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Posts posted by tamoko899

  1. 1 hour ago, mdnl said:

    My husband has an appointment in UAE for his spousal visa. He is from Iran. While in Dubai, he sent me a picture of him with another Iranian guy he met and there was one German girl in picture he had not told me. When I asked who he was, he got very defensive then he went on and on attack me about how I live my life: don't work (I work part time), don't go out, no hobby. I just asked simple questions about where he was, what he did, what's his plan for the day, who she was and he got really defensive and was angry at me.


    Usually we talked about the same time everyday when he was back home. Since in Dubai, he has no fixed schedule so I never knew what he was doing. Communication is not easy. WhatsApp voice is blocked, Skype video is blocked (but we have not tried it yet, I just read it). I told him to use Hangouts, it worked but not so good quality but worked. I asked his UAE number so I could call, phone number was not found so I told him to try to call my US number from Skype. He accused me of being controlling. He didn't like me asking questions where he was about. He said I was spying on me.


    I felt wow... Something wrong? Why so defensive and private now?


    I told him not to come to interview and I want a divorce. Am I wrong and overreact or he was wrong for hanging out with a very young beautiful German girl he met in hostel? He told me she will go together with him tomorrow from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. 


    I feel he is being so disrespectful to me.


    What do you think?

    Hello everybody I am Taha. I am her husband from Iran. Since she trust more to other peoples opinion, so I'm  answering her here. Every story have two side! Now here my side. Most of the thing she said is true but the problem is she didn't mention some part of the story, so she can win this argument with me, however I belive there is no wining when couples fight. Both side will lose. Anyway, that day I came back home from Dubai fountain. That day I was angry, upset, and tired. Upset cause everybody had somebody to walk with but I was alone! I missed her more, I was angry because of two thing. First i bought a sim card few days ago, wich i didnt have signal most of the time.  But i paid for the sim 50 box!! Then after i saw the beatiful fountain i got angry because of my poor peope my compatriots that why they have to live under this regime cause iran could be instead of emirates! I refer all of you to check Iran 40 years ago and also emirate 40 years ago, youll get my point. 

    Anyway after i got home i send all the pictures to my wife, i dont like typing, but also i couldnt talk because skype and whatsapp is blocked. But i send the pictures for my wife. She always say thanks or good pic or you look good but instead she start to questing me! I answered calmly but i got angry at one point that she was keep questionsing me! I told her make a life for yourself. She is sitting whole day in home! Plus she don't have any desire for anything! I said when you do nothing you start to became paranoia and you attack  me and you acuse me for everything! She just work 1 or 2 day per week and she dont do anything at all at home! 

    Now about the german girl. I told to my wife about her!!! I was just trying to be honest to my wife! I told my wife that she is bag packer. And she stay in hostel for few days. And then i talked to her. Of course not just her. I became friends with almot all the people there. The first thing I told to german girl that I'm married and I'm here just for interview. She said ok. Then i showed her my wifes pic. These whole three days I talked to her two time. Also i become friend on Facebook with her. Then she said i want to go abu dabi on Wednesday and then i said if you want we can go together so we are not alone. She said ok. I told all of this to my wife! Yes all of this! If i had something to hide. I could never told her about German girl. I told her all of this but sound she hear nothing! She is keep repating all of this the wole day! Plus even thou I think I didn't do anthing wrong but today more for time I said sorry, forgive me cause I love her, but she was keep attacking me whole day. I got very angry. I said mean thing but she did the same also!! So we were even but yet I said sorry...yet know she still wants to attack me! My whole family and friends know about her, in Iran when you get marry you should stay marry, this is the culture here, whenever somebody marry in Iran. They stay marry forever! She knows about all of this

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