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Posts posted by Ab333

  1. So I ended up scheduling an appt with an immigration lawyer, who was super awesome in answering my questions and she told me the same thing about the k3. So I am not gonna do the K3. I am gonna wait patiently for the cr-1/ir-1 to go through. I really wish there was a way to expedite this or push it along some way but there isnt. (Unless you know a trick hehehe) 

    I am not able to leave to visit him because im in a program at school until december of next year 2018. 

  2. Ill be going to the USCIS on Thursday. I will keep in touch with everyone here to let you know what it is that they told me. The day after I will be sending out the I-130 and all that needs to go with it. Im questioning why it that they did that as well. So we will see if this time around they treat me the same way they did last time. Except this time I know more of what to ask. Ill keep you all updated. 

  3. Yea&, honestly i dont think ill be doing the k3. It does seem like the same time frame. I, about a 2 years ago, applied for a fiance visa I129, and it was a year before we got the interview. Needless to say, that did not go through. But thats another story. We are now married and im hoping things are a bit smoother.

    But again, i cant thank you enough! You are a tremendous help! 

  4. Well, you are amazingly helpful! Thank you and thank you all! I now have so much more information. One last question and i will stop bugging hehe

    "If" I apply for the I 129f, i would still, on 62a of the I130, state that he will be going for an interview in Uruguay right? 

    Something tells me I shouldnt even bother with this, but if he can get here sooner....well...i just miss him and its a long time having to wait the time frame. (Also, they do not charge anything for the I129f while in process with I130.)

    I seriously will be contemplating whether i want to send in the I129f. I need not make anything more complicated. 

    Thank you!


  5. No. Unfortunately, it was the USCIS office here. I made an appointment from the USCIS website, took all my info and they handed me all the forms. They truly confused me and that is why I am so stumped. They never once mentioned CR1 to me. The lady didnt seem like she knew all that much and thus I went to a lawyer consult. They basically told me the same thing. Neither one got into much detail with me which is why i didnt know that the I130 is the Cr1 visa form. They just told me that in order to get him here asap, i would need to file the 129f. I read over the site you sent (I was working so i couldnt read until now) and it explains a lot. 

    So I mean I could file the I129f, but it seems like it would be more a hassle than anything. And I would assume that the processing times are about the same anyways. Does the time frame of 5-12 months, that I looked up for the processing time on the I130, sound about right to you? 

  6. Ok. I am not sure why it is i was told that then. What im hearing is is apply for I 130, I 130a, Ir1/ Cr1 and the electronic form. Why they would tell me to apply for I129f is beyond me. I am assuming that it was so he could come here faster to wait for the I130 to go through while in the US. Although, it doesnt seem by everyone comments (and thank you so much for all your advise ) that he would be likely to receive it. Thus I must wait for the I130 to go through for him to get here, which takes anywhere from 5-12 months. Up until a few days ago, it was stated in the USCIS website that I file the I 129f. Now i cant seem to find it anywhere. Things have obviously changed since I went to the USCIS office 4 months ago until now. 

    Now my questions would be, what form is the Ir1/Cr1 form? What does it do? Is it the same as a I129f? Does that form cost in addition to the I130 or is it included? Do I send this form in with the I130? 

    I cannot thank you all enough for all your help! 

  7. Ok now i am confused. To verify

    I send in the I130 along with I130a to uscis, then wait for a receipt and at this time i was told to send in the I129 (K3) for him and then they send that info to to NVC and that is where they set up an appt with the embassy in Uruguay (which is where he is). Then he comes here, and does an adjustment of status to have his permanent residency. 

    But youre saying that he will automatically have his permanent residency? At the USCIS, i was told that this is the way i should do it. And they handed me the forms. Please tell me if i am doing this correctly? I havent even heard of a cr1/ ir1 visa.

  8. I am currently applying for my husband who is out of the united states and i am stumped on question 61a and 62b. They seem to contradict themselves.

    61a states: The beneficiary is in the united atates and will apply for adj of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the USCIS office in.

    My problem with this is he is not in the US but he will do an adjustment of status when he gets here. So i am assuming i would put N/A here. But then...

    62a states: The beneficiary will not apply for adjustment of status in the US (which he will upon arriving), but he or she will apply for an immigrant visa abroad at the US embassy or US consulate in. 

    This is where i am stumped. Because he will be applying for adjustment of status here in the US when he gets here. 

    If I mark the city or town and country where he will apply for the visa 62a,  does this mean he cannot apply for adjustment of status here? Please help?

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