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Posts posted by dodger48

  1. I need help.  My wife is from the Philippines and we have been married for a little over 10 years.  She has her 10 year green card.  However, last year we had a huge argument and she decided that she wanted a trial separation.  So she went back to the P.I. Now we have been talking again online and want to reconcile and she wants to come back.  However, while she was living back in the P.I. her permanent  10 year green card has expired.  A friend here (also married to a filipina) said my wife needs a reentry visa.  So my questions are is a reentry visa the route we need to take?  Is that something I initiate here in the states or does she have to go to the American Embassy in Manila to process?  Do I have to make an appointment for her there at the embassy or can she just go there on a morning and request the reentry visa?  Also what paper work is required?  She has her expired green card and her Philippine passport.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. I have a stupid question. I see people all asking about time spent outside the United States as it applies for US citizenship and i'm just curious. How does immigration know the time you are out of the US. When you leave no one documents your passport that you left on a certain date. Im just curious how they verify all dates of travel

    I am not positive, but I know when I enter another country they stamp my entry, and exit dates in my passport.

    I think they could compute my time in USA by subtracting the time I was in a foreign country.

    However, when you read these statements it is usually for the non-US citizen, and their passport would be stamped on entry and exit from USA. So, theirs would be even easier to count the time.

    When you leave the USA on a flight you do not pass through immigration and your passport doesn't get stamped with the an exit date.

  3. I have a stupid question. I see people all asking about time spent outside the United States as it applies for US citizenship and i'm just curious. How does immigration know the time you are out of the US. When you leave no one documents your passport that you left on a certain date. Im just curious how they verify all dates of travel

  4. Hello all,

    my fiance has already has received the K-1 visa and planning on coming here to the US, i am planning on going to thailand for vacation and planning on coming back with him to the US, we are planning on coming through LA's port of entry. Has anyone had problems entering the US with your fiancee/ fiance; did they ask tricky questions; when coming back can i stand in the non-immigrant line with him or do i have to go to the US citizen line and wait for him to go through the non-immigrant line? I appreciate all of your answers, thanks you.


    I accompanied my fiance and came through the LA port of Entry and we had no problems. They didn't ask any difficult questions only asked to verify info and check ID ask reason for immigrating ( to marry my fiance and live with him). I went with her in the line and walked up to the desk with her in case she didn't understand what they were asking. The officer just scanned my passport and then processed my fiance while I was there. We were done in a few minutes.

  5. My wife an I have out AOS Interview on Monday. She is from Mexico, I am a US citizen and we have been married for 7 months.

    I am having some concerns about the upcomming interview becasue I know we have not used the last few months properly toprepare for it. My wife's autorization to work application is stil being precessed and we are still waiting for her non-work SS# which should take another 2-3 weeks. Becasue of this she has no job, no driver license, we have no joint bills or loans, or shared insurance.

    What we DO HAVE is an apartment lease with both our names on it. I have my 2006 Tax returns which I filed jointly. ( She had no income in 2006, and I left her SS# blank until we get her number in a few weeks) We have a year worth of pictures of us together, on trips and with family. We have met each others family and have spent holidays with family. We do have a joint savings account which we opened just a week ago.

    we have found it very difficult to gather more documents and evidence of our marriage without her SS#.

    Does anyone have any expierence in this matter to give an opinion of how our interview might go? Should we reschedule the interview so that we can gather more documents such as her DL, joint auto insurance, joint bills and health insurance.


    We had the same problem. The interviewer just took the lease agreement, the tax return and about 3 pics and went and made copies and said that was all he needed for approval.

  6. USCIS only cares about the baby if it has been born, then you need to file a seperate K-4 application for the child, so get your application in NOW. If you don't think you will have the 7-8 months, get married and file a K-3 and K-4 visa.

    Rob and Melinda

    The pregnancy makes no difference in your process. Also, you do not have to file a K-4 for the baby because the baby will already be an American citizen due to one of the parents being an American citizen. You would have to go to the American embassy and obtain a SSN and a American passport for the baby to travel.

  7. hi everyone! my husband and i have our interview tomorrow. we live with my parents so how can i prove that we live under the same household? also he still hasnt gotten his ead yet so he hasnt been working. i dont work either bc i am going to school. my parents support us so i do not have tax returns. we filed in late nov and got our interview for tomorrow so it came quick. does anyone have any ideas on how we can prove our relationship? we have tons of pictures and we have a joint checking and joint credit card account. also he has ca id that shows the address. i have both our cells under my name though. does anyone have any advice because we are very nervous for tomorrow! thanks!!!

