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Posts posted by saranhan

  1. Oh so I would only have to wait 90 days since the new office is now in Jacksonville? I never recieved any letters in the regular mail about my process just by email, is this normal? This is MY house legally and she she doesn't support me financially because she doesn't work anymore ( my sis does at the moment) I'm still looking a job right now.

  2. While waiting for my interview letter (since april 18th of this year) I have moved and changed address three times. This is not my fault but of my mother's caprice and now I just found out (no one told me of this before ) that this will make my application take more time, around 90 days each time I move. Does this mean I have to wait 270 days or more? It has already been almost three months living in a new location.


    My mother wants to move again and I told her about my situation and she does not care at all to affect me. The house is under my and my sister's name but she's "The boss" if you can call it like that. What rights do I have as an owner to stop her from selling the house so quickly again? and how is this affecting my process right now? I'm in jacksonville florida and I used to live in Miami, fl if that helps.

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