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Posts posted by Unsure

  1. Hi all- 

    i was wondering if anybody here had experienced something like this. I really need to understand better. 


    It has been 8 years since I first got my green card. After 4 years of legal marriage I got divorced. 


    I had a child on my own before marriage she was 2y/o when I first got married. About 3 years later I found out that my (now) ex husband was having an affair. We separated from each other. Then I tried to give another chance to my ex ex husband (father of my first child) and accidentally got pregnant of my second child. I was not legally divorced yet but separated. 

    Its documented that my second child was born on March/13 and that I signed the divorce letter on July/14. 


    That being said I went to my naturalization interview last week. 

    Passed the American History test but the officer spent almost 1 hour asking me questions regarding my ex husband and the time We were together. All the things that I've being trying to forget for so long. It was a mess!! I got really nervous, couldn't answer anything accurated  I was worried about my knowledge on the questionnaire and never thought that they would go back and ask me things about him. 

    Bottom of line, it seems like the officer didn't believe that my marriage was true love. She asked for more evidences regarding the time we were together. 


    Anyway, now Inness to send 2 affidavit letters from friends that new both of us and that were witnesses in our marriage and another affidavit letter from me explaining how my youngest child was born  DURING my marriage. Which means: before I've got divorced. 


    PLEASE HELP!! How to write these letters? 

    They gave me only 20 days to send everything. 


    Thank you all! 


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