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Posts posted by Pigu

  1. I am studying to be a nurse and I do not understand why more doctors do not properly inform their patients of these unavoidable side effects.

    It's because they're nonsense. 60% of women use this pill with no side effects, and the vast majority of the remaining 40% have only minor effects.


    Try the rhythm method.

    Yeah, my parents tried the rhythm method. That's how I got born, in fact.

  2. friendshipbear.gif

    F R I E N D S H I P

    Friendship is like an ointment

    When you've been stung by fifty bees

    Wherever you rub it

    You know it feels better

    Because it's a topical analgesic


    Send this link to 5 people within the next lunar month and you will have good luck when you play Caribbean Stud Poker in any casino partly or entirely owned by the Florida Seminoles (within the same period) (but only if you are a person of colour (excluding white (unless you are also Jewish))).


  3. All I used was a letter from my doctor describing the jabs I'd had. It wasn't even on headed notepaper. The doctor's signature was a v-shaped line.

    By which I mean, you'll be fine.

  4. LOL it is so true


    -----Forwarded Message-----


    1. Women order wine while at fancy parties, but men order BEER!

    2. Women have periods and men leave the toilet seat up every GOD DAMN TIME what's that about?

    3. Women are smart and read books but men watch FOOTBALL and BURP!

    4. Women go through the pain of child birth but men let their buttcracks hang out of their pants EW!

    5. Women take forever to put on makeup but men CHEAT ON THEIR WIVES ALL OF THEM DO.


    6. Women cry at good movies and men SMELL LIKE SHIIIIT.

    7. When women get together they comfort one another and talk about important issues, and when men get together they fight and give each other GAY KISSES in their stupid little garages.

    8. Women always land on their feet when dropped from a height but men OGLE OTHER WOMEN'S CLEAVAGE constantly in public.

    9. Women can become lawyers and doctors but men can only JERK OFF IN THEIR OWN FACES.

    and lastly...

    10. Women fake orgasms but men should JUST DIE IN A FIRE ALREADY ARGH.


  5. I called the Premium-Rate-Extortion-O-Line and the guy took a long time to think about it before saying I could pay on the day. I guess I'll just turn up early, and bring cash. He said I could pay GBP or USD.

  6. But there weren't any forms either! I just got a letter with the time of interview, a sheet of instructions, and a map which said "attachment: Application Payment Slip". The map had been stapled to something which had been ripped off. Brothers, tell me exactly what should have been in the packet 4!

  7. friendshipbear.gif

    F R I E N D S H I P

    Friendship is like an ointment

    When you've been stung by fifty bees

    Wherever you rub it

    You know it feels better

    Because it's a topical analgesic


    Send this link to 5 people within the next lunar month and you will have good luck when you play Caribbean Stud Poker in any casino partly or entirely owned by the Florida Seminoles (within the same period) (but only if you are a person of colour (excluding white (unless you are also Jewish))).


  8. Medical went great, thank you. He said I was wise to get a letter from my doctor regarding the specifics of my history of depression. I also got the necessary immunizations on the NHS, before I went to the medical. There were no problems.

    Oh, also you don't seem to need influenza vaccine unless you're over 50.

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