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Posts posted by estebanlars

  1. 4 hours ago, aleful said:



    you are confusing yourself with the word current, current means current year, an estimated of what you will earn up to tomorrow, meaning Dec 31st 2017.


    the 32 is past years taxes. current year is what you've earned this year and the estimation is close to what you will declare next year on your taxes.


    you mentioned assets, what assets do you have?


    Thanks, so I guess I will have to go with the $16,000 then. I have around $19,000 and $15,000 in stocks and bonds aprox. My wife also has a car around $10,000 that she is planning to sell, so we can add that too. In this case there would be no problem, rights?

  2. 45 minutes ago, Pavel1982 said:

    Please fill out your timeline. What is your current income now? You might need to get a joint sponsor( but you will be still the main sponsor)  if your last year income as per Tax return is zero and current income is not sufficient as per Federal Poverty Guidelines on Form I-864P

    Oh forgot, thanks, Ill update it now.


    It is more complicated yet... I started my graduate studies in August, so I finished working by July. My earned income in 2017 was around 16.000. I can meet the difference with my assets. I mean, it is more than enough to meet the difference, even though I am not currently working. I was planning on using my 2016 IRS tax returns as proof of my current income (32,000).

  3. Hey guys, I have a big concern regarding the Affidavit of Support and if I will be able to sponsor my wife, maybe you can help me out.


    My current income last year was of $32,000, so that is what I am filing out on Part 6 points 2 and 15 (which has a note that says: "the total will be compared to Federal Poverty Guidelines on Form I-864P". On the other hand, in points 19.a 19.b and 19.c they ask for the adjusted gross income on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040EZ. The problem is my income was foreign income (I used to work in Argentina), so my adjusted gross income instead of being $32,000 is basically $0. I previously had understood that the income they check for the Affidavit of support is the current income and not this adjusted gross income, so I was not that worried, but in Part 7 it says: "If your income, or your total income for you are your household, from Part 6., Item Numbers 19.a. - 19.c., exceeds the Federal Poverty Guidelines for your household size, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED to complete this Part 7, Skip to Part 8.".  What confuses me is that on one side they are talking about your household income (which could be related to point 15) and on the other hand they are talking about Item Numbers 19.a.-19.c. that explicitly mention the individual adjusted gross income. 


    What do you guys think? I am in condition to sponsor my wife? Or does USCIS strictly see Item numbers 19.a.-19.c.? Or maybe I am in conditions to sponsor my wife but I still need to clarify my assets, which are a considerable amount but by themselves they are not even close enough for sponsorship.


    Thank you very much for your help!!

  4. On 2017-6-8 at 8:02 PM, Jojo92122 said:

    You want an answer that no one can give you.


    On 2017-6-8 at 8:06 PM, f f said:

    for the f1 she will need to show she has greater ties to her home country so that she will return. you have a k1 vIsa in progress which is used to move to the us. you should see the problem there. that being said her odds of getting one is very low but if she never applies her odds are even lower.

    If she cancels her K1 visa process, do her chances to get the F1 visa go back to normal? Or do you thinks they will still believe she has immigrant intent?


    Thanks for everything.

  5. 20 hours ago, Jojo92122 said:

    The K1 shows immigrant intent, so it will be hard for your fiancée to get an F1 student visa which requires her not to have immigrant intent.


    She can not study on a tourist visa, that's illegal.  




    19 hours ago, audacieux89 said:

    I believe it would be hard to apply for another visa while the K1 visa is already in process...you should probably inquire with the US embassy for your case so they can advise you.

    Thanks! I called the embassy, they didn't gave me a yes or no for an answer, but the chances of getting the F1 visa certainly looked slimmer. Does anyone have any idea if the chances slightly diminish or if its sure we will get a no for an answer?

  6. Hi,


    How are you?


