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Posts posted by Pyramidian

  1. So last year I got a ticket for riding public transportation without a pass because I lost it while in transit. I already paid it off and now I'm just wondering if I have to state that in the papers when I do apply for my papers to be a green card holder.


    I don't know how strict the government is about any kind of violations with the law and I'm just worried if that will affect me in anyway when applying.

  2. How can one prove bona-fide marriage? I'm curious as to the examples. Does living with his parents counts as proof? Or is it more complicated than just living together.


    Also thank you for all of you that have been giving me advice. I really appreciate it alot. And it's giving me a little bit of confidence.

  3. No I didnt know of him long before. It's funny he lives like a 5 minute drive away from me and I didn't know he existed and his bestfriend knew my brother. So small world.


    But I do understand how that would look too suspicious even though it would be of good faith that we are doing it. 


    I don't really think I'd want to go back and get a K-1 cuz then the flight would add on to the cost of everything.


    Though do you think it would be too late to marry in November? If I'm gonna be turning 22 the month after?  I would be willing to wait that long if it meant a safer route for us and a better chance of getting approved.


    Also does living together at his parents house prove bona fide marriage in a sense that we will be living together cuz we might need to do so just to save up abit to get an apartment so we won't be scrambling too hard. What are other ways to have prove bona fide marriage?

  4. I'm an immigrant with an E1 dependant visa (that is dependent to my dad who is also an immigrant), which will be expiring soon since I'll be Turing 22 in Dec. even though the actual visa expires some time early next year. I've been in America legally for 9 years. I'm getting married to a US citizen sometime next month though we have only been dating since May.


    Is it enough time for me to change statuses so that I wont be breaking any laws? Would it look too suspicious? What should be our next moves? What papers should we file? How early should we file them? Is it okay that we aren't living together soon after marriage but planning to move soon?


    Also we can't afford a lawyer so is this all possible to do on our own?

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