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Posts posted by zimba

  1. Hello Rabbit NYC, how did you find out when was your interview? If I call the embassy they should tell me when is it, what should I ask them,last time I caqll she told me to look it up on USCIS>GOV web page but I dont Think that work, When you call did they tell you on the phone our interview date?, my papaer arrive in bogota on Dec. 29 and I would like to know when is my wife's interview, thank you for your help

    WWWOOOHHHOOO!!!! Just got through to the Embassy and they scheduled her interview for FEB. 2!!!!!! I'm so EXCITED!!!! thanx for errthing u guys!!! I'll be posting any updates!!!


  2. Thank you for your concerns, we dont have the approvel that evry night dont let us sleep peacfully, is a hard feeling to deal with but... I will not give up on my wife, I love her and God will show me the reason why these has taken so long, I will not be affraid, I do need your prayers to be strong, I married for the rest of my life, It took me 31 years to find Monica, I can wait a few Months for her, I know she exists now!!!!, knowing her is the real blessing, been with her is will be the reward for waiting, The best reward that I could ever get in my entire life, so pray, He's lisenting, and He's guiding our lives, pray more for Monica, my wife, she's having a real hard time slepping, she's thinking and stressing to much, GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

    P.D.:It took Him 2000 Years to send His only son to save us from sin, Its only been 6 Months for Him to send Monica to save me from my lonliness, He knows are pain, but we also grow from our pain, He knows whats best.

  3. Idont know if k1 are been aproved fater, I just wish my k3 would get approved now, I'm still wating since march and these is driving me crazy, I pray everyday and evrye moment I think of Monica and I feel alone because I feel like I'm the only march applicant left without an approval, Monica is sick, She can't sleep, Please help me pray, at these point I really dont know whats God's plan for our marrage, I feel so guilty that my wife is so stresed out, so if you have been waiting for three or four months and you are upset because you are waiting to long, stop!!! we have to belive that suffering is part of God's plan, I belive that, in my case the hard part is to make my wife understand that, I know she will be with me one day but diving hope and keeping hope at the same time is exusting, so pray for us and pray that no one else has to wait as long as we had.

    God bless you all

  4. Iguess I.m the last one of the march applicants that have not been apprved, I'm so sad about what's happining to my application, I try so many things and I have encourge alot of people in this site, but I feel today so sad, I miss Monica so much and I know that God must be so tired of lisiting to the same pray That i pray evevry minute of the day, it's been more than 180 days since my NOA1 and nothing,NBC forgot about me, Has God forgot about me too?, :(

  5. The process is hard, and the wait harder, I'm one of the march applicants and still waiting for an approvel, hang in there it will come, nothing is forever and in my case, I have learn to love Monica in a way that I never thougt it could be possible, the more I wait, the more I love her, God has a plan in our lives, we dont understand sometimes but he knows better than we do, when things are easy we dont cherish them as much as when is hard to get them, I know that when I'm together with her and all these adventure is done I will make sure to tell her everyday how much it means to have her with me and I know that my faith will grow and God will complete his plan in both of our lives, same in yours, ther is worst things than what we are dealing with all of us, at least we have hope that soon these will be over and we all be with our love ones, God bless all of you and dont lose faith, NEVER!!!!

    He created the world in 7 days, giving us an approvel for our applications is nothing for Him, you will see, just pray and He will hear and He will give too.


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