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Posts posted by MorningStar7

  1. Hello everyone,


    I am new to this site, just want to say thank you to whoever created because it is very informative.
    I had a bit of a concern regarding wedding ceremonies held while waiting for the K-1 Visa. It seems like there is a huge risk in doing this because the people at the consulate can think you are married already. Some people said that it worked for them, and I was just wondering about anyone who had that success if they could share more details as to which time period in their visa application they did their ceremony because it seems to me it only works after a certain decision has been taken. Also, does the ceremony being in a third world country influence their decision? I read some success stories from people from Western Europe and less so from people in Asia and Africa. There just seems to be no clear boundary given by the USCIS as to what a ceremony could entail in regards to being a marriage or not. At an end, it just seems that the USCIS is the one deciding whether you are married or not, instead of any other legal documentation; which is fair enough since they are the ones with the power but it feels that it ends up being a game of appearances and not certainties.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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