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Posts posted by HeatherO27

  1. 2 hours ago, Jesusiscoming27 said:

    Thanks so much.... 

    More questions: 

    Do i need the original papers for the relationship documents? (Joint accounts, tax returns, insurance doc., Utility bills, etc) or just the copy for everything? 


    And the utility bills, they are in my names, I still have to show them as proof also?? 


    This is driving me nuts!!! Its a lot to do, we have 4 kids and we need a lot of things! 


    Please help!! 

    And thanks, God Bless!! 

    When my husband went into the interview he needed passport, police stuff, medical exam (not the xrays), marriage certificate, copy of your interview date paper from nvc. Other then that we needed certain stuff for my hubbys case. We gave them original marriage abstract and they kept it. 

    He did take everything to do with the case but they didnt ask for any of it. He took our youngest into the interview with him and they asked her a question too. 

    Are you by chance going with him? I dont check this site much if you have any questions email me i will be happy to help. This experience was by far the hardest yet in our life. 


    is my email 

  2. 6 hours ago, Jesusiscoming27 said:



    Yes we do have a lawyer but he told us that this is his first time working with Guatemala visas etc... 


    So we were yesterday with him, and he didnt know how to register for cargo express, we did it but im not 100% sure because I had never done this before..  I would like to know when I have to make the medical appt, what we need to make this appt and what kind of paper/documents he really need to show a real relashionship (pictures, bills???) What other things, and he needs to get the police record again or the criminal again??? Lawyer said no! 


    But I've seen before that he need it from here, US and from Guatemala also?


    I have a lot to do, I dont even know where to start😟😟😟


    Thanks in advance ...

    God bless!

    Hello, our lawyer couldnt help us with the cargo but if you call the number they walk you through it! We went to Guatemala March 14th got police records all done the 15th, hubby had medical exam the 16th then interview the 20th. We were there a total of 9 days. Good luck just take all your stuff and get police stuff you should be fine! Also make extra copies of everything! 

  3. Hello all, we are finally done with the process!! We were out exploring and stopped by the cargo office and his visa was already there so we got it today and fly back tomorrow to the states! It was such a stressful experience and I’m soo relieved we can finally live our lives :) We will definitely keep everyone that is going through the process in our thoughts and prayers! We loved Guatemala but are soo ready to go back home! Good luck to all

  4. 10 minutes ago, JessicaMQ said:

    My husband needed his birth certificate, marriage certificate, police records, medical record and lots of pictures to prove our relationship. We had a huge binder based off of the list they sent with the appointment letter.


    you can pay the green card fee later.


    goid luck!!!

    We definitely have all that! Thank you! 

  5. I’m sorry all to be a pest but can someone that has already had their interview please tell me what all they had to take to their interview? My husband is freaking out looking up stuff and telling me he needs things that he doesnt! He is stressing me out lol! Also will he have to pay a fee for his green card while there tomorrow? If its easier to text my number is (614) 947-9837 my name is Heather 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Judy2017 said:

    Omg! God willing everything goes well for your husband! I’m still waiting for my husbands approval for the I601a. This waiting game is very stressful!  You didn’t need the vaccines right? I was wondering when you were leaving.im always checking in here to see any updates. God bless you and your family!! Take care

    How long have you been waiting? That was our longest wait was for the 601A. Hopefully its soon for you guys! No he had no records and got 3 shots. Thank you for the good blessings and we will pray for you as well! We left Wednesday morning and hoping to come back Friday the 23rd 

  7. Hello all I know nobody uses this very much anymore but my husband has his interview this coming Tuesday March 20th. He got his police stuff he needed, which was a real stressful task. The consulate in Chicago gave him a receipt when he went to get his dpi but it didn’t have the dpi number on it so we were scared for a minute and had to go across town to main renap office and they said his dpi is already in the us. Today he had his doctor appointment and went to pick up the results now. Now we just wait until Tuesday and pray all goes well. Guatemala is so very different then America but it is a great experience for myself as well as our children! Thank you everyone for all the support up until this point!! 

  8. On 2/14/2018 at 3:21 PM, JessicaMQ said:

    I did go with my husband.  As far as I’ve heard so far visa journey, most wives do not go with their husbands to Guatemala. I felt like I had to go, because anxiety wise I would go absolutely crazy worrying and wondering where he was if I was in America, but in some ways I wish I hadn’t gone for two reasons. The first is that my stress definitely negatively impacted him and made him a lot more stressed than he would’ve been if I wasn’t there. I basically had to fake it for the last week and act like I wasn’t stressed so he would do well on the interview but it was hard. The second reason is because I  do not mean to insult Guatemala, I love my husbands family very much, but the country itself is very rough. I thought I was mentally prepared because I teach in a very rough neighborhood, but it is nothing compared to Guatemala. The conditions over there are like a Third World country and I had a lot of mental breakdowns over there just from having a hard time adapting to the conditions. But if you have your heart set on going,  then go but just try to mentally prepare yourself before you get there. In terms of a hotel, we stayed at the holiday inn in Guatemala City. It was very reasonably price and had everything we needed and more. For 22 days, it came out to about $2000. The reason we stayed there versus my husband’s family‘s house was a, because my mother-in-law has roosters that #######-a-doodle-doo all night long and I could not sleep and be because we wanted to be within walking distance of the embassy and of the place where he had to get his physical because I didn’t want to have to worry about being late because  The traffic in Guatemala is so bad that to go somewhere that normally takes 10 minutes could easily take three hours, and I’m not exaggerating. 


