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Posts posted by Carte

  1. Boiler: as you can see from the above topic its complicated, for me I did not witness this divorce , and i did not divorce my wife(ex wife) i was surprised that there is a court decree against me telling me that am divorced and she was the one telling me that, when i wanted to ask these questions like how is that possible and i didn't divorce or did not even receive any court notice, was completely blocked , and because you know its not easy to just go to the American Embassy tell them i want to sue an American citizen for polyandry, they asked me to provide the  supportive documents to proof the crime has been committed, which i do not have any access to. so as for the marriage am talking about now according to the factual statement, she did the divorce whether i like it or not it happened. and i want to move on with my life , not asking for a fight or trouble .

  2. hello guys 

    first thanks a lot for paying attention to my inquiry.

     Replying to lemon slice: About having a visa to Canada, not yet but i am preparing for our marriage here in Egypt, and my fiancee and her family they want me to go there live together. I do not really have it in mind to move to Canada, but when we discussed it , they said i need to be there and its for better life, so yes visa  will be a must after we are married, and my previous questions was to make sure i do not get surprised by something was set up against me.


     Replying to boiler: I am From Egypt and my Fiancee is from Canada, my Ex was from the united states.


     Replying to My wife my Hope: my friend! the sad thing here when she left me was back in 2011, November, then in January 2012 i was surprised she is married while we are already married, i fall sick in a deep shock for two years when i woke up was too late she blocked all my way to contact her or any of her family did , so i assume she told them something not OK against me  to prevent me from getting to anyone and be able to defend myself  ,  because you know  what she did was not only one crime but 1- misleading court because i never received any notice so i had no chance to be represented in court and defend myself, so that makes that last marriage invalid. from another prospective 2- according to the states Law, marrying another man while already married is called Polyandry  that would be a subject for 3 to 10 years sentence in jail depends on the state involved.

    with all that i do not even have any reference to the court decree whee i can obtain and have an idea, what she told them in court to get this divorce. so I am kind of lost because i never been to the states,and some how i feel like I am an idiot, because i refused to do the immigration procedures when they waned to apply for me.


    replying to suss&cam: I never applied as i mentioned Above they were bugging me  to do it but i was in love with my ex, and didn't want to apply because some people there said i only married her  to get the greed card, so i wiped out the idea of my head, for 6 years together never even tried to mention it.



    My Reply: i think Suss&Camm is right somehow, i need a good lawyer, but you guys might laugh when u know i already tried that.  I used to be good  until things turned out that way and my ex succeeded to take everything and leave me broke ###, so that i can never reach her and you guys know how it is; when non America citizen involved in  an American divorce, lawyers in America are really good in talking to you in a way to make u feel better, while from the other side draining your pocket to the point that even before u get a clear idea of what  happened you already lost too much. I am only sharing with you guys ,i believe sometimes best Advice comes from somebody who does not even know you, But  if am lucky to be here maybe there is an idea if any American citizen or anyone here lives in America, who can do the effort to make this check maybe from there because American Citizen according to the constitution they have the right of knowledge, so if someone can make this check and even if it cost some money we can handle that.


  3. Hello guys

    My issue is a little bit Complicate  i hope to find a good Advice;

    I was married from A US citizen for around 6 years and live in Egypt and she used to go back to the states to visit Family back and forth , after 6 years we have had some arguments about whether to stay in Egypt or USA  I wanted to remain here in Egypt and she wanted to stay back home in America, that ended up with  huge disagreement she left back to the states, we still in contact  and all of a sudden i discover she is married from another person  when i asked her she said i filled for a divorce, knowing that i did not recieve any court notice i did not know anything about that divorce, had no choice but to accept the bitter truth its already done, i moved on with my life ,  after 5 years now am about to go to canada to my fiancee some one from Canada said that I am flagged from entering the states and Canada, and i do not even know what i have done.  so my questions:

    1 does it make sense that i get flagged or banned from entering the states due to oral report without any prove that i  did anything ?! assuming that My ex and her family did that to prevent me from entering the states or being able to defend myself against that fraud marriage mentioned earlier!!

    2 if this could be what Options do I have to know for sure whether am banned ,flagged or not?! and what does Canada has to do with the states  immigration laws?! again I am sure 100% i have never done anything against the law.

    thank you very much for reading and trying to Advice


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