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Posts posted by clairerubunda

  1. Hi all!

    My sister has just received form DS 3032 and been asked to send her $70 to the NVC. How long does the process take from this time, and does this mean her Visa Number will be immediate? She was just about to take up a 6 month lease on a flat!

    She's being sponsored as an unmarried daughter over 21 of a citizen if that helps :)

    Does know one know the response to this answer? I am very surprised as there is so many knowledgeable people on Jvourney! Please help me :)

  2. ur husbands mother can be a co sponsor if her retirement pension is above the 125 percent poverty guifelines different countries have different figures so check with the country ur from to see what the figure is my gf is a filipina and we are in the k1 process i am also using my mom as a joint sponsor i hired a lawyer and my lawyer told me a joint sponsor was fine as long as my mom was over the poverty guidelines so im sure ur husbands mom could sponsor but only if she meets the guidelines

    Im not sure this response was for me, i don't understand it!?

  3. Hi, Sorry to but in on this post.......

    My father is a permanent resident and has a petition for his daughter (my sister) to come to the US. Would it really jump to 6-12 months once he becomes a USC? He is eligible to apply now, just hasnt one the paper work.

    Thanks in advance...


    How old is your sister?

    Shes over 21 (37). I thought it was more like 6 years from start to finish?

    She applied in Jan 2007 as an unmarried daughter over 21 of a LPR. Our Dad will be applying for citizenship any day now as he just reached his 5 years.

    Thanks :-)

  4. You can apply for your daughter right now as an LPR. When you become a USC, you can upgrade the petition and it will be a shorter wait versus waiting to file until after you become a USC.

    If your husband is a USC, he can file for your daughter as his step-daughter. This would be the quickest way for your daughter to get an immigration visa.

    My husband is a USC but he's already dead. If I'll petition my daughter when I'll become a US citizen how long it would take?

    6-12 months.

    Hi, Sorry to but in on this post.......

    My father is a permanent resident and has a petition for his daughter (my sister) to come to the US. Would it really jump to 6-12 months once he becomes a USC? He is eligible to apply now, just hasnt one the paper work.

    Thanks in advance...


  5. LPR sponsoring an unmarried child over 21 gets Family 2nd pref (F2B) and have to wait for a visa number to be assigned to the case.

    NVC is currently assigning numbers to F2B cases filed August 1999, so it looks like 8-9 years for a visa number to be issued in the F2B priority class.


    Becoming a Citizen will up the priority from F2B to F1, the wait on that priority is about 6 years.

    Thanks for responding.........this has helped clear it up for me. Although why do the processing times for I-130s show as processing visas for sooner than that?

  6. Hi All

    Sorry to post this question, but i am very confused about processing times for my sister!

    My Dad is a perminent resident and has sponsered my sister as an unmarried daughter over 21 on an I-130 visa. The process started about 18months ago.

    How long aprox does this process take from start to finish (she is from the UK). And will its speed up the process once he/dad becomes a US citizen in about 1 year?

    I am confused because if you look at the processing times for I-130's they show a US citizen as being slower than a perminent resident, and my searches show up a lot of K3 visas with the I-130s. I am finding varying times from quotes of 3 years to 9 years? How long can this process really be done in?

    Thanks all, i know you are all a world of information!

  7. Hi,

    My Dad is a permenent resident of the US and has been for 4 years. He applied for (my sister) his daughter as an unmarried daughter over 21 on a i-130.

    On the processing times link I found this...

    "I-130 Petition for Alien Relative Permanent resident filling for an unmarried son or daughter over 21 February 07, 2005 "

    But have read on here that it takes 10 years, where am I going wrong?

    How long is the process for this type of visa?

    Thanks all.


  8. Hi ALl.

    I moved to the USA in November 2006, and got married on a K1 fiance visa December 1st 2006.

    I was self emplyed from Jan 06 - Nov 06 when I left. I didnt file a tax return before I left, or notifly them I moved abroad. I have been ignoring it hoping it will go away.......I think I needed to file this JAn 07 for the end of that tax year, and then what do i do with this tax year?

    I have 2 questions (morals aside)

    1; Will the USA find out when I do AOS and could it effect me?

    2; Will the uk tax people find me, or just ignore it if i am not at that address.

    I feel so bad about this and keep putting off doing anything cos I know I dont have the money for a tax bill, and I figure with a new name in a new country it wont matter? I know thats bad....Any ideas anyone?

    I did pay tax as a PAYE before I went self employed.

    1 - No, this will not affect your AOS in any way.

    2 - Who knows - they may at some point??

    I was self-employed in the UK too. I was a tax and NI payer but that is not the point. This is just my experience with the tax office and being self-employed.

    The only thing I think it would affect is if you returned to the UK and started work again. Never say never and all that. I assume, because there was no tax paid, and they did not even know you were working, there is still the issue of NI contributions unless you were registered as unemployed. That means your NI contributions have not been paid for those months. Most would argue that there probably won't be a pension available for you when you retire, but NI contributions also count towards sick pay and other things I can't be arsed to look up. Again, this isn't relevant to you if you plan on never returning, but that is the question no one can answer from the future, near or far.

    I don't know. That's the only thing I can see happening. But like Mark says, going back at some point would make it difficult, and there would be a huge bill waiting for you once you kick into the system again.

    Personally, I'm too much of a worrier too. Call your local tax office back home. I have ALWAYS had very good luck with their staff. They are friendly and helpful, and surprisingly know what they're doing most of the time! But that is your choice. For now, you don't have to worry yourself -- people have done a lot worse! PM me if you need help. :)


    My Husband doesnt know, and I keep putting it off. I think I will take a couple of days to think about it, its only a few months worth of tax, and I plan on not going back to the U"K as all my family is in the US anyway. But you never know how things turn out, so maybe I will call them????? hmmmmmnwhat to do!

