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Posts posted by Seab

  1. My petition expires tomorrow. My application is from Ireland to USA. 


    I have sent off every form, including notice of readiness and have all my medical stuff. I'm just waiting to hear back for an interview


    But the problem is my petition is going to run out before I get an interview. I've emailed the US embassy in Dublin because there's no option to call, but I'm not sure if they'll get back to me in time. If not at all because they said in an automated response they won't reply unless it's a certain subject

  2. So basically my medical appointment and getting the package of results has taken about 7 weeks And now my notice of action expires in a couple days. Completely my fault, I didn't think the medical would take that long but it is on me


    The only thing I have left is to email my statement of readiness to the embassy and I'm good to go


    Is it going to be a problem?

  3. Since I don't live in the UK anymore, I need an endorsement from someone who's known me for 2+ years and could verify me from a pic if they send it. 


    My GP office already said they don't do endorsements which is really disappointing cause I've known my doctor for 10 years


    But I'm good friends with my sisters boyfriend and have known him for 5 years and his job would qualify 

  4. 14 minutes ago, moosy said:

    They don't care one bit about how much money you as the beneficiary have. They need to know that your fiance (living in the US) is the person who can provide for you.

    I had to do the same, even though I had plenty of savings. They do not care about that, because your fiance will be the one having to provide for you.

    I was unemployed during the exact timing of my K1 filing, and they, again, did not care one bit.


    Howeverm if you are the person who is the sponsor, then they look at INCOME level yearly. If your sister is in your household (as in: living together), how are you not calculating in her income? Or do you just mean your family in general and you don't have a joined household? Yes, your sister can be co-sponsor. However, note that you of course need permission, that she needs to give a lot of info about her  finances (which can get a little tricky), and that you will need her again the next time.


    You mentioned you were able to save a lot the last  couple of years. If you are required to show your last tax income stub, would you make the yearly income? Because in that case, there's no problem either. My (now husband) fiance did not have his tax return from 2016 yet, so he used the 2015 one, and that was fine.

    Thank you very much for such a detailed response. It was very helpful

  5. I definitely don't qualify for the income level, but I have been able to save quite a bit the last couple of years.


    Will I be able to use someone in my household who works full-time as a co-sponsor? In my case it would be my sister


    I'm looking for full-time work now, just wondering if this will hurt my application process when I go through with it?

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