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Posts posted by Zonux

  1. Hi, 

    straight to the point, I have a friend she is from europe and she was asking me for advice regarding her matter.

    She is married to african american and she got her 2 years conditional green card through this marriage, lately her husband started stealing money from her and also selling stuff in the house and he started using perks and drugs, also stealing her cheques and threatening her to send her home if she does not give him what he wants.  the girl works 3 jobs while he does nothing and he is been to jail due to selling drugs in the past and now she is going through hell with him as every time he asks her for money or he will not sign the form for the green card and send her back home.  Now, he is stayng in the apartement and she wants to release it but he does not want to leave the house ?  


    she wants to divorce him and also does not want to lose her green card and she has proves that he stole her credit cards and write cheques on her name without her permission. 


    Please advice on how to proceed and make sure she does not get deported if she divorces him. she she inform the police as she does not want to get him in trouble as he already has a bad background but want to divorce him.



  2. Hi, 


    As you can see from the title and I have a question please, 


    I don't live with my wife anymore and we are still married but separated and want to know if I can apply as a 5 years resident and get the Citizenship WITH  no chances for denial ?

    FYI : we been married for 6 years and we were married for love and nothing to do with green cards or papers, but things went the wrong way so we decide to split for a period of time. 


    Please advice . 




  3. To be honest, it was my mistake of being honest with them. I was trying to obey the law and just say it as it's and those the officer is smart enough to know the difference, But trust me. they are not as the media describe them and now they are just hiring anyone that know how to write english and it does not matter if they understand cultural differences or anything. waiting for any appointment time to open and I will ask for a supervisor to talk too.  I will take my wife with me.

  4. Hi, Everyone and this is my story :


    I applied for citizenship through marriage, me and my wife had an argument after 6 years of marriage and we split for couple months until we collect out thoughts and also have free time from each other.

    I applied for citizenship and the interviewer asked me multiple questions and I answered all of them wit confident and passed all history test. At the end before closing she asked if I left my wife home when I came here this morning (This was 7 months ago) and I said no she is at her parents house due to small arguments we had.


    She started asking more questions and than she told me ok, here is the paper and u passed but you will receive the final decision in the mail. 


    I waited for almost 7 months and I check the status of my case and no updates on the website. last month I called USCIS international number and she said she is going to reach out to them and see what is the status of my case.  After couple days I received an email and it stated that my case is still under review and they will update me if anything changes. 



    I called yesterday and the lady told me that my case was denied and they already sent me an EMAIL stating that 4 months ago. (Which I never received ?).  I asked did they send me a paper stating that to my home address ??? She got confused and recommended for me to speak to the next person she is going to transfer me too. 


    I spoke to another person and he said my case was denied due to living separated and I said but no one informed me about this and why my case it's showing under review after they already made a decision? and why I just recieved an email yesterday stating that my case it's under review if it was denied 4 months ago ?  He said Ah actually it seems that they wrote the email but did not send it to you yet ?????.. I said I don't understand what's going on, did they made a decision or not, did they send me the letter or not ??. He goes to be honest, it seems that they did not make a decision but the denial letter is here on the system and he ended the conversation by recommending for me to go to the local place where I had my interview and speak to someone there because it's not clear what's going on ???


    TO MAKE THE LONG STORY SHORT,, here is my questions please :


    1- Advise me what to do in this case ?

    2- in case they denied my visa, can I apply again but as a single living in the united states for 5 years ? 

    3- any extra tips will be appreciated 



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