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Posts posted by Amin16

  1. 1 hour ago, Halalbrother said:

    Thank you for you help, I really appreciate it

    this post from a 10 months ago I'm now In US


     Halalbrother ......u shared with us tht they kept ur passport but they didnt ask for any missing documents so im in same boat like u were...but u never shared i think why.... i mean did u  hav any idea why they made u go throught AP ???

  2. 1 hour ago, Halalbrother said:

    Thank you for you help, I really appreciate it

    this post from a 10 months ago I'm now In US


    Keeping the passport isnt always a good sign as so many ppl think

    My friend recently had his case sent back to the uscis and he is cr1 visa he wé throught AP for 50 days (sponsor and marriage licence)..he sent them those missing documents but after 50 days they called him telling him  to come take his passport n tht his case was sent  back to uscis...

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ben&Zian said:


    Your AP is just a standard AP then. Everyone goes through some form of AP. Whether for 2-3 days, 2-3 weeks, 2-3 months or more.


    She will have no bearing at all on the outcome or length of the AP.

    I dont know wht u mean by standard AP?

    And just i said it may help bcs the CO during the interview was reffering to the immigration  too much and she even told me ( sir u r trying to manipulate ur wife and u r trying to immigrate ) so thts why im thinking abt my wife going to the embassy and clarify some points ...idk

  4. 14 minutes ago, bookman said:

    Who told u that DV winners does not get affected by AP nightmare? Almost all Visa cases get affected, once there is a name hit, missing documents, n the list goes on.. AP is a nightmare, Halalbrother was trying to encourage u. My advice to u is be patient.. it's difficult to be patient at this time but keep urself busy... Follow some AP timelines n moreover be positive...AP is a nightmare I am a living witness.

     Trust me they would never make a DV owner go back to the line oky they may put them into ap but once theu get thr missing documents then everything goes fine

    Listen im not trying to be bad to any of those visa categories but if u tell me tht k1 visa go into AP and some of them get denied at the end i may say ok they hav the chance to go for cr1 bcs its something more serious ...but someone who is into cr1 with his wife then wht do u want him to do...sometimes the only thing left tht we can do is put ur wife into the documents so she may show them the real life u hav together...bcs it is never fair for a CO sitting behind a glasse to judje a relationship tht has arround 3 or 4 years ...


    Anyway my wife is coming after 8 days and she is willing to go to the embassy n talk to the CO as another proof tht she is here n more...u think its good thing to do ? 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Halalbrother said:

    Salam Alaykum everyone,

    I was lately busy but I was following you guys and read all your comments and questions.


    please for who is waiting for thier visa and finished interview be patient for 60 days and then follow up with the Embassy again.


    Specially in Egypt the call center for the embassy is outsourcing and they will never give any information " is that mean they don't know or see your updates?" No they know everything and can see every update for you but they didn't have this authority to give a piece of information( my advice don't waste your time with them in a call) just email the embassy.


    I'm sorry to hear about the ban for you guys from these countries but trust in Allah and be patient the government is working on it here.


    people from Egypt ( please don't worry if it takes time or not after interview) because sometimes you are approved and then you see you are in AP  scenario!

    AP is a process for everyone from middle east specially (Who is Muslim) Cristian people take visa faster than anyone who is Muslim ( but as I said it's AP  scenario )


    each embassy working in different way but under one rule "AP  scenario " people here in US in NVC don't know what are these guys doing in the embassy? However they are doing their work and I only agree with them in one point to check on everyone is coming because as there are a good people there are many bad people that cause us a problem because they are bad people cover themselves under Islamic religion flag.


    why I said that? 

    Because I want to tell everyone that AP it's a role for who wants to come to US but more difficult for who are Muslim.

    AP it's not only about your relationship with your spouse.

    AP is about your name in system

    about your religion 

    your background i.ln your country 

    your education

    your work history

    your lifestyle and history 

    your relatives history 

    and if you're good and everything is ok but your name get hit in thier system "then you have to wait" until it's clear.

    my advice read the FBI notes and check and see.


    BTW,people here in US different than you see in TV. You will find a lot of good educated kind people and as any country you will find bad people too but the most they are good and this is the American people that I know.


    Guys, I know how it's important for you this visa to be with your family or spouse or relatives but you need to know something is really important " patient is the key" to go through all these ridiculous procedures and being pinding or banned or listed or or or .there is always a key " patient "


    I was in your shoes and I never do something bad or being bad I just have to go through these process with my visa that makes family far away from each other and make them crying and depressed and  frustrated and be unhappy by being far from each other just because process that you don't know what's going on?except you have to wait!