    Just relax and it should be just fine. Our interviewer ask what we had to prove our relationship so i started pulling out albums, he said stop i just need to see a couple of pics then I showed a joint account statement and a medical card. He said thats all i need I will make copies and be back. After that he just verified that the names were correct then said we are approved. It was so quick and easy done in less than 10 minutes

  8. i have a question in regards to the aos interview. do i need to bring the i-864 again since i already sent it in? also i am the petitioner, do i need to bring in my passport to the interview?

    Its better to bring a copy with you just in case they ask for it. Also, they didn't ask me for my passport just a picture ID so I showed my state Drivers license but I had my passport with me just in case. It's always better to have to much documentation than to get this far in the process and be at the interview and not have something they ask about.

  9. Hello fellow VJers,

    As you can see in my signature, we're already half way thru this whole visa process stuff..we all know how nerve-wracking this whole experience is and a million thanks to VJ and all the friendly people in here who supported us during this journey. We still haven't got any word from NVC and the Consulate with regards to interview shedule but i have this very nagging question in my mind and i'm soo afraid this will affect the approval of my visa..Our situation is this ; we've been married for almost 5 yrs now but my husband and I didn't see each other since our wedding. He visited me here in PI twice- his first visit being the proposal,meeting the parents and some members of my family and asking my hand in marriage and the 2nd one was the wedding and honeymoon.. due to financial constraints, he wasnt able to visit me here again since then. .the same reason why he just started the petition last year..I wish he will be here during my interview but I dont think he can afford to do so plus the fact that he just got his current job just May of last year and he cannot take a leave of absence that easy..aside from the basic documents that the consulate requires,we can provide truckloads of documents as proof of our genuine marriage (emails,chat logs,wedding pictures,phonebills,money transfers,cards even letters and cards from his mom to me and vice versa) but the question is--would that be enough? Will my husband's absence and us not seeing each other for years create a doubt about our marriage?..if you are the CO, will you approve our petition?

    I need your inputs plsss...

    Thanks to everyone and God Bless.


    P.S. I dont want to elaborate in here how much we love each other..God knows how much and being not together for years is really really hard..we've been through a lot together despite the distance and there were also times that i want to lose whatever hope and faith i have but then what can I do? I LOVE HIM no matter what, I valued our marriage so much and I've waited for years for us to be finally together..I don't want to lose that chance during the consular interview so i need your opinions pls..thanks again.

    My wife had a friend who was in similiar situation only it was 3 years since they had seen each other. Her husband claimed financial difficulty. The CO that she got at the Embassy in Manila was very harsh and said that is ridiculous that anyone can buy a ticket on a credit card and come see their wife and pay off the amount slowly. Also if he couldn't afford the few hundred dollars to pay for the processing of her papers then how could he afford to have a wife. He denied their request. Also, someone suggested getting a lawyer, but if can't fly there how can he afford a lawyer. i suggest serious talk with his employer and I'm sure the employer would let him off for 1 week to go to the interview to explain and show legitimate relationship to the CO

  10. HI all again,

    Today my husband called to NVC and they said our case was sent to the consulate. And I discovered that he hasnot money saved on the bank to do the affidavit of support. I dont know what to do again, I am afraid because I can lose the chance to be with my husband in 4 months and I can get aparted him about 1 or 2 years!!

    is ther other kind of affidavit of support? what?

    How does it work?

    Who can be ellegible?

    What will they have to do?

    will they need to have other petition in their names?

    Sorry for all question, but when I think I am so close, things always happens.

    Thank you soo much

    The affidavit of support is his income from his job or employment, it has nothing to do with money saved in a bank. he only needs to have income above the poverty line.

  11. Hi Everyone,

    Can anyone recommend a good lawyer in Southern California? I will apply for the I-130 in April 2007, but the new rule (under #7 , proof of ongoing relationship) has made me nervous on how to apply.. I posted many times on this forum, but no one seems to have an answer.. my original question was this...

    "Sorry, I know I asked this before.. I was just wondering anyone's comments on the I-130 preparation.. do I submit everything in a small yellow folder (I-130, G-325A, and passport photos and marriage certificate).. or submit everything in a big package because of the new I-130 #7 rules? (proof of ongoing relationship) I am planning on submitting an I-130 soon (April 2007).. please help.."

    I'm not sure how to proceed now.. :help:

    Thanks Everyone!!


    We just finished our process and the proof of ongoing relationship is for the interview portion of the process. You will need this proof during the interview with the consular you do not need to submit it with your application package.

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