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Posts posted by MonaJ

  1. Wir haben seit wir verheiratet sind eine tax lady und wir hatten mein Einkommen in Deutschland nicht beachtet. Es gibt da ja ein Steuer Abkommen mit Deutschland dafür und wir als deutsche müssen unsere Steuern ja nicht doppelt versteuern. Das müssen nur die Amerikaner die in einem anderen Land leben. Also wir haben einfach mein Gehalt als $0 angegeben und dann jointly und mein Mann hat den Freibetrag für uns beide angeben können. Und ab dem Zeitpunkt ab dem ich hier gearbeitet habe ist es dann ja sowieso einfach jointly. Ich hatte allerdings auch kein deutsches Konto oder sowas mehr. Habe also auch keine Zinsen in Deutschland mehr verdient und auch absolut kein Geld mehr in Deutschland gehabt dass versteuert werden müsste. Aber ich bin kein tax attorney! Also keine Garantie. Nur meine Erfahrung :)

  2. Hi :)

    Ich bin gerade diesen Samstag endlich mit meinem K1 angekommen. Jetzt hab ich eine Frage bezüglich Geld aus Deutschland überweisen. Wie habt ihr es gemacht mit dem Geld, dass ihr noch in Deutschland hattet? Habt ihr es in Deutschland gelassen? Oder wenn ihr es in die USA überwiesen habt über welche Bank oder über was habt ihr den transfer gemacht?

    Vielen lieben Dank für eure Hilfe. Jeder Input hilft :)


  3. Hi :)

    also ich habe Freitag auch endlich mein Package 3 bekommen und versuche gerade alle Dokumente fertig zu machen. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich keine Geburtsurkunde habe aber eine abstammungsurkunde. Weiß zufällig jemand von euch ob die auch geht? In Deutschland war es ja scheinbar sogar Pflicht, bis vor ein paar Jahren, diese bei einer Eheschließung vorzuzeigen. Wäre sehr dankbar für jede Hilfe.


  4. Hey :)

    I got another idea the other day for relationship evidence. No matter if future for the interview or RFE. I will download a few of the google maps history from days we spent together. Google maps actually safes places you visited in the history with date and time and even shows where you walked and drove. And it actually does that all the time in the background. Even if you don't actually use it. So if those match on days from both of us it should proof of being together, right?

    just got the idea the other day when looking up a place I visited a few days ago to go back to that one without having to research the address all over again. It's kinda creepy that it does that but is works. 

    Also we were thinking of credit card history from places we went together and both bought stuff. Like going shopping in an outlet or mall and we both bought stuff on each of our credit card. It's all there in the history and official bank stuff at the same time. Also we use venmo quite a bit and I'll send the history of having sent money back and forth for different things like hotels for our vacation or the split bill for our new furniture. So just a few more ideas for everyone ;)

    good luck and I'm sure we'll all get approved soon. And with case tracker working again wait will be an app stalking process again... thank you for the scans trilobyte

  5. 13 hours ago, Alex2017 said:

    Hi everyone, I can't believe it but we got approved!!!!!

    NOA 1: 2/27

    NOA2: 6/2


    I got an USCIS App update. My fiancé doesn't have any mail yet.


    I cross fingers for all of you to get approved soon!!!!!!


    Congratulations Alex2017!

    Your noa1 date is February 27th or your received date? just wondering because my received date is February 27th and I'm just so hoping to get an approval soon. 

    Good luck to everyone else on their approval too. We'll get it soon!


  6. On 5/15/2017 at 8:32 AM, Alex2017 said:

    Hi Mona and Silvia Marie,

    I'm from Cologne and will move to California near San Diego. I will not miss the weather here ;-)

    Where are you from in Germany, Mona?

    And where will you two be home after all that?


    I'm excited and tired of waiting at the same time. But the more days we're waiting the closer we are to the approvement.

    Hi everyone :)


    I am so glad this group exists. Just knowing I'm not the only person going crazy over waiting for some papers. Honestly it's so crazy like a lot of you said before that this is what keeps us from being with our loved ones. And in the end it's just a paper that allows us to stay with them! 

    I'm very fortunate on having spent the last 3 months with my loved one. After applying for the K1 I decided on flying to the USA and with the visa waiver program I was able to stay 3 month. But now it's our last week and leaving is even harder not knowing when to see him again. I'm not used to not being with him as we met when I lived in the US. This will be the longest time not being together. Not knowing how long it'll be is the worst part of it! So I'm really happy to have you guys and you all give me so much hope and also patience. Seeing you guys doing this helps me not being sad all day just because I'm scared of having to leave him  for a long time. Thank you all for being part of this VJ group and being there for each other!


    And to Alex and Silvia Marie,

    I'm from a small town in Saarland and I'll be living in Long Beach, CA hopefully by this fall. So not too far from you Alex. Where in San Diego exactly? I lived there for a year. I love that city! It's just amazing!


    Does anyone have an idea how long it approximately takes after receiving the NOA 2? VJ says the Konsulat in Frankfurt takes another 60days. What do they do? And is that before or after the interview?


    thank you all so much! And good luck to everyone that our cases get approved soon! :)

  7. On 5/13/2017 at 2:11 PM, Alex2017 said:

    Hi everyone and congrats to all that received their NOA2!!!  Lucky you!!! That gave me so much positive energy to keep on waiting...:D


    Is there also anyone from Germany here?


    And /Or is here anybody who also got their NOA 1 at  2/27 and is already approved or received an RFE or is still waiting (may be also not very patient like me anymore after all that time of waiting waiting and still waiting as i do, we all do ? ;)


    My Fingers are crossed for all of us

    Hi everyone and Hi Alex2017,

    I'm from Germany too and we have the same NOA 1 date. Where in Germany are you from and even more important where will your future US home be?

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