    Be happy with your family and live with it and don't makes it mix your life up " speically for the man is waiting for the visa" try to be patient and make yourself happy with your wife,give her your time because that's the only thing that she can takes from you until to be together and always appreciate her in your life because she hurts, depressed, frustrated ,unhappy for every single second that you are far away from her.


    I really wish for all of you the best than I have and be with your spouse or family soon in sha Allah ( God willing ).

    these days will be faster than you think and process going faster because there are many embassies in ban countries stop working on immigration that gives a lot of hope to other countries that they can be accepted.


    wish for all of you the best and these four years go so fast and as I always said " no orange no problem " 


    I will try to keep in touch.

     Please keep me updated.



    I dont agree with ur way of talkung..ur information may be true but ur way i dnt agree with it ...at the behining when u xere in AP and suffering like we r suffering ow u were never able or even thinking abt wht u r saying now ...let me tell u tht thid AP is tottaly a bullshit n i see as a way to torture ppl and as way for the CO to show their real racisme especialy after trump laws ... 

    Let me tell u tht i saw 2 cases of ppl i know ..one of them he went for AP for missing documents ( fb chats and medical results tests) guess wht the first thing he did when he got off the embassy  was to call his wife n tell her to F... off but just after  15 days he took his visa. ...the other guy i know he is nice guy he was in AP for missing documents for 50 days he gave them their documents but then they called him telling him tht hid case was sent back to the uscis.... i am also in AP for no missing  documents for like 21 days now...al i see is this is way to enjoying tirturing ppl and it can never be a way to evaluate if we r bad or good as applicants bcs u never can know the inside of person n let me tell u tht this of interview for cr1 visa is tottaly a game ..how come for a dv lottery winners to go to usa so easily and n when it comes to the cr1 visa applicants they make u sometimes back to the uscis ..u dont know wht r u talking abt cus u only lived few months in AP but if they made u back to the uscis then wait from 12 to 18 months to hav a second inteeview then right there u will see clearly.....

    good luck to everyone 

  6. 12 hours ago, Penguin_ie said:

    When you say "AP for no missing documents", do you mean security/ name checks?  The reason that takes longer is because they need to be thorough, and it can take months or even years, whereas if AP is for missing documents, once you send them in, it's done.


    Idk if all AP for no missing documents means its back ground check or security name check as u said .... maybe there are other type

  7. 35 minutes ago, Jaanu2017 said:


    My wife went for her immigrant visa interview on December 22, 2016, which is 90 days ago, and until today there is no news whatsoever on her case nor any kind of status update online. She was put on AP......

    My friend thank u for sharing ur story n trust me we r all in AP ...

    So thts why i want the posts here to be abt those who had AP and at the end they had their visa bcs tht we will me and u n others having hope even while AP ...

  8. 10 minutes ago, NancyNguyen said:

    If 221g further administrative processing is required then no one can tell about timeline, it can be fast or slow. Good luck.


    My dear friend i said for those who had g221 for no missing documents and at the end they had their visa so im talking abt applicants who already done with the administration  process ...bcs this will help and give hope  to those who r currently in AP 

  9. 7 hours ago, NancyNguyen said:

    I got blue sheet for whole bunch of non senses documents (ex spouse, current address, bank statement to prove I bought air tickets myself, fiance relative, detailed timeline, family tree, more proofs...) I submitted them next day in person, they told me to wait and 2hrs later they called to to windows and said congrats your visa was approved.


    Thank you for sharing ur experience my friens but i was focusing on those who had administration  process n recieve the g221 for NO MISSING DOCUMENTS 


  10. 2 hours ago, zizou2017 said:

    Same khoya...I a little bit far behind though...Still stuck in the USCIS step. Did the Co ask you other questions?

     No really the questions were amostely abt my wife n her family members which is so easy to answer bcs i already know abt her family 


    So bro if u r at the uscis then wht make u know abt the AP do u already know ppl that hav AP before ?

  11. 7 minutes ago, zizou2017 said:

    It is a good sign she kept your passport...First you know it is not a decline. Second AP might be shorter than usual because they often don't wanna hold your passport if they are planning on taking long to not interrupt your future travels. It is just a matter of waiting for you, khoya....please tell us more about how the interview went and what questions they asked. It helps tons.


    Well the interview went too fine except for 2 things ..the first thing she told me tht i lied abt my job bcs i applied in the past for tourist visa and i got rejected and the second thing she told me tht u just want to immigrate bcs she asked me abt my past and my wife  past and i told her that i was with canadian girl than i broke up with her bcs she cheated on me then 7 months later i met my wife ...so except those 2 bad points my interview was too fine and normal 

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