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Posts posted by markdavis803

  1. I am currently going through the K-1 visa fiancé petition again. The last time I had a lawyer but feel like I can do it alone this time because of our experience. I am trying to do like before and get together chat history that is sufficient enough to show that we communicate every day. I have heard people say send it and some people say don't worry about it, but I have decided in our case we will be better with it. I just wanted to know if someone has any experience obtaining messages off of Facebook recently and if so how they got it prepared. I was going to just take screen shots of some of our conversations including the parts where we talked on Messanger.  Any advice would be grateful as I am not computer literate and we are dealing with the Embassy in Cambodia.

  2. Thanks for the link! I have read and feel pretty confident understanding what is required on the US government's side for a CR1. The part that is confusing for me is understanding what happens after I leave the US Embassy in Cambodia with the permission to marry. My fiance lives there but is not street smart, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I am trying to find out if you have to stay there for a month and can avoid all the scams their government tries to pull. I have heard some people forking out as much as $1200 to get marriage certificates approved there. 

  3. Hello everyone! After trying in the past to bring my fiancé here on a K1 visa and being denied, I am planning to visit her soon and had plans to just get married there. I was wanting to do it here, but it's cheaper there and I've settled on just having a reception here instead. According to stories I have read it does not go along with what the US Embassy has listed on their webpage. Is there someone that can tell me where to look and find out the accurate information on what I need to do. Also before saying check the forums, I have and all date back years ago so I am hoping to hear back from recent dealings.

  4. I forgot to mention we do have papers signed by an appointed official there saying we had a ceremony for our engagement. We done this at her family's residence there in one of the provinces. The reason they denied her was because she couldn't answer 4 questions regarding an ex-wife I had over 8 years ago. I can not answer some of the questions myself because I do not stay in touch with my exes. I think had I been there, the questions would have been more fair. This time I will make sure I am there! I have also contacted all the senators and house representatives in NC, as well as local city council. I stay in touch with them and actually they are really well responding back. I even got a letter from former President Obama with his sympathy. Due to my job I have reached out and asked for backing from some personal with high rankings in the military. I also emailed the Cambodian Senator here in the States at the beginning of the year. I will have to look as I have forget his name, I think Sam? I thought that was pretty cool as he beat out another Cambodian for the position.

  5. I have been twice and was going for the third time this year. I was mainly waiting to go to her interview if she was awarded another one this year. Due to my job being classified there are many obstacles I have to overcome just to be able to travel outside the country and I can only take up to 8 days off within each year. Just trying to make that one trip count as much as possible! To share some light on how we met, I didn't meet her online. I have grew up around her family here in the States since middle school, her cousin is like a brother to me. I had been single for almost three years before I considered dating again. I have grown tired of trying to date women here in the states as I just haven't found what I was looking for. Her Aunt which I know very well got in on one of my rants and listened to me. She didn't even know I was single and mentioned her niece if I wanted to check her out. We talked for about 6 months before meeting and her Aunt helped us translate as well as accompanied me on my first trip. We knew how we felt prior to meeting, but spent about a week together traveling around Phnom Penh, before I asked her if she would marry me. Then we spent another half week in Siem Reap before I had to leave. The second time I was there we spent a few days traveling Cambodia to meet her relatives and we tried to conceive a child. I want her here more than anything but we both want so bad to have a child together! We constantly go back and forth who we both want the child to take after. Anyways off topic sorry! I work nights so I am going to look up and see how to obtain the K1 waiver form as well as how to start a new petition. Thank you so much for your time, advice, and help! I get overwhelmed with not knowing how to take care of something like this but I think with me trying to adjust to working nights and going back to school full time might contribute to that. The lawyer helped fill stuff out and file some stuff, as well as she knew where to look. Other than that a waste of $3,000 as I only worked with the lawyer's assistant.

  6. Thank you Nika for your response! I actually traveled to my local USCIS office before getting your response. It was a waste of time! I did ask about them holding onto to my petition until it expires on purpose. The lady pointed out that they did not put a date on my paper so it wouldn't expire like that. I asked about filing a new petition because I didn't want to just sit around and wait for nothing. She told me that I could but run the risk of an easy denial with my old K1 petition not being dealt with. I'm assuming she was referring to the denial on our record as she mentioned it would be difficult to overcome that if it was still there. This is what makes things so confusing I think. I am with you and agree I should just start a new petition. The only thing I don't feel 100% about is this denial being on our record and how it could pose problems. Of course I could not get any clarification on what to do from them. Just wondering should I verify this denial is off the table before I start a new petition?

  7. Hello I am new to the forum but have been trying to search through all the posts but really I'm more confused now. I do not understand all the abbreviations and short sentences so I'm hoping someone with patience and knowledge can help. My petition was approved and I got an approval notice of 6/22/2016 through 10/21/2016. My fiance got an interview though 11/10/2016. After reading the posts I am confused as if her interview was already to late. Nobody ever said anything and we done what the lawyer and other government agencies asked of us. Anyways she was denied due to the consular officer finding our relationship to be fraudulent. She couldn't answer 3 questions about an ex wife I had been divorced from about 8 years. I couldn't either to be honest as I have no idea where she lives or if she is close. I provided proof of my divorce decree and it shows how long ago it's been. As far as proof, the officers were pleased and told her she brought more than enough. The officer asking those questions just had to be the ****! So make it a point to discuss your exes people apparently it's American now. I have also been told they can even ask how much your spouse paid for a ring. While searching for an immigration lawyer you might well have a divorce lawyer handy as well! So November 10 2016 was her denial, now April 27, 2017 and USCIS has been reviewing our case since February 13th. Am I correct to assume from what I read I should file a new petition to get an interview quicker? She is in Cambodia and from what I have learned I would have to spend a month there to be able to get approved for marriage. I can't do that because of work and the home I bought for us. Looking for  some good advice or knowledge because I'm lost. I have thought about Rapid Visa because they seem to offer more than the Lawyer's assistant I had to deal with already. Just trying to not waste anymore time waiting if my petition has done expired. You would think as a government contractor for Homeland Security I would have insight or someone who can help. You can also wonder why I am on this forum after being labeled as a fraud trying to get my fiance here, I can assure you it makes going into my job now not so easy. 

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