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Posts posted by olgarobert051104

  1. Everyone pretty much knows my situation...

    We are getting divorced. This is a decision we both made together. She would like to stay here in the states and I do not want her to be forced to go back to Russia. How will this divorce effect her becoming a US citizen? If at all. She is continuing her education and if she needs loans, I want her to be able to do what she can on her own. I am helping her out for the time being with trying to get on her own feet. I want her to have a good life because she deserves it as do I. It just didn't work out with us together.


  2. What should I do…We have decided to get a divorce. I do not want to send her back to Russia. She still wants to get her removal of conditions and stay here in the United States. We signed a pre-nuptual agreement in the beginning and I have everything to lose and she has nothing to gain. Should I have all my paperwork in order with a lawyer before we go to the appointment? Does she need to find another sponsor or can I still sponsor her? Please help.

    On the removal of conditions form I understand that she can still get her green card. Is this true?

    I am hoping for a quick and clean divorce. She is hoping I don’t contest the green card.

  3. :(

    What should I do…We have decided to get a divorce. I do not want to send her back to Russia. She still wants to get her removal of conditions and stay here in the United States. We signed a pre-nuptual agreement in the beginning and I have everything to lose and she has nothing to gain. Should I have all my paperwork in order with a lawyer before we go to the appointment? Does she need to find another sponsor or can I still sponsor her? Please help.

    On the removal of conditions form I understand that she can still get her green card. Is this true?

    I am hoping for a quick and clean divorce. She is hoping I don’t contest the green card.

    I need some advise...

    I think my wife used me to get her green card. She has her AOS appointment in a few days. I am out of town and asked that it be rescheduled for when I am home but I don't think she did it. Can she attend the AOS appointment by herself or have a friend take her? She decided at the last minute that she didn't want to come with me on my trip. We had to cancel tickets and everything. She has been doing many other things that have made me wonder, but this one tops them all. I do not want to be vendictive as I do love her and want the marriage to work. What are my options if this was indeed her plan? Your advise is appreciated.

  4. I think it would be kind of crazy after going throug all this process together you won't go to this important interview you have to be there and the smartest decision would be to reschedule . :thumbs:

    I wanted her to reschedule but I'm not sure if it happened. She doesn't know that I have to be there and if she goes on her own and tries to do this then it will prove to me what I have been thinking.

    And yes, it is for removal of conditions. My brain space.

  5. I need some advise...

    I think my wife used me to get her green card. She has her AOS appointment in a few days. I am out of town and asked that it be rescheduled for when I am home but I don't think she did it. Can she attend the AOS appointment by herself or have a friend take her? She decided at the last minute that she didn't want to come with me on my trip. We had to cancel tickets and everything. She has been doing many other things that have made me wonder, but this one tops them all. I do not want to be vendictive as I do love her and want the marriage to work. What are my options if this was indeed her plan? Your advise is appreciated.

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