     In terms of renap and the police certificates, you will need a car to get to those places. They’re very accessible I’m not sure exactly where they are but if your husband has any family in Guatemala I’m sure they will know, if not just tell him to ask someone over there and they will direct him to the right places. Let me know if you have any other questions at all. 

    Hello, we leave next week go Guatemala and I was wondering if you needed anything to enter the country besides our passports? The reason I ask is because I have a friend that had to get certain vaccinations to enter another country?

    thank you

  9. 3 hours ago, JessicaMQ said:

    Yes staying in the hotel with the girls is definitely the best idea. Although there are a lot of stores and restaurants and places right in the neighborhood of the hotel, it’s not really safe to go there with them even during the day.  I couldn’t even go out to get something to eat by myself because it was too dangerous so I had to either order delivery or room service. It’s hard to say about the 8 days, we got there two weeks early because that’s what we were told by our lawyer just in case something from the medical exam goes wrong, but we ended up getting everything we needed to get done in two days and then we had 12 days of just waiting until the interview, so in a way I wish we hadn’t done that early but the interview date took so Long as you know that I figured I’d rather be there waiting then have something go wrong before our interview date. My husband’s interview was on Wednesday, and we got the visa on Friday so it was super quick after that so you really won’t need to be there much time at all after the interview but in my opinion you should leave yourself a week and a half before.

    ok sorry to bother you but he just called to make his medical exam appointment and the receptionist told him he doesn't need his police certificates?? now I'm totally confused?

  10. 17 minutes ago, JessicaMQ said:

    Yes staying in the hotel with the girls is definitely the best idea. Although there are a lot of stores and restaurants and places right in the neighborhood of the hotel, it’s not really safe to go there with them even during the day.  I couldn’t even go out to get something to eat by myself because it was too dangerous so I had to either order delivery or room service. It’s hard to say about the 8 days, we got there two weeks early because that’s what we were told by our lawyer just in case something from the medical exam goes wrong, but we ended up getting everything we needed to get done in two days and then we had 12 days of just waiting until the interview, so in a way I wish we hadn’t done that early but the interview date took so Long as you know that I figured I’d rather be there waiting then have something go wrong before our interview date. My husband’s interview was on Wednesday, and we got the visa on Friday so it was super quick after that so you really won’t need to be there much time at all after the interview but in my opinion you should leave yourself a week and a half before.

    Thank You soo much for your advice! :)

  11. 4 minutes ago, JessicaMQ said:

    I did go with my husband.  As far as I’ve heard so far visa journey, most wives do not go with their husbands to Guatemala. I felt like I had to go, because anxiety wise I would go absolutely crazy worrying and wondering where he was if I was in America, but in some ways I wish I hadn’t gone for two reasons. The first is that my stress definitely negatively impacted him and made him a lot more stressed than he would’ve been if I wasn’t there. I basically had to fake it for the last week and act like I wasn’t stressed so he would do well on the interview but it was hard. The second reason is because I  do not mean to insult Guatemala, I love my husbands family very much, but the country itself is very rough. I thought I was mentally prepared because I teach in a very rough neighborhood, but it is nothing compared to Guatemala. The conditions over there are like a Third World country and I had a lot of mental breakdowns over there just from having a hard time adapting to the conditions. But if you have your heart set on going,  then go but just try to mentally prepare yourself before you get there. In terms of a hotel, we stayed at the holiday inn in Guatemala City. It was very reasonably price and had everything we needed and more. For 22 days, it came out to about $2000. The reason we stayed there versus my husband’s family‘s house was a, because my mother-in-law has roosters that #######-a-doodle-doo all night long and I could not sleep and be because we wanted to be within walking distance of the embassy and of the place where he had to get his physical because I didn’t want to have to worry about being late because  The traffic in Guatemala is so bad that to go somewhere that normally takes 10 minutes could easily take three hours, and I’m not exaggerating. 


     In terms of renap and the police certificates, you will need a car to get to those places. They’re very accessible I’m not sure exactly where they are but if your husband has any family in Guatemala I’m sure they will know, if not just tell him to ask someone over there and they will direct him to the right places. Let me know if you have any other questions at all. 

    We will not be staying with his family because they are in san marcos which he said isn’t close to the city at all. My husband needs me to go because he would be lost there all alone and I would totally worry about it is I weren’t there. I handle everything in my household lol plus we intend on his mother and father coming to visit in the city because he will be soo close and hasn’t seen them in 13 yrs. They are pretty old and haven’t met out children. My two youngest children also have to go with us and it worries me that you said its ruff! I was planning on staying in  the hotel most of the time with the girls. 

