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Posts posted by Me+Swede

  1. I am curious about something and I hope someone can answer my questions.

    After you are married and file for Green Card, can you use your husbands income plus for income requirement? Here are my different senerios.

    1.) My brother in law would sponser my fiancé for the K1. Once my husband got the temporary work permit, could we combine his income with my brother in laws income for the Green Card income? 


    2.) I live in the same home as my parents, but I have my own level/separate living from them. But it's under the same roof. For the Green Card application for income, could we include my parents income, mine and my husbands invome togetber to meet requirements? It's sort of overkill, but better safe than sorry. 


    I found this thread and got confused. Please help!! 



  2. 7 minutes ago, Coco8 said:


    For joint sponsor, people don't have to live under the same roof. You can everyone who your dad has claimed as dependent in previous taxes, plus you (petitioner) and your fiance (beneficiary). 




    3 kids of petitioner (?)

    father (joint sponsor)





    Can other people check if I'm right?



    This doesn't seem right. Because it's two different houses holds. I pay my own rent and utilities, in a apartment in their home. He does not claim me on his taxes. He would be the individual sponser. So what I understand, he would count himself, my mother and my fiancé. As I am not on his taxes. This is how I understand it. 


  3. I hope someone can help! I'm starting all the paperwork for our K1 Visa. I am wondering what to do about my living situation. I rent a part of my parents house (apartment made for myself and children by my father) it's my own place, but we share an address. They are usually 609 A and I'm 609 B. My question is will this be a problem? My dad is planning to sponser my fiancé as I am a few dollars short of the requirements. I have a contract that has both my name and fiancés name on it, and we signed it. Can someone please help ease my worries? 


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