    Thanks for the adice, I may come back to this again....

  9. Hi ALl.

    I moved to the USA in November 2006, and got married on a K1 fiance visa December 1st 2006.

    I was self emplyed from Jan 06 - Nov 06 when I left. I didnt file a tax return before I left, or notifly them I moved abroad. I have been ignoring it hoping it will go away.......I think I needed to file this JAn 07 for the end of that tax year, and then what do i do with this tax year?

    I have 2 questions (morals aside)

    1; Will the USA find out when I do AOS and could it effect me?

    2; Will the uk tax people find me, or just ignore it if i am not at that address.

    I feel so bad about this and keep putting off doing anything cos I know I dont have the money for a tax bill, and I figure with a new name in a new country it wont matter? I know thats bad....Any ideas anyone?

    I did pay tax as a PAYE before I went self employed.

  10. Hi All

    I sent of my AOS last week. THey sent it back to me because I had the wrong dates on my cheques/checks!

    My silly Husband dated them 2006 instead of 2007, but this wouldnt stop them banking them, its not like the were post dated!

    Anyhow, off to the post office again today. DO i just send the whole thing back as they sent it (they stapled a lot of stuff together etc) and enclose new cheques/checks?


  11. Wow, so someone who has paid NI all there life cant get stuff on the NHS just because they live abroad? What a cheek!

    I would have assumed that as he is no longer earning, his situaton would be the same anywhere he lives...........he isnt contributing anymore as he isnt working, he is all paid up, so what does it matter where he lives! Hmmmmm i wonder if he knowes this?

    Thanks guys, informative as ever!

    Ps. I have a toyboy too, mine is 7 years younger!

  12. Is the US Medical System an unknown?.

    I can not see us retiring in the US, and an 80 year old with no Medical Insurance....

    And no money.

    I didnt say he had no money I said he wasnt very wealthy! And I guess wealthy is different to different people..he has a good pention, and a house and car to sell, and savings. He has NO MEDICAL problems at all, and will live with his children, so would have no outgoings except a car.

    In fact my dad retired here and has no medical cover. He is flying back to th UK for a free hip replacement for the cost of a $300 flight. He figures thats less than one months insurnce. Am not sure if in an emergeny he would be bancrupt though!

    Am not sure I would go that route but its their life!

    Nothing to stop him getting medical insurance.... here in MA he could get insurance based on his income so the less he gets in pensions the less he will pay for insurance and if his pensions are below a certain leave his medical insurance will be free...


    Wow, thats interesting! I will bear that in mind.....whon is that insurance with?

  13. Is your Grandfather very wealthy?

    How on earth can a 80 year old even contemplate moving to the US.

    Bankrupt in no time.

    (My Parents are very near 80 and quite well off, no way could they move to the US)

    No he is not very wealthy.......He wants to move to the US because all his grandchildren and children live here for various reasons. He has no imidiate family left in the UK.

    My dad, who is not rich buthas plenty to retire on, would do an Affidavid for him I guess?

    Does wealth come into it at all? Also, I know you can move to Australia if you can prove you have no imidiate family left in your own country, does anyone know if that applies for the US?

  14. Your Grandfather could not just arrive on a VWP after selling up everything in the UK as he would have immigrant intent... your Father would need to file form I-130 for him and then go through the process of getting an immigrant visa through London, once that was approved he could then sell up everything and move to the USA... I thinkl it is a IR5 visa... you are looking at maybe 18 months to get him here..


    I see... i thought it may be too good to be true!

    18 months isnt too bad though.... I think they thought it would be more like 3 years!

    Thanks everyone for your help, I will forward to my Dad so he can be prepared.


  15. HI

    I am posting on my fathers behalf for his father (my Grandfather)

    My Father is shortly going to be a US Citizen. He then wants to bring over his father, who is 80. He is very fit and able with no health problems at all. He is fitter than his son!

    I have 2 questions....

    1; how long does the process take and is it guaranteed (subject to medical)

    2; can he adjust staus while here? I know is some cases he can, but i cant find the specifics..... (see the first chapter here undefined )It says in some cases a father can adjust status if he entered the US legally, so would that mean on just a normal visa waiver? Could he do this having sold his house and everything in the UK or would he need to enter, adjust and then go home to finalise his house sale etc?

    I hope this makes sence?

    (Ignore my time line ect.....I am here on a K1 which is totaly irelevent to this post)

    Thanks all!


  16. Our package 3 was signed for at the London Embasssy on October 23rd, over three weeks ago. We still haven't received our package 4 with an interview date. Should we be worried?

    We've seen some other K3 applicant couples on here who say they sent the package 3 in around the same time as us or even later and they've already had their interview!

    Is it worth ringing the Visa Helpline (09042-450-100), or is that a waste of time and money? We've tried calling the NVC, but they told us that we needed to speak to the embassy itself.

    Any help/advice/encouragement gratefully received....

    PS - The one thing that may be delaying us is that we previously lived in the Netherlands, which for some reason is one of the countries that the Embassy has to apply directly for my police record. Has anyone any experience of this and would it delay our application this much?

    I woudnt start t worry just yet. As long as you sent packet 3 special/recorded delivery and you know they got it. It took 2 weeks for me to get my interview letter, but that is concidered super quick! I would wait for 4 weeks to be up and then chase it up. If you didnt state a travel date then they wont priorotise you.

    I am sure it will come very soon! Dont worry.

    All the waiting gets to you doesnt it!

    Good luck x

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