    Did you plan to stay 22 days or thats how long you had to stay to get everything? 

    8 days is what we were planning. 

    Our attorney we used isnt the greatest and todt he told me he cant meet with us until march 9th. We plan to leave march 14th. He got mad because he told me not to schedule my husbands med exam until then but my hubby is going to call tomorrow and get it scheduled! Also, how long did it take to get the visa after he got approved? 

  12. 7 hours ago, JessicaMQ said:



    Congrats On getting your date! The DPI receipt will absolutely work, just make sure he gets both police certificates that he needs, there are two separate ones. They are easy to get, my husband waited less than 10 minutes for each one and got both on the same day and the locations were like a block away from each other but my husband heard one person get turned down because he only had one of the police certificates so make sure your husband gets both.


    Other than that The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to bring lots of pictures, and to use the pictures to answer questions. For example, one of the questions my husband was asked is if I have a big family and instead of saying yes, he showed a picture of my family at a family reunion we had. They asked him if we had a big wedding  and he showed a picture of the wedding. 


    I’m not gonna tell you not to be nervous because I literally aged 10 years, was depressed and anxious every day, and went through absolute hell with nerves and anxiety but my husband confirmed what I had heard which was that the only people he saw getting turned down were because they had missing documents. So if you have all the documents you’ll be fine. 


    Im here anytime if you have questions 

    Thank you so much! I definitely understand all the anxiety and stress! Did you travel with your husband? I am stressed as far as I have no clue how to go about finding a hotel and so for. Are all the places he needs to go like to get police records and etc. all around the same area? How do we know where to go to get those things? Also we need to get an updated renap once we are there. 


    Sorry I have never traveled this far and NEVER been on a plane as well as my husband! 


    Thank you for your help and kind words. People really don’t understand how this process is, it is beyond the hardest thing in life thus far! 

  13. Hello all I am asking for all and any help!!! We got our interview date for March 20th and I am freaking out!?!?! 

    My husband has not recieved his DpI yet, we went in October of last yr. Will the reciept they gave us work just in case we don’t recieve it before we leave? 

    Also all and any advice please do share, I would greatly appreciate it! Prayers!! 

  14. 23 hours ago, Judy2017 said:

    Good morning.


    So I just printed my husbands new BC, the updated version with his picture on it. I’m just sharing this in case some of you need this now. It was really easy. Just paid $19 and that’s it!! You have to register first, oh of course have the DPI number. The page you go to www.renap.gob.gt 

    then you click on solicitud de certificación vía electrónica, then click on ingresar al portal, under eportal ciudadano, then click menu and click ciudadanos, you then register using the DPI number. Any questions just ask,  maybe someone knows how to pass this info. I know a lot of us were worrying about how to get the new updated version for BC!!

    You dont have to have a seal or anything on it? 

  15. 23 hours ago, Judy2017 said:

    Good morning.


    So I just printed my husbands new BC, the updated version with his picture on it. I’m just sharing this in case some of you need this now. It was really easy. Just paid $19 and that’s it!! You have to register first, oh of course have the DPI number. The page you go to www.renap.gob.gt 

    then you click on solicitud de certificación vía electrónica, then click on ingresar al portal, under eportal ciudadano, then click menu and click ciudadanos, you then register using the DPI number. Any questions just ask,  maybe someone knows how to pass this info. I know a lot of us were worrying about how to get the new updated version for BC!!

    Thank You! 

  16. Hello All I don’t know how to start a new feed, but my husband is from Guatemala and we just got his documents receipt from NVC stating now we are waiting on his interview date from Guatemala. How long does that usually take or how long has it taken for anyone that already went through it? It says within 3 months but was wondering if they usually take the 3 months or if its sooner? 


    Thank you! 

  17. I was wondering if anyone has obtained their police records by a family member going to get them? My husband wants to be prepared as much as possible so he has to do as little as possible in fear of not having everything needed. Our attorney said he would only have to be there 2 days and I just don’t see how if everyone’s spouses were there for weeks? 

  18. 35 minutes ago, SarahNRolando said:

    No this will not be a problem. My husband had ZERO shot records from Guatemala. He did have one where he received the D-Tap/T-Dap here in St. Louis at the ER when he had hurt his knee, but they didn't pay any attention to it and just gave it to him anyways. The physician will go over what shots he needs according to his age and medical history. My husband is 24, very healthy, and those were the ones he needed. Everyone we have known personally has had no shot records and it was never a problem. There will be an annotation on his visa when he gets it at the bottom that says 212 g 2 b (I think!!) and that simply means he has an incomplete vaccination record, but that the physician waived certain vaccinations. Will not be a problem with entry into the US. I saw my husbands when I was scrutinizing his visa and googled it. Pretty common. Just wanted you to be prepared if you saw it :) 

    That is good news, because my husband as well has no record of and vaccinations! :) 

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