    My fiance currently has the possibility to apply for graduate studies beginning in August.  The thing is we are waiting for the K1 visa (immigrant visa/fiance visa), she received the NOA1 on the 23rd of April.  We were wondering what were the chances of getting accepted for a F1 visa before the K1 visa was ready (we calculate it will be around September/October).  I just called the embassy and they said that initiating the F1 visa was not going to put in danger the K1 application, but that the F1 visa may or may not get accepted.  My girlfriend really wants to start studying in August, but we were wondering if anyone knew how much were the chances that her F1 visa gets accepted.  Any information in this regard will be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks, Esteban

  7. Dear VisaJoruney community,


    A great opportunity opened for my fiance (NOA1 status since end of April) to study in the US since August 2017.  The thing is she applied for the K1 visa, I already received the NOA1 letter.  We speculate she will get the K1 visa around september.  Is it possible for her to get the F1 visa while we are waiting for the K1 visa? Does she have to go back to her country once she gets the interview for the K1 visa? How should we proceed in this particular situation? Any suggestions?  Maybe she can start studying with the tourist visa, and we dont get the F1 visa, I dont know. This study experience is really important for her and we would not like to miss it.


    Thank you very much for your help,


    Thanks, Esteban

  8. The idea is for her to be in the US until she receives the invitation to the interview.  The thing is since she gets notified that she has to complete the forms untill she gets the interview there is approximately more than a month of wait.  I was wondering if she could present the forms to the US embassy while she is in the US and await the interview in the US without being in Argentina (she can even have someone mail the forms from Argentina, or maybe prepare them from beforehand and leave them ready?.

  9. Hey, how are you? Good news I just received the NOA1. I have a quick question. My fiance (alien) will be visiting me in the US with a tourist visa while we wait for the K1 visa. When she receives the letter from the US embassy (she will receive to the argentine address, but it is possible that she will be in the US at the moment), can she send the US embassy forms while in the US or does she have to be in Argentina (her home country)?

  10. Hi, how are you?


    I have evertything in order to submit the I 129F. I currently live in Argentina, but I have a friend in the US that will send the I129F by mail and pay the $535 for me. The thing is I dont know where he can go to pay, how or to whom does my friend hand in the check? Or where can he go and pay with credit card? He lives in New York City. Any help is appreciated.


    Thanks, Esteban

  11. Hi, was wondering if a friend could pay the US$535 for the I129F form. I am a US citizen living in Argentina and planning on going to the States in a couple of months but I want to start the K1 process as fast as possible. Can a friend pay for the I129F with a check from his name? Paying by check is difficult for me if I am abroad.  I believe there are other payment options if I coordinate with the US embassy in my country, but I am afraid this will delay my application. What do you recommend?



  12. Hi, I am currently filling out the I129F and I am stuck with the question where my fiance intends to live. Here is my situation, what should I do? Both of us are living in Argentina and have no family in the states (I was born in the states but my family lives in Argentina), but we have some friends living in the US (I even put one of them in my mailing address). We are planning on getting the K1 visa and live in the US, but I will probably arrive around August and I will not have an address in the States until then. What should we use as the address where my fiance intends to live? Will that address be used in the future to continue with the visa application? Should I put a friends address? Leave it blank?


    Thanks again for everything!

  13. 31 minutes ago, SparklePony said:

    In that case:


    1) If you're amending your taxes in April, you can file the I-129f whenever you think you're ready as it should give you enough to get all the tax stuff in order by the time the I-134 is needed.


    2) It is highly advisable you have a US address to where USCIS can send notices to (NOA1, possible RFEs, NOA2, etc). Some people in your situation choose to use a relative or trusted friend's address, especially when living in countries where the mail service is not trustworthy. I believe a US address is not a requirement at this time. Also, one thing to consider is the payment for the petition, which needs to be done through a US bank check or (I believe) a US-issued money order. 

    Thank you very much! This is really useful!

  14. Hi,


    I am a US citizen that has lived most of his life abroad, I am marrying my girlfriend, and she is applying for the K1 visa. Our idea is to go to the US on the second half of this year. I have two major concerns that are worrying me:


    1) I missed filing taxes, as I didnt understand tax regulation in the US (I am fixing everything this April).

    2) I dont have an address in the US as I only lived there until I was two years old.


    Do you think these two issues may be an inconvinience in applying for the K1 visa?


    Thank you in advance!



  15. Hi,


    Me and my girlfriend are considering marrying and are wondering if there is any inconvenience if we marry in the states and she later applies for a CR1 visa while she is a student there and has a student visa. She will be studying for a year and a half and we want to get married.  Will we face any type of inconveniences? It will be nice for her to have the CR1 visa once she finishes her studies.



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