst it was being processed. 


    I wish you all the best with yours, I hope you guys can be together permanently soon!


  2. I met my wife in October 2016 whilst visiting California with a friend. We hit it off and exchanged contact details and haven't stopped talking to each other since. She came to visit me for New Years in London and our feelings grew. I planned a trip with a friend to travel across the USA and to finish up in LA where she lives. After spending some more time together, we realised we were in love and decided we wanted to marry. 

    We got married in LA and soon after i flew back home to England. 

    We're now going through the process of filling out the necessary forms (i-130) for me to move to LA and live with her. 

    I have booked flights to visit in December and then come back to England in January as i have a skiing holiday in France already booked.

    I then plan to fly back to LA to stay pertinently and file for a K-3 Visa.

    Whilst we are apart, we're not sure if we should file the i-130 form now or wait until i'm back in the USA in December/January.

    If anyone has any advice for our situation, it would be gratefully appreciated.

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