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Ben & Kung

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Posts posted by Ben & Kung

  1. My wife is around 6 weeks pregnant and we're right now in Bangkok trying to get the K-3 process started so she can come back with me to America. My biggest concern is the same as in Thread http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...amp;hl=pregnant, what if she gives birth before getting the Visa? Since the baby will be eligible for a US Passport & Citizenship, as I read in this thread, all I have to do is buy a 3rd ticket to come home, once the passport is received? I'm guessing, in this case, I'll have no need for a K-4 visa (for child) since the child will be mine?

    I read something else disturbing, that we'd not be able to get medical support in the states if she's past 6 months pregnant. Is my best option just to have the baby here in Thailand? I was hoping to get back to the states well before the birth so I could go to work and so we could get better medical care. Staying here is burning cash & my patience for travelling & sitting around doing nothing but reading books, and I've no desire to leave her alone during this important time in our lives.

    If we start the process now and get the visa in the average time, and then decide to wait until after the birth, even though she has the visa already (say, after 6 months) can we wait until the baby is a few months old or so and still use the same K-3 visa, or do I have to apply for a new K-3 for her all over again because we didn't go when it was ready?? (Bad wording, but I think I made the point.)

    And here's the bottom line: Would getting a lawyer speed up the process to get us home, by say, Christmas or New Years? Or does having a lawyer make little difference at all for processing time? Lotta questions, but I have to know soon so I know whether I should start this process, and time is running short if we opt to go for it.

    I've spent maybe 10 hours researching already & seen 2 lawyers, and just now I found VJ, which is the best info I've come accross yet, with the most helpful people participating. Feels like a mess, and I appreciate any replies. As if just getting a visa in itself wasn't a pain already (literally, I've been through nearly a tylenol per hour spent online)....

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