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Posts posted by leorc

  1. Thx a lot guys!~

    My step-father has 03/04 returns and he has more than enough income and assest to be a cosponsor. I will have copies of em tomorrow and mail em to China along with my another letter.

    I was kinda freak out when i heard her crying over the phone. It takes a lot of effort to submitt additional materials in China. 12 hrs of overnight train travel, dangerous neighborhood in Guangzhou and all that. sigh...i just read some other forums and there are some stories of cases been turned back to DHS. That really scared me.

    oh btw, does retirement affect one's eligibility to be a cosponsor? even tho one has enough income and so.

  2. The 1st denial, they asked for

    1.Proof of my purchase of the tickets to China. (7 of them)

    2.My personal statement.

    3.Cosponsor's personal statement stating why he is willing to help me.

    4.My 2003/2004 tax return.

    my girl submitted all those today. Now, they want more!!!

    1.Cosponsor's 2003/2004 tax return


    Case info:

    Cosponsor is my step-father and he is retired.

    He brought me here long time ago.

    I am in college but im gonna graduate very soon.

    I met my girl in middle school in China and the relation started from there.

    Ok, i heard people from Fujian province are been treated very different than the others.

    I and my fiancee are both from Fujian.


    what is it they are really looking for? am i screwed? sad.gif

    i am planning to seek help from house rep. and senator. Is that gonna do any good? thx guys~


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