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Posts posted by boatnik

  1. Viki,

    Did you ever get an answer to your question? My fiancee has the same issue as you, turns 25 and needs to renew the passport. When she arrives here, her passport will expire in about 1 year. Can you get it renewed at the Uzbekistan consulate in NYC or Washington DC?

    She would not be a US Citizen for several years and thus would not have the chance to get a US Passport until then. I would think she would still be considered a Uzbekistan citizen until that time?

    I am just wondering if she would be able to visit her family in the time between arrival on K1 and getting US Citizenship.



  2. Does anyone know how to fill out the first question on DS156 form about passport # and details about passport issuance and expiration for a K2 child that does not have a passport. My fiancee's child is listed in her passport since he is only 3 years old. Would I leave these questions blank or do I put in the data from the mother's passport?

    Thanks in